PeRCent members share their knowledge in podcast series

Several PeRCent members have participated in the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge).


The PeRCent collaboration with the podcast series 'Rig på Viden' (Rich on Knowledge) has lead to five additional episodes featuring PeRCent members. The podcast aims to communicate complex research in investment, finance and economics in a simple language. In total, 10 PeRCent members have now participated in the series, resulting in 14 episodes. Find a list of podcast episodes and links below.

Recession, Renter og Inflation med Jesper Rangvid (in Danish)
Jesper Rangvid fortæller om den nuværende økonomiske situation, risikoen for recession og hvorfor ECB bør sætte renten op.

Aktieinvestorer i en kompliceret verden med Michael Møller (in Danish)
Professor Michael Møller deler sin viden, hvordan aktieinvestorer kan investere både simpelt og billigt. Ideelt bør rådgivning ikke tage mere end 4 minutter, før modtageren hægtes af. Som altid har Michael spændende anekdoter at dele gennem sin mangeårige tilværelse i forskningsverdenen.

Housing, mortgages, and self-control with Kathrin Schlafmann (in English)
Kathrin Schlafmann, assistant professor at Copenhagen Business School tells how problems of self control affect housing and mortgage decisions of households and what that implies for the impact of mortgage market regulations. 

Afdragsfrihed med Linda Sandris Larsen (in Danish)
Linda Sandris Larsen deler sin forskning om afdragsfrie realkreditlån og hvordan de påvirker forbrugsadfærd. Desuden hvilke livsfacer afdragsfrihed giver mening til at udjævne sit forbrug. Artiklen: "Mortgage consumption, Larsen, Munk, Nielsen, Rangvid 2021". Episoden er lavet i samarbejde med PeRCent.

Wealth Inequality and Pension Reform with Katja Mann (in English)
Katja Mann, Assistant professor at Copenhagen Business School, talks about how the pension system in Denmark affects inequality. The episode is sponsored by PeRCent.

'Rig på Viden' has now reached 77 episodes. Find all episodes featuring PeRCent here.

The page was last edited by: Department of Finance // 01/25/2024