Department of Finance


You can find the most recent placements of our job market and PhD candidates here - the list shows the first placement of the student after finishing the program and includes graduates from the year 2015 and onwards

You can find the most recent placements of our job market and PhD candidates here. The list shows the first placement of the student after finishing the program and includes graduates from the year 2015 and onwards.

Placements Europe

Placements overseas

BI Norwegian Business School Chicago University (Booth)
Bocconi University Milan Cornerstone Research NY
Cass Business School Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Danica Pension Incheon Development Institute in South Korea
Danmarks Nationalbank University of Virginia (Darden)
Karolinska Institutet Federal Reserve Board of Washington DC
PWC Zurich Yale School of Management
McKinsey University of Technology Sydney
Saxo Bank  
Selandia Capital
University of Sussex
WU Vienna
Rotterdam School of Management
Jyske Bank
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Copenhagen Business School
Syddansk Universitet
Erasmus School of Economics


The page was last edited by: Department of Finance // 02/28/2025