
Department of Finance

  • Center for Big Data in Finance (BIGFI)
Assistant professor
PhD, Stockholm School of Economics, 2014

Room: SOL/A5.20
, Mobile:
+45 41852446
E-mail: ao.fi@cbs.dk
Primary research areas

Household Finance

Personal Finance

Behavioral Finance

Labor Economics

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Publications sorted by:
Arna Olafsson; Michaela Pagel / Retirement Puzzles : New Evidence From Personal Finances.
In: Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 234, 6.2024
Journal article > peer review
Leandro Carvalho; Arna Olafsson; Dan Silverman / Misfortune and Mistake : The Financial Conditions and Decision-making Ability of High-cost Loan Borrowers.
Los Angeles, CA : University of Southern California 2023, 74 p. (CESR-Schaefffer Working Paper, No. 2023-004)
Working paper
Bruce Carlin; Arna Olafsson; Michaela Pagel / Mobile Apps and Financial Decision Making
In: Review of Finance, Vol. 27, No. 3, 5.2023, p. 977-996
Journal article > peer review
Leandro Carvalho; Arna Olafsson; Dan Silverman / The Alignment of Household Preferences and Financial Decisions Leading up to Retirement
Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan 2022, 18 p. (MRDRC Working Paper, No. 2022-446)
Working paper
Arna Olafsson; Michaela Pagel / Borrowing in Response to Windfalls
Paper presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of American Finance Association. AFA 2021, 2021
Paper > peer review
Arna Olafsson; Michaela Pagel / Borrowing in Response to Windfalls
Paper presented at AEA Annual Meeting 2020, 2020
Paper > peer review
Arna Olafsson; Herdis Steingrimsdottir / How Does Daddy at Home Affect Marital Stability?
In: Economic Journal, Vol. 130, No. 629, 7.2020, p. 1471-1500
Journal article > peer review
Arna Olafsson; John Gathergood / The Co-holding Puzzle : New Evidence from Transaction-level Data.
London : Centre for Economic Policy Research 2020, 43 p. (Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers, No. DP14799)
Working paper
Sean Hundtofte; Arna Olafsson; Michaela Pagel / Credit Smoothing
Paper presented at Consumer Finance: Micro and Macro Approaches, 2019
Paper > peer review
Sean Hundtofte; Arna Olafsson; Michaela Pagel / Credit Smoothing
Paper presented at The 54th Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association. WFA 2019, 2019
Paper > peer review
More results... (total 28 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

Member of the Fiscal Policy Council of Iceland

The Fiscal Policy Council is a government agency. Its remit is to conduct an independent evaluation of the Government’s fiscal policy. The Council fulfills its tasks primarily through the publication of a report that is presented to the Government once a year.