
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Lars Bo

Room: KIL/14.A-2.82

Lars Bo Jeppesen is a Professor of Innovation Management at Copenhagen Business School. His research focuses on innovation in the digital economy. He is interested in crowd-based innovation, crowdfunding, user communities, entrepreneurship, and digital platforms.

Lars holds a master from University of Copenhagen and received his PhD from Copenhagen Business School. He has previously been an associate professor at Bocconi University, and a visiting scholar to universities such as Stanford University, MIT, and NASA Tournament Lab at Harvard University. He is currently a visiting scholar at Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH).

He has collaborated with various leading companies on innovation strategy and advised governments in Europe and Asia on innovation policy development. Together with professor Eric von Hippel (MIT) Lars co-founded Danish User-Centered Innovation Lab in which he led an initiative on best practice innovation by bringing together academic researchers and companies in projects to develop, test and assess new methods and tools for capturing “distributed” innovations.

His work has been published in a variety of management journals, and it has been featured in media ranging from Financial Times and Fast Company to Nature and Science.

Primary research areas
  • Innovation, technology strategy, crowd-based innovation, crowdfunding, user communities, entrepreneurship, and digital platforms.
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Innovation and Strategy in the Digital Economy, Master level elective course
Selected publications
  • Miric, M., & Jeppesen, L. B. (2023). How does competition influence innovative effort within a platform-based ecosystem? Contrasting paid and unpaid contributors. Research Policy, 52(7), 104790.
  • Boudreau, K. J., Jeppesen, L. B., & Miric, M. (2023). Free (mium) strategies for digital goods. Research Handbook on Digital Strategy, 126. 
  • Boudreau, K. J., Jeppesen, L. B., & Miric, M. (2022). Profiting from digital innovation: Patents, copyright and performance. Research Policy, 51(5), 104477. 
  • Boudreau, K. J., Jeppesen, L. B., & Miric, M. (2022). Competing on freemium: Digital competition with network effects. Strategic Management Journal, 43(7), 1374-1401. 
  • Boudreau, K. J., Jeppesen, L. B., Reichstein, T., & Rullani, F. (2021). Crowdfunding as Donations to Entrepreneurial Firms. Research Policy, 50(7), 104264.
  • Jeppesen, L. B. (2021). Social movements and free innovation. Research Policy, 50(6), 104238.
  • Garofalo, O.,  Jeppesen LB. & Zunino, D. (April 2021). Green Coin for Sustainability and against Inequality: A Research Proposal.
  • Foss, NJ., Jeppesen LB., Rullani, F. (2020) How context and attention shape behaviors in online communities: a modified garbage can model. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(1), 1-18   
  • Miric M., LB. Jeppesen, (2020) Does Piracy Lead to Product Abandonment or Stimulate New Product Development?: Evidence from Mobile Platform-Based Developer Firms, Strategic Management Journal, 41:2155–2184.
  • Miric M., Boudreau K., Jeppesen, LB. (2019) Protecting their digital assets: The use of formal & informal appropriability strategies by App developers, Research Policy. 48(8).
  • Dahlander L., Jeppesen LB. Piezunka, H.,(2019) Organizing Search Using Crowds, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 64: 239-270. 
  • Boudreau, K. Jeppesen LB., (2015) Unpaid Crowd Complementors:  The Platform Network Effect Mirage. Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 36, No. 12, 2014, p. 1761–1777
  • Jeppesen, L.B. and Lakhani, K.R., (2010) Marginality and Problem Solving Effectiveness in Broadcast Search, Organization Science, 21 (5) 1016-1033.
  • Jeppesen, L.B. and Laursen K., (2009) The Role of Lead users in Knowledge Sharing, Research Policy, Vol 38 (10), 1582-1589
  • Lakhani, Karim R., and Lars Bo Jeppesen. Getting Unusual Suspects to Solve R&D Puzzles. Forethought. Harvard Business Review 85, no. 5 (May 2007).
  • Jeppesen, L.B. and Frederiksen, L., (2006) Why do users contribute to firm-hosted user communities? The case of computer-controlled music instruments. Organization Science. Vol 17 (1), 45-64.
  • Jeppesen, L.B. (2005) User Toolkits for Innovation: Consumers Support Each Other. Journal of Product Innovation Management.  (22): 347–362.
  • Jeppesen, L.B. and Molin, M.J., (2003) Consumers as Co-developers: Learning and Innovation Outside the Firm. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 15 (3) 363-84. 
Publications sorted by:



In the media

Kevin J. Boudreau; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Milan Miric / Free(mium) Strategies for Digital Goods
In: Research Handbook on Digital Strategy. ed. /Carmelo Cennamo; Giovanni Battista Dagnino; Feng Zhu. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 126–141 (Research Handbooks in Business and Management)
Book chapter > peer review
Milan Miric; Lars Bo Jeppesen / How does Competition Influence Innovative Effort within a Platform-based Ecosystem? : Contrasting Paid and Unpaid Contributors.
In: Research Policy, Vol. 52, No. 7, 9.2023
Journal article > peer review
Kevin J. Boudreau; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Milan Miric / Competing on Freemium : Digital Competition with Network Effects.
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 43, No. 7, 7.2022, p. 1374-1401
Journal article > peer review
Kevin J. Boudreau; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Milan Miric / Profiting from Digital Innovation : Patents, Copyright and Performance.
In: Research Policy, Vol. 51, No. 5, 6.2022
Journal article > peer review
Kevin J. Boudreau; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Toke Reichstein; Francesco Rullani / Crowdfunding as Donations to Entrepreneurial Firms
In: Research Policy, Vol. 50, No. 7, 9.2021
Journal article > peer review
Nicolai J. Foss; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Francesco Rullani / How Context and Attention Shape Behaviors in Online Communities : A Modified Garbage Can Model.
In: Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2.2021, p. 1-18
Journal article > peer review
Hadar Gafni; Lars Bo Jeppesen / Is the Crowd Wise Enough to Recognize Creditworthy Borrowers?
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
Paper > peer review
Lars Bo Jeppesen / Social Movements and Free Innovation
In: Research Policy, Vol. 50, No. 6, 7.2021
Journal article > peer review
Milan Miric; Lars Bo Jeppesen / Does Piracy Lead to Product Abandonment or Stimulate New Product Development? : Evidence from Mobile Platform‐Based Developer Firms.
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 41, No. 12, 12.2020, p. 2155-2184
Journal article > peer review
Linus Dahlander; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Henning Piezunka / How Organizations Manage Crowds : Define, Broadcast, Attract, and Select.
In: Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views. . ed. /Jörg Sydow; Hans Berends. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2019, p. 239-270 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 64)
Book chapter > peer review
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