Capitalist Maturity, Diaspora, and India's Soft Power

Professor Anthony D'Costa talks at lunchtime seminar at Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne


Professor Anthony D'Costa talks at lunchtime seminar at Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne.

Over the last three decades India’s influence in the global political economy has increased substantially. Earlier as a champion of Third World interests, placing ideology over international integration India was shunned by the rich countries and India’s voice though loud and clear was often not heard. Now all that has changed as India’s presence in the world economy has been significantly altered. Today India exercises a certain kind of influence or soft power that is based not on its military might but on its economic and business maturity, its large diaspora and especially the one in the US, and its highly visible pool of technical, managerial, entrepreneurial, and intellectual talent in the world economy.

Furthermore, during his trip to Australia Professor Anthony D'Costa has given the following lectures:

"Compressed Capitalism and Development: Primitive Accumulation, Capitalist Maturity, and Petty Commodity Production in India and China” at a special seminar at Monash Asia Institute, Monash University in Melbourne.


"Geography, Uneven Development and Distributive Justice: The Political Economy of IT Growth in India" at the School of Economics, University of Sydney




The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/26/2023