
Department of International Economics, Government and Business

de la Porte
Professor with special responsibilities

Room: POR/24.B-1.78
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Caroline de la Porte

After completing my PhD at the European University Institute in Florence, I worked at the University of Southern Denmark (2007-2013), and Roskilde University (2013-2015), before joining CBS in 2016. My research focuses on the interface between EU and national policy, institutions and politics, especially in EU macro-economic and fiscal policy, as well as social and labor market policy. Currently, I lead a WP on Fair Working conditions in the Horizon-funded project EU social citizenship project, and I am the principal investigator for CBS in the Nordforsk-financed research project “Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World” (ReNEW). I teach and supervise on a wide range of topics related to European Union politics, policy and law, including work-life balance policy and climate-mitigating policy, including in the field of energy policy. Methodologically, I specialize in small and medium-N qualitative analyses, with use of a variety of different data sources.  

Curriculum Vitae
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Publications sorted by:
Zhen Jie Im; Caroline de la Porte; Elke Heins; Andrea Prontera; Dorota Szelewa / A Green but Also Just Transition? : Variations in Social and Industrial Policy Responses to Industrial Decarbonisation in EU Member States.
In: Global Social Policy, 27.4.2024
Journal article > peer review
Brigitte Pircher; Caroline de la Porte; Dorota Szelewa / Actors, Costs and Values : The Implementation of the Work-Life Balance Directive.
In: West European Politics, Vol. 47, No. 3, 3.2024, p. 543-568
Journal article > peer review
Caroline de la Porte; Ilaria Madama / Welfare and Labour
In: European Political Economy: Theoretical Approaches and Policy Issues. . ed. /Manuela Moschella; Lucia Quaglia; Aneta Spendzharova. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2024, p. 157-176 (New European Union Series)
Book chapter > peer review
Caroline de la Porte; Zhen Jie Im; Brigitte Pircher; Nuria Ramos Martin; Dorota Szelewa / An Examination of ‘Instrumental Resources’ in Earmarked Parental Leave : The Case of the Work–life Balance Directive.
In: Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 33, No. 5, 12.2023, p. 525-539
Journal article > peer review
Bea Cantillon; Caroline de la Porte; Sümeyra Akarçeşme / Background Paper ‘Social Inclusion and the Implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights’ : Academic Support for the Belgian EU Presidency 2024.
2023, 32 p.
Caroline de la Porte; Mads Dagnis Jensen; Jon Kvist / Going Nordic : Can the Nordic Model Tackle Grand Challenges and Be a Beacon to Follow?.
In: Regulation & Governance, Vol. 17, No. 3, 7.2023, p. 595-607
Journal article > peer review
Nuria Ramos; Jesús R. Mercader Uguina; Ana Belén Muñoz Ruiz; Amanda Moreno Solana; Guillermo García González; Lourdes Sánchez Galindo; Francisco Vallejo; Gabriela Grizzo; Alberto Arufe Varela; Caroline de la Porte; Zhen Jie Im; Brigitte Pircher; Dorota Szelewa / Health and Safety at Work : Achievements, Shortcomings, and Policy Options.
Brussel : EuSocialCit 2023, 154 p. (EuSocialCit Working Paper, No. July 2023)
Working paper > peer review
Caroline de la Porte; Bruno Palier / La politica de iniciativas en inversión social de la Union Europea
In: La sonrisa de Europa: El Estado de bienestar en el proceso de integración europea. . ed. /Salvador Cayuela Sánchez; Paula Aranzazu Ruiz Rodríguez. Madrid : Marcial Pons 2023, p. 133-166
Book chapter > peer review
Caroline de la Porte; Trine P. Larsen; Åsa Lundqvist / Still a Poster Child for Social Investment? : Changing Regulatory Dynamics of Early Childhood Education and Care in Denmark and Sweden.
In: Regulation & Governance, Vol. 17, No. 3, 7.2023, p. 628-643
Journal article > peer review
Caroline de la Porte; Zhen Jie Im; Brigitte Pircher; Dorota Szelewa / The EU's Work-life Balance Directive : Institutional Change of Father-specific Leave across Member States.
In: Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 57, No. 4, 7.2023, p. 549-563
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 106 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

2018 - Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) - Research-based policy analysis
2019 - No outside activities to report
2020 - NORFACE - Chair of evaluation panel
2020 - Swedish Research Council - Mid-term evaluation of success in the international recruitment of international researchers
2021 - IDA - Module on European Social Policy
2022 - Leeuwendaal - Teaching Module for Executive training for civil servants from the Netherlands
2023 - University of Antwerp - Contribution to report on the European Pillar of Social Rights, Spring 2023