
Department of International Economics, Government and Business

Associate professor

Room: POR/24.B-1.76

I am an associate professor at EGB. My research covers three overlapping areas: How multinational companies interact with their institutional environments, how digital technologies affect international business research and practice, and international corporate finance. Most of my research uses quantitative methodologies, but I have also contributed to qualitative and mixed-methods studies.

My research has appeared in leading journals in management (e.g., Academy of Management Journal) and international business (e.g., Journal of International Business Studies), and I have contributed to research in other disciplines (e.g., Journal of Finance). I am a senior editor for accounting and finance at the International Business Review, and serve as a reviewer for many management and international business journals. I regularly attend the AIB, AoM, EIBA, and SMS conferences.

Primary research areas

•    Global strategy
•    Supranational institutions
•    International corporate finance
•    Artificial intelligence in multinational organizations
•    Quantitative research methods for international business

Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
Selected publications

•    Menkveld AJ., et al. 2023. Non-standard errors. Journal of Finance [forthcoming]:
•    Hartmann S., Lindner T., Müllner J., Puck J. 2022. Beyond the nation-state: Anchoring supranational institutions in International Business research. Journal of International Business Studies 53(6), pp. 1282-1306:
•    Lindner T., Puck J., Verbeke A. 2022. Beyond addressing multicollinearity: Robust quantitative analysis and machine learning in international business research. Journal of International Business Studies 53(7), pp. 1307-1314:
•    Lindner T., Puck J., Doh J. 2021. Hierarchical modelling in International Business research: Patterns, problems, and practical guidelines. Journal of World Business 56(4), 101224:
•    Dorobantu S., Lindner T., Müllner J. 2020. Political risk and alliance diversity: A two-stage model of partner selection in multipartner alliances. Academy of Management Journal 63(6), pp. 1775-1806:
•    Lindner T., Puck J., Verbeke A. 2020. Misconceptions about collinearity in International Business research: Identification, consequences, and remedies. Journal of International Business Studies 51(3), pp. 283-298:

Publications sorted by:
Thomas Lindner; Jonas Puck / Information Distance : Conceptual Development and Empirical Tests of a Novel Measure of Cross-national Distance.
In: Journal of International Management, Vol. 30, No. 2, 4.2024
Journal article > peer review
Albert J. Menkveld; Ulf Nielsson; Oliver-Alexander Press; Anders Bjerre Trolle; Stefan Voigt; Thomas Lindner / Nonstandard Errors
In: Journal of Finance, Vol. 79, No. 3, 6.2024, p. 2339-2390
Journal article > peer review
Christopher A. Hartwell; Barclay James; Thomas Lindner; Jakob Müllner; Paul M. Vaaler / Populist Politics and International Business Policy : Problems, Practices, and Prescriptions for MNEs.
In: Journal of International Business Policy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2024, 7 p., p. 12-18
Editorial > peer review
Arjen H. L. Slangen; Riccardo Valboni; Aleksi Eerola; Thomas Lindner / Tax-Motivated Relocations of Headquarters : The Role of Affinity Bias among Socially-Responsible Blockholders and CEOs.
In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 61, No. 8, 12.2024, p. 3497-3532
Journal article > peer review
Leah Fischer; Thomas Lindner / Österreichs institutionelle Qualität im internationalen Vergleich
In: Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen?. . ed. /Jan Schmitt; Phillip C. Nell. Wiesbaden : Springer 2024, p. 47-63
Book chapter
Thomas Lindner; Jonas F. Puck; Giulia Stocco / Asymmetric Risk Perception and Firm Financing in the Institutional Envelope
In: International Business Review, Vol. 32, No. 3, 6.2023
Journal article > peer review
Christina M. Muehr; Thomas Lindner / International Initial Public Offerings
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Business and Management. . ed. /Ramon J. Aldag. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2023
Encyclopedia chapter > peer review
Philipp Jaud; Thomas Lindner / Nachhaltige Finanzierung und ihre Bedeutung für den Kapitalmarkt
In: Praxishandbuch Nachhaltige Finanzierung. ed. /Andreas Zahradnik; Christian Richter-Schöller. Wien : Linde Verlag Wien 2023, p. 15-32
Book chapter
Thomas Lindner; Jakob Müllner; Harald Puhr / Ownership, Institutions, and the Agency of M&A Completion
In: Global Strategy Journal, 13.9.2023
Journal article > peer review
Jakob Müllner; Igor Filatotchev; Thomas Lindner / Striking a Balance? : Finance Perspectives on International Business Research.
In: Multinational Business Review, Vol. 31, No. 3, 8.2023, p. 313-332
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 27 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

2023 - ongoing:

  • WU Vienna - Research Staff - 5% of full-time employment 
  • University of Innsbruck - Professor - 25% of full-time employment

2024: Adjunct Professor - 20% of full-time employment - Spring term 2024