A Politics of Entrepreneurship as Organisational Creativity

Inaugural lecture by professor Daniel Hjorth

Friday, June 9, 2006 - 14:00 to 16:00

Inaugural lecture by Daniel Hjorth


- CBS has appointed Ph.D. Daniel Hjorth Professor with special obligations within the field of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management


On this occasion, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy arranges an inaugural lecture and reception

Daniel Hjorth Mag.Phil. and Dr.Phil. in Business Administration, was before the chair in ‘Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management’ at LPF/CBS, Associate and Acting Professor in Entrepreneurship at Växjö University.

Hjorth has focused his research on entrepreneurship as forms of social- and organisational creativity. His analysis of entrepreneurial processes and the conditions and contexts for organisational creativity are characterised by a historical-philosophical and/or literary-aesthetic approach. Central in this approach is a ‘problematisation’ of the history and developments of management as a dominant form of knowledge and practice in late-modern organisational society.

Hjorth, the winner of Journal of Management Inquiry’s Best Paper Award (last volume), has published several books and articles internationally, and is the series editor of the ‘New Movements in Entrepreneurship’ series. He co-founded the research group in entrepreneurship at Växjö University, has served as senior researcher at ESBRI, Stockholm, and is member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research.

Hjorth, experienced as lecturer from Växjö and Malmö Universities, Sweden, has created several courses and programmes in entrepreneurship. He founded the Annual Nordic Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Learning, has served as expert to the Swedish Ministry of Education and the Swedish Ministry for Trade and Commerce on questions of entrepreneurship and learning.




Welcome. Jens Aaris Thisted, dean at the Faculty of Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School.


A Politics of Entrepreneurship as Organisational Creativity. Inaugural lecture by Daniel Hjorth.


After the inaugural lecture, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy hosts a reception outside the auditorium.

Best regards

Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy

The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 04/24/2013