
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit
Dr. Phil

Room: POR/18.B-3.133
, Mobile:
+46 70 6568365
E-mail: dh.bhl@cbs.dk
Daniel Hjorth

Daniel Hjorth is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organisation at the Department of Business Humanities and Law, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Between 2013 and 2018 he served as Academic Director for the across CBS Entrepreneurship Business in Society Platform.

Daniel Hjorth is currently employed as a 20% professor at BHL.

Daniel's research interests include the conditions for creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of the already organized. How organization-creation is done and how conditions for multi-disciplinary, collaborative creativity is organized and led are long-term fascinations. Central to studying, analyzing and writing on this is the economy-aesthetics relationship, and the philosophy- and humanities conversation that I nurture to feed this creative tension.

Daniel Hjorth runs a Centre for Aesthetics and Business Creativity (ABC) at Lund University in order to support and develop such broadly humanities- and art oriented business administration research and education.

Primary research areas
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organisation studies
  • Philosophy and Management
  • Organizational creativity
  • Art, Design and Business


Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Business Concepts and Prototypes (master, 7,5 ECTS); 
  • The Art of Innovation (master, 7,5 ECTS); 
  • Organisational Entrepreneurship (exec. mba); 
  • various PhD courses on organisation and entrepreneurship.

I enjoy supervising PhD students and Master thesis writing students and I have done both in abundance.


Other teaching activities

Continuously part of building course and programmes in entrepreneurship, organizational creativity and innovation.

Developing collaborations with St Gallen University on Master- and PhD levels.


Publications sorted by:



In the media

Marta Gasparin; Elena Raviola; Daniel Hjorth / Crafting Traditions and Speculative Imaginaries
In: Organization Studies, 9.2.2025
Book review > peer review
Helene Picard; Pablo D. Fernandez; Daniel Hjorth / Stuck in the Playground : A (Failed) Organizational Entrepreneuring Process.
In: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 1.2025, p. 300-324
Journal article > peer review
Claire Champenois; Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd; Daniel Hjorth; Sarah Jack / The Other Organization : Heterotopia, Management, and Entrepreneurship.
In: Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1.2025, p. 41-56
Journal article > peer review
Daniel Hjorth / Provocation and Education : The Entrepreneurial Mo(ve)ment in Learning.
In: Higher Education Digest, 26.8.2024
Yutaka Yamauchi; Daniel Hjorth / Tradition, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation : The Craft of Japanese Fine Dining.
In: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, 12.2024, p. 841-862
Journal article > peer review
Bo Christensen; Kasper Merling Arendt; Daniel Hjorth / How Learning Spaces Matter in Entrepreneurship Education : Introducing the Concept of Topopraxis.
In: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol. 35, No. 3-4, 3.2023, p. 317-336
Journal article > peer review
Daniel Hjorth; Robin Holt / Entrepreneurship and the Creation of Organization
New York : Routledge 2022, 264 p. (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship)
Book > peer review
Daniel Hjorth; Trish Reay / Organizational and Institutional Entrepreneuring : Introduction to the Special Issue.
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2.2022, p. 159-177
Journal article > peer review
Daniel Hjorth / Toward a More Cultural Understanding of Entrepreneurship
In: Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship. ed. /Christi Lockwood; Jean-Francois Soublière. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2022, p. 81-96 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 80)
Book chapter > peer review
Niels Arvid Sletterød; Espen Carlsson; Daniel Hjorth / Entrepreneurial Intermediation in Innovation : A Study of Multilayered Contexts and Embedded Dynamics of Organisation-creation.
In: Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity , Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021, p. 1-21
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 94 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  • Nottingham Trent University, 2018 (Jan-Dec): Fractional position, Professor, research + publishing + grant application support
  • Université Paris Dauphine, 2018 (equivalent of two weeks): Guest Professor, research + publishing
  • Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management, 2018 (short visit, equivalent of 1 week): Guest teacher in master level course