Department of Business Humanities and Law
Mette Mønsted is a sociologist (1971) with a PhD from CBS (1985). My research has been on development research in East Africa in the 70es, then focus on small business research in the 80es. Since then the focus has been on high tech firms, networks and collaborations, innovation and research management, knowledge management, and entrepreneurship. MM has been head of department of MPP, head of the doctoral school, and recently Vice dean at CBS for entrepreneurship. She has been participating in the national research council on social science, and strategic research councils committees as well as several international research committees.
- Innovation management
- Network management with management of collaborations
- Entrepreneurship and innovation
- Research and knowledge management
Christine Henriques, PhD, 3 students writing master thesis, 4 executive students (LAICS) writing master thesis
LAICS executive teaching
- Hansson, F. & M. Mønsted (2012) "Changing the Peer Review or changing the Peers – Recent Development in Assessment of Large Research Collaborations". Higher Education Policy 25 pp. 361-379
- Moensted, M.(2010) "Networking management in Small High Tech Firms". International Journal of Management. April 2010 vol. 27(1)
- Poulfelt, Flemming ; Mønsted, Mette. / "Nye krav til ledelsesteori : Et dansk perspektiv?" I: Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi. 2007 ; vol. 71, nr. 2, s. 69-78
- Bernasconi, M., S. Harris & M. Moensted (eds.) (2006) "High-tech Entrepreneurship – Managing innovation, variety and uncertainty". Routledge, London
- Mønsted, M. (2005) "Complex project management in small high-technology firms: small firms as Learning Models?" Buono, A.& Poulfelt, F.(eds.) Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Management. Vol. 5 in Management Consulting series. Information Age Publishing Inc, Boston Mass. Pp. 271-289
In: Journal of Wine Research, Vol. 31, No. 3, 9.2020, p. 194-217
In: Higher Education Policy, Vol. 25, 2012, p. 361-379
Oslo : Nordic Innovation Centre 2012, 206 p. (Nordic Innovation Publication, No. 2012:07)
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2010, p. 47-56
In: International Journal of Management, Vol. 27, No. 1, 4.2010, p. 16-30
Paper presented at The EASST 2010 Conference (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), 2010
Paper presented at The 25th EGOS Colloquium 2009, 2009
In: Benchmarking Successful Models of collaboration. ed. /Finn Hansson; Nicolaj Tofte Brenneche; Mette Mønsted; Torsten Fransson. Vol. Appendix 3.1, Stockholm 2008, p. 3-15 (Success Pilot Study Working Paper, No. 1)
In: Benchmarking Successful Models of Collaboration. ed. /Finn Hansson; Nicolaj Tofte Brenneche; Mette Mønsted; Torsten Fransson. Vol. Appendix 5.2, Stockholm 2008 (Success Pilot Study Working Paper, No. 1)
In: Benchmarking Successful Models of Collaboration: DRAFT version. . ed. /Finn Hansson; Nicolaj Tofte Brenneche; Mette Mønsted; Torsten Fransson. Vol. Appendix 3.5, Stockholm 2008 (Success Pilot Study Working Paper, No. 1)
København 2008, 52 p. (Success Pilot Study Working Paper, No. 1)
In: Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2007, p. 69-78
In: Higher Education, Vol. 55, No. 6, 10.7.2007
In: Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs: Frontiers in European research. . ed. /Poul Rind Christensen; Flemming Poulfelt. Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Publishing 2006, p. 180-197
New York, NY : Routledge 2006, 294 p.
In: High-tech entrepreneurship: managing innovation, variety and uncertainty. . ed. /Michel Bernasconi; Simon Harris; Mette Mønsted. New York, NY : Routledge 2006, p. 1-9
In: High-tech entrepreneurship: managing innovation, variety and uncertainty. . ed. /Michel Bernasconi; Simon Harris; Mette Mønsted. New York, NY : Routledge 2006, p. 15-32
København : Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS 2006, 23 p.
In: High-tech entrepreneurship: managing innovation, variety and uncertainty. . ed. /Michel Bernasconi; Simon Harris; Mette Mønsted. New York, NY : Routledge 2006, p. 242-261
In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006, p. 15-27
In: High-tech entrepreneurship: managing innovation, variety and uncertainty. . ed. /Michel Bernasconi; Simon Harris; Mette Mønsted. New York, NY : Routledge 2006, p. 11-13
In: Challenges and Issues in Knowledge Management. ed. /Antony F. Buono; Flemming Poulfelt. Greenwich : Information Age Publishing 2005, p. 271-289 (Research in management consulting)
Paper presented at Paper presented at the Organizational Knowledge and Learning Conference, 2005
Paper presented at RENT XVIII, 2004
In: Viden om ledelse: Festskrift i anledning af professor Steen Hildebrandts 60 års fødselsdag den 22.januar 2004. . ed. /John Parm Ulhøi. København : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2004, p. 337-353
In: Research Management Processes under Rapid Change. ed. /Peter Brink Andersen. Aarhus 2004, p. 97-108 (Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy, No. 9, Vol. 2003)
København : Samfundslitteratur 2004, 260 p.
In: LOK proceedings 2003. Vol. 22003, p. 1-14
København : Samfundslitteratur 2003, 312 p.
In: Creación de empresas - homenaja al profesor José María Vergés.: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. . ed. /Enric Genesca Garrigosa. 2003, p. 603-615
In: Research conference december 2-3, vol 22002
In: Focus on biotechnology: Issues related to R&D in biotechnology - Denmark in a comparative perspective. . ed. /Niels Mejlgaard. Aarhus : The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy 2002, p. 64-69 (The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy, No. 2002/2)
In: Det' et spørgsmål om tid. ed. /Mette Mønsted; Flemming Poulfelt. København : Samfundslitteratur 2002, p. 66-82
In: Research conference december 3-4, 2001. Vol. 22001, p. 412-423
2001, 12 p.
In: Science and Public Policy, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2001, p. 49-56
In: Det handler om tillid. ed. /Anders Bordum; Søren Barlebo Wenneberg. København : Samfundslitteratur 2001, p. 92-99
In: Forskningens rolle i det 21. århundrede. ed. /Karen Siune; Thomas Vinther. Århus 2000, p. 103-118 (Rapport fra Analyseinstitut for Forskning, No. 2000-1)
In: Les start-up high tech 2000, p. 15-24
Paris : Dunod Editeur 2000, 248 p.
Copenhagen : Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS 2000, 15 p. (MPP Working Paper, No. 13/2000)
In: Viden om: Ledelse, viden og virksomheden. . ed. /Peter Holdt Christensen. København : Samfundslitteratur 2000, p. 155-166
In: The Endless Transition: Relations among Social, Economic and Scientific Development in a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations. Book of Abstracts. . ed. / Jose Manoel Carvalho de Mello ; Henry Etzkowitz. Rio de Janeiro 2000, p. 323-328
In: Les start-up high tech: Creation et developpement des entreprises technologiues. . ed. /Michel Bernasconi; Mette Mønsted. Paris : Dunod Editeur 2000, p. 117-128
In: New technology-based firms at the turn of the century1999 2000, p. 192-202
In: Danske geografiske forskereFrederiksberg : Roskilde Universitetsforlag 1999, p. 213-238
In: Proceedings from the 7th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference, 27-28 May 19991999, p. 16-24
In: New Technology-based Firms in the 1990s. ed. /Ray Oakey; Win During; Syeda-Masooda Mukhtar. Vol. 6, Oxford : Pergamon Press 1999, p. 81-89
In: Nedslag: Et festligt skrift til Professor Flemming Poulfelt den 17. september 2018. . ed. /Henrik Hermansen; Anje Schmidt; Søren Henning Jensen; Finn Junge-Jensen; Michael Moesgaard Andersen. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, p. 51-54
In: Politiken, 11.10.2012, p. 10
In: Lpf Nyt om Ledelse, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2007, p. 16-17
In: Tankestreger: Tværvidenskabelige nybrud. . ed. /Robin Engelhardt; Camilla Mehlsen; Frederik Stjernefelt. København : Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag 2007, p. 231-239
In: Erhvervs-Bladet, 2005