CBS Circularity
Circular Mode Podcast - Hvad skal der til?

Our aim is to create a space in which experts and practitioners have opportunity to discuss some of the major paths of development in the field of CE, such as:
- What kind of transformative potential does CE hold for the Nordic countries, their businesses, governments and populations?
- How can CBS make a difference and become a leading research institution in this area?
- And what barriers are in the way of such development?
We seize the opportunity to connect leading researchers and research environments on CE in an effort to exchange experiences and points of view and build a stronger knowledge base on circularity and sharing. This will allow us to better understand and tackle the opportunities and challenges that arise with such developments.
You can find our Danish Podcast on Circular Fashion and Textiles here:
Co-director Jesper Clement & co-director Steen Vallentin
Project manager Sarah Netter
The page was last edited by: Centre for Sustainability // 04/03/2024