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Centre Manager Sarah Netter
Copenhagen Business School
CBS Sustainability
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Phone: 3815 3014
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Governing Responsible Business 2014-2019
GRB Fellowship Program
The GRB Fellowship Program 2014-2019
The purpose of the fellowship program was to affiliate outstanding scholars outside CBS to the GRB, as a means to strengthen and cross-fertilize the GRB research portfolio. The program has been a beneficial way for GRB to foster collaborations and to strengthen ties to individuals with interesting research profiles. The fellows got a chance to come to one of the most vibrant research groups in the world in the area of governing responsible business, and got a valuable opportunity during their stay to connect with GRB’s prominent researchers.
The Research Fellows 2018-19
Amanda WilliamsAmanda is a PhD Candidate at Rotterdam School of Management and the Erasmus Research Institute of Management since July 2013 and will defend her thesis in fall 2018. During her PhD Amanda was a research fellow in the Marie Curie Initial Training Network, Innovation for Sustainability. As part of this project, she collaborated with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development where she joined the Redefining Value team as an associate and conducted field research for her PhD. At the WBCSD, Amanda assisted the production of the SDG Compass, a guide for business action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In May 2018, Amanda joined the Force for Positive Change Initiative at RSM as an academic advisor. For this initiative, her main role is to provide academic advice on a series of learning modules to introduce business students to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Amanda’s research interest is at the intersection of sustainability management and social-ecological systems. She published the first article of her dissertation in the Journal of Cleaner Production.
Research interests
Sustainability, resilience, social-ecological systems
Recent publications
Whiteman, G. & Williams, A. 2018. Systemic Ecosystem Risks: Implications for Organization Studies. In: Gephart, R., Miller, C. & Svedberg Helgesson, K. (eds) The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis, and Emergency Management. Forthcoming.
Williams, A., Kennedy, S., Philipp, F., & Whiteman, G. 2017. Systems thinking: A review of the sustainability management literature. Journal of Cleaner Production. 148, 866-881.
Kennedy, S. Whiteman, G., & Williams, A. 2015. Sustainable innovation at Interface: Workplace pro-environmental behavior as a collective driver for continuous improvement. In: Barling, J. and Robertson, J. (eds) The Psychology of Green Organizations. Oxford University Press.
Hannah Trittin is an Assistant Professor for Business Ethics at Leuphana University Lüneburg since March 2018. Before, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich, where she also obtained her PhD in 2016. Her research interests are business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), diversity management, and digital technologies including social media and gamification. Her works particularly draw on communication theory, Bakhtinian and Habermasian discourse ethics and have been published in Corporate Communication: An International Journal and the Journal for Business Ethics. She serves as reviewer for several journals including the Journal of Management Studies, Business & Society, as well as the Journal for Business Ethics.
Research interests
Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), CSR communication, Digital Technologies (social media, gamification), Diversity Management, Governance of Internet Firms
Recent publications
Trittin, H., & Schoeneborn, D. (2017). Diversity as polyphony: Reconceptualizing diversity Management from a communication-centered perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(2), 305-322.
Scherer, A. G., Palazzo, G., & Trittin, H. (2015). The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: Implications for Governance, Democracy, and the Theory of the Firm. In Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance (pp. 355-387). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Schoeneborn, D., & Trittin, H. (2013). Transcending transmission: Towards a constitutive perspective on CSR communication. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 18(2), 193-211.
José Carlos Marques' research program lies at the intersection of strategic management and sustainability governance. He studies the design and management of inter-organizational collaborations that address social and environmental challenges - these include business associations, multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) and business-state pacts. He is particularly interested in the drivers, strategies and effectiveness of coalitions that develop global CSR standards, sustainability certifications and industry codes of conduct. His current projects examine: 1) industry responses to carbon pricing schemes; 2) how contestation, cooperation and competition between firms, non-government organizations (NGOs) and governments that shape the private regulatory governance regimes in global supply chains. José Carlos' work has been published in Organization Studies, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics and Journal of World Business. Prior to pursuing a PhD, he was a researcher at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and worked in aviation, IT and international development.
Research interests
Business collective action (industry/ trade associations; coalitions), private regulation (sustainability/ CSR standards and regulations), corporation as political actors, business-state interactions, counter-movement responses to social movement pressures
Recent publications
Boghossian, J., Marques, J.C., 2018. Saving the Canadian fur industry’s hide: Examining a government’s strategic use of private standards to constrain radical activism. Organization Studies, Forthcoming.
Buchanan, S., Marques, J.C., 2017. How Home Country Industry Associations Influence MNE International CSR Practices: Evidence From the Canadian Mining Industry, Journal of World Business, 53(1):63-74.
Marques, J.C., 2017. Industry Business Associations: Self-Interested or Socially Conscious?, Journal of Business Ethics, 143(4):733-751.
Marques, J.C., 2016. Private Regulatory Strategies: Theory and Evidence from the Global Apparel Industry, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. 2016 (1).
Marques, J.C., 2016. Private Regulatory Fragmentation as Public Policy: Governing Canada’s Mining Industry, Journal of Business Ethics, 135(4):617-630.
Marques, J.C., Mintzberg, H., 2015. Why Corporate Social Responsibility Isn't a Piece of Cake, MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(4):8-11, Summer (June).
Oliver is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Oliver is the founder of the Center for Responsible Management Education and a visiting professor at the University of Tübingen‘s Global Ethic Institute. His research interest lies in alternative business models as well as in responsible management learning. It has been published in Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Education, Long Range Planning, the Journal of Business Ethics, as well as Organization and Environment. Oliver serves on the editorial board of Academy of Management Learning and Education and has edited special issues for the Journal of Business Ethics and for the Journal of Management Education. He has published two textbooks on responsible management both of which are now in the second edition and have been translated to Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese. Oliver is the founding editor of the Principles for Responsible Management Education book collection and lead-produced the Coursera MOOC Managing Responsibly.
Research interests
Responsible Management (Learning and Education), Business Model Change and Innovation, Heterogeneous organizations and organizing
Recent publications
Laasch, O., Jamali, D., Freeman, E. & Suddaby, R. (2019, forthcoming). The research handbook on responsible management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Moosmayer, D., Laasch, O., Parkes, C. & Brown, K. (2019, forthcoming) . The SAGE handbook of responsible management learning and education. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Laasch, O., & Conaway, R. N. (2019, forthcoming, 2nd ed.) . Principles of responsible management: Glocal sustainability, responsibility, ethics. Stamford: Cengage.
Laasch, O. (2018) . An actor-network perspective on business models: How ‘Being Responsible’ led to incremental but pervasive change. Long Range Planning [].
Laasch, O. (2018). Beyond the purely commercial business model: Organizational value logics and the heterogeneity of sustainability business models. Long Range Planning, 51(1), 158-183.
Laasch, O. (2017). The slow professor: Challenging the culture of speed in the Academy. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 16(4), 624-626.
Christopher, E., Laasch, O., & Roberts, J. (2017). Pedagogical innovation and paradigm shift in the introduction to management curriculum. Journal of Management Education, 41(6), 787-793.
Randles, S. & Laasch, O. (2016). Theorising the normative business model (NBM). Organization and Environment, 29(1), 53-73.
Valentina is Assistant Professor at the University of Padova, Italy, Department of Economics and Management ‘Marco Fanno’, Padova (Italy) where she teaches environmental management, strategy and operations management. She is interested in the managerial implications of environmental and circular economy innovations, especially when it comes to internationalized businesses, and on the evolution of industrial districts and clusters within global value chains. Her research has been published in journals such as Research Policy, Business Strategy & the Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Knowledge Management, International Journal of Production Economics. She is co-editor of the book “Local clusters in global value chains: linking actors and territories through manufacturing and innovation”, Routledge (2018). She serves in the editorial board of the book series “Sustainability and Innovation” (Springer) and is member of the organizing committee of Network O (Global Value Chain) at the SASE conference and is member of the executive committee at GRONEN (Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment).
Research interests
Environmental innovations and upgrading, Circular economy, Global Value chains, Industrial districts
Recent publications
Golini, R., De Marchi, V., Boffelli, A., & Kalchschmidt, M. (2018) . Which governance structures drive economic, environmental, and social upgrading? A quantitative analysis in the assembly industries. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 13-23.
Albort-Morant G., De Marchi, V. Leal-Rodriguez A.L., (2018) Absorptive capacity and relationship learning mechanisms as complementary drivers of green innovation performance, Journal of Knowledge Management
De Marchi V, Di Maria E, Gereffi G. (2018) . Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation, Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Routledge: Abindgdon.
Giuliani E, de Marchi V, Rabellotti R. (2017) . Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities? European Journal of Development Research : 1–19.
Antonietti, R., De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E. (2017) . Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155(2): 103-113
D e Marchi, V., Grandinetti, R. (2017), “Regional Innovation Systems or Innovative Regions? Evidence from Italy”. Tijds. voor econ. en soc. geog. 1082), 234-249.
Chiarversio M., De Marchi, V., Di Maria E., (2015) “Environmental innovations and internationalization: theory and practice”. Business, Strategy & the Environment, 24: 790-801.
Cainelli G., De Marchi V., Grandinetti R. (2015) “Does the development of environmental innovation require different resources? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 94: 211‑220.
The Research Fellows 2017-18
The Research Fellows 2016-17
Professor at York University, Schulich School of Business
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Assistant professor at HEC Lausanne, Switzerland
Research Interests
Social Judgment Formation
Practice Adoption
Recent Developments in Research Methodology
Empirical and Conceptual Explorations of Legitimacy
Latest publications
Post-doctoral scholar at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Research interests
Organizational Change and Persistence
Time and Temporality in Organizations
Organizational Memory
Organizational Routines
Latest publications
Costas, J., Blagoev, B., & Kärreman, D. (2016). The arena of the professional body: Sport, autonomy and ambition in professional service firms. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 32(1), 10–19.
Blagoev, B. (2016). Arbeitszeitregime im Lock-in? Eine pfadtheoretische Untersuchung der Persistenz überlanger Arbeitszeiten in einem Beratungsunternehmen. Doctoral Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin.
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Senior research associate at the University of Hamburg, Germany
Research Interests
Corporate Sustainability Management
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Business Models
Business Model Innovation and Patterns
Values-based Innovation Management
Latest Publications
Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2017, forthcoming): Values-Based Network and Business Model Innovation, Int. Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, Art. 1750028 (35 pages).
Kurucz, E.; Colbert, B.; Lüdeke-Freund, F.; Upward, A. & Willard, B. (2016, online first): Relational Leadership for Strategic Sustainability: Practices and Capabilities to Advance the Design and Assessment of Sustainable Business Models, Journal of Cleaner Production,
Schaltegger, S.; Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Hansen, E. (2016): Business Models for Sustainability: A Co-Evolutionary Analysis of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Transformation, Organization & Environment, Vol. 29, No. 3, 264-289,
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The Research Fellows 2015-16
The Research Fellows 2014-15
Dr. Jana CostasProfessor at European University Viadrina, Frankfurt
Research interests
Changing boundaries: Liminal Work Arrangements
New Leadership Approaches
Co-working: A New Form of Organization?
Secrecy at work: The Hidden Architecture of Organizations
Cleaning Work: Life in the Corporate Underworld of Berlin
Latest publications
Costas, J. & C. Grey (2014) Bringing Secrecy into the Open: Towards a Theorization of the Social Processes of Organizational Secrecy. Organization Studies, 35 (10), 1423-1447.
Costas, J. & C. Grey (2014) The Temporality of Power and the Power of Temporality: Imaginary Futures Selves in Professional Service Firms. Organization Studies, 35 (6), 909-937.
Bewernick, M., Schreyögg, G. & J. Costas (2013) Charismatische Führung: Die Konstruktion von Charisma durch die deutsche Wirtschaftspresse am Beispiel von Ferdinand Piëch. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, August/September, 434-465.
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Senior Lecturer/Researcher at University of Zurich
Research interests
Organizational Legitimacy
Social Judgment Formation
Microfoundation of Institutions
Adoption of Organizational Practices
Corporate Social Responsibility
Transnational Governance
Research Methods
Latest publications
Bitektine, A. & Haack, P. (2015). The “Macro” and the “Micro” of Legitimacy: Towards a Multi-Level Theory of the Legitimacy Process. Academy of Management Review, 40, forthcoming.
Haack, P. & Schoeneborn D. (2015). Is Decoupling Becoming Decoupled from Institutional Theory? A Commentary on Wijen. Academy of Management Review, 40, forthcoming.
Haack, P. & Scherer, A. G. (2014). Why Sparing the Rod does not Spoil the Child: A Critique of the Strict Father Model in Transnational Governance. Journal of Business Ethics, 122, 225-240.
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Assistant Professor at University of Amsterdam
Research interests
Cross-sector Interaction
Corporate Responsibility
Nongovernmental Organizations
Base of the Pyramid
Stakeholder Engagement
Business Ethics
Policy Networks
Political Role of Corporations
Latest publications
Kourula, A. & G. Delalieux: Forthcoming. ‘The Micro-level Foundations and Dynamics of Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Hegemony and Passive Revolution through Civil Society’. Journal of Business Ethics.
Midttun, A., M. Gjølberg, A. Kourula, S. Sweet, & S. Vallentin: Forthcoming. ‘Public Policies for Corporate Social Responsibility in Four Nordic Countries: Harmony of Goals and Conflict of Means’. Business & Society, DOI: 10.1177/0007650312450848, 1-37, published online in 2012.
Peterman, A., A. Kourula, & R. Levitt: 2014. Balancing Act: Government Roles in an Energy Conservation Network. Research Policy, 43(6), 1067-1082.
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Associate Professor at Warwick Business School
Research interests
Transnational Governance
Social Movements
Sustainable Development
Human Rights/Labour Rights in Global Supply Chains
Fair Trade
Organization Theory
Economies of Worth
Economic Sociology
Latest publications
Reinecke, J. and S. Ansari. "When times collide. Temporal brokerage at the intersection of markets and development", Academy of Management Journal Forthcoming (2015)
Reinecke, J. and S. Ansari. "What is a 'Fair' Price? Ethics as Sensemaking", Organization Science Forthcoming (2015)
Ansari, S., J. Reinecke, Spaan, A.. "How Are Practices Made to Vary? Managing Practice Adaptation in a Multinational Corporation” Organization Studies", Organization Studies 35 (2014): 1313--1341.
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