Meet the cbsCSR PhDs: Daniel Lundgaard

Meet the cbsCSR center’s new Ph.D. Fellow Daniel Lundgaard. Daniel has been awarded a Ph.D. scholarship from the Department of Management, Society, and Communication (MSC) in Responsible Business and Governance.


Daniel Lundgaard started on September 1st 2017 and is based in the CSR center at Dalgas Have. Though Daniel is not new at the Copenhagen Business School as he was research assistant before he was awarded the Ph.D. scholarship. 

Daniel Lundgaard's Ph.D. project is two-sided. Firstly, he wants to explore the mechanisms that connect people on social media platforms (i.e. how does this social facilitation foster collaboration between potentially millions of disparate actors?). Secondly, he wants to investigate how such collaboration affects the behavior of corporations in relation to sustainability and responsibility (i.e. how can social media be used as a tool for engaging in dialogue with corporations about corporate legitimacy and implications of business practices?). In this regard, Daniel also focuses on how ‘normal’ people act on social media in connection to CSR (i.e. can we push changes in relation to CSR through social media and thus influence social standards?).

Idea of working towards something that is not just about creating money

Daniel has a master in Business Administration (MBA) and Communication, Business/ Corporate Communications from CBS and his master thesis enabled him to present at the Connected Life 2016 conference at the University of Oxford as well as he was invited to present at ‘I Will if You Will, Too’: Conditional Commitment in Collective Action conference at London University. “After visiting Oxford, I realized that I wanted to be in a place where I can create knowledge, discuss, and develop concepts”, Daniel explains on what brought him to the CSR center. Joining the center provided him the opportunity to talk to and work with experts, who know a lot about his research area, and also allows him to access data he otherwise would not have access to.

Daniel is very driven by the idea to do something that makes the world a better place. “I have this idea that I want to work towards something that is not just about creating money for a company, although it sounds cliché.”

Daniel is very excited about starting his Ph.D. and is looking forward to teaching and supervising projects.

The page was last edited by: Centre for Sustainability // 10/08/2019