Defense by Anne Vestergaard Jørgensen
In order to obtain the PhD degree
Anne Vestergaard Jørgensen
has submitted her PhD thesis
Distance and suffering
Humanitarian discourse in the age of Mediatization
Humanitarian organizations are key agents in establishing relations, symbolic as well as concrete, between Western publics and distant populations in need. The practices of these organizations thus have implications not only for the quality of the assistance they provide, but also for the conception of humanitarianism that they promote.
In terms of public support and organizational proficiency this could be argued to be the golden age of humanitarianism but, in fact, humanitarianism is widely argued to be in crisis. By analyzing the appeal material of Amnesty International, Save the Children and Red Cross from 1970 to today, the thesis explores the consequences of mediatization for the identity of humanitarian organizations and for the dispositions vis-à-vis distant sufferers that appeal discourses enable. Critical discourse analysis, mediation and mediatization theory provide the vantage point from which humanitarian organizations are viewed as born out of processes of mutual constitution between organizations, publics and media.
Time and place
Friday 24 June, 2011
14:30 - 16:30
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 20
2000 Frederiksberg
Råvarebygningen, Room 1.20
After the defense OMS PhD School will host a small reception just outside room 1.20
The dissertation will be available at
Arranged by
Department of Intercultural Communication and Management
Professor Lilie Chouliaraki
London School of Economics
Professor Mette Morsing
Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee
Associate professor
Hans Krause Hansen (chair)
Copenhagen Business School
Professor Kim Schrøder
Roskilde University
Associate Professor
Helen Yanacopulos
The Open University