Conference on Sustainability and Consumption

The Virtual Community (VC) on Sustainability and Consumption is hosting a pre-conference in Paris regarding the future trends in sustainability & consumption research; represented, amongst others, by CBSs own Prof. Lucia Reisch. Spots are still available.

The Virtual Community’s Annual Event 2014: Future Trends in Sustainability & Consumption Research
As announced in the October Newsletter, the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Virtual Community on Sustainability & Consumption will be organized as a pre-conference in connection with the ICAP conference in Paris in July. The VC Annual Event will be 8 July, prior to the opening ceremony of the ICAP. The cost-covering price for participating will be 40 €. An effort is made to get a sponsor to cover some of the costs. Instructions for signing up will follow.

Date: Monday 8 July 2014
Location: Paris Université IX, Dauphine

Programme (Preliminary)


08.30 Welcome and coffee

09.00 Welcome and introduction, John Thøgersen, Aarhus University

09.05 How to get your work published (120 mins)
Short introductions by Robert Gifford, Editor of Journal of Environmental Psychology [tbc], Barbara Brown, Editor of Environment & Behavior, Lucia Reisch & John Thøgersen, Editors of Journal of Consumer Policy Workshop with the editors


11.00 Sustainability & Consumption according to the new IPCC report, John Thøgersen, Aarhus University, Denmark


12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH BREAK (60 mins)

13.00 EU prospects for sustainable lifestyles and Horizon 2020, Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero, Principal Administrator, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation.


13.45 Round table discussion on future trends in Sustainability & Consumption research (45 mins)
Chair: John Thøgersen
Panel: Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero, Lucia Reisch, Wes Schultz, Linda Steg, Ellen
Matthies, Bas Verplanken, Bob Gifford (tbc)


14.30 Coffee break

14.45 Workshops (60 mins)
Theme 1-6, headed by panelists


15.45 Wrap up (30 mins)
Chair: John Thøgersen



The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 12/17/2017