What is Sustainable Food Consumption
Sustainable Food Consumption – New Special Issue of ‘Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy’
What are current trends, policy approaches, and future scenarios of sustainable food consumption? Ten articles published in the e-journal 'Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy' highlight selected topics such as lifestyle-specific food policies, meat-consumption, or awareness rising for healthy and environmentally conscious food choices. IÖW-scientist Dr. Gerd Scholl is one of tree guest editors of this special issue. In the article 'Sustainable Food Consumption: When Evidence-Based Policy Making Meets Policy-Minded Research' he introduces to the volume, together with Michal Sedlacko and Lucia Reisch.
The editors: "This special issue reflects some of the most pressing themes and challenges of policy-relevant research on sustainable food consumption. Meat consumption remains a dominant theme. There are also important questions about how research and policy making can be better aligned in terms of topical focus as well as timing, and how in particular research can help policy makers cope with uncertainty and provide sound statistical data. We hope that this special issue – and the discussion that it generates – will contribute to further research and useful policy initiatives."
The special issue contemplates the complexities of contemporary food production and consumption systems as a challenging factor for sustainable policy-making. It was an outcome of the European project ‘Enhancing the Connectivity Between Research and Policy-Making in Sustainable Consumption (CORPUS)‘ which aimed at increasing the policy impact of research and brokering knowledge between the relevant communities. The project was coordinated by Dr. Gerd Scholl from the Institute for Ecological Economy Research.
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