
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Professor with special responsibilities

Room: DH.V.2.55

My current research is focused on business and management teaching and learning in higher education with a particular focus on organizational development involving technology-enhanced learning and new pedagogical innovations. I am working closely with faculty and students to design and build new teaching and learning activities to challenge students academically, expand the learning space for students, explore new options for personalized learning, and to create new opportunities for supporting international collaboration as well as collaboration with industry. I am particularly interested in learning processes and identity work in relation to the future development of higher education.

Current research projects:
Research in Blended Learning (RiBL) is an externally funded project which will run until the end of 2022. The aim of the project is the construction of new knowledge about the future of technology-supported teaching and learning in Higher Education and its consequences and prospects for student learning.

Primary research areas
  •  Student learning in higher education
  • Technology-enhanced learning
  • The future of business and management education
  • Organizational and personal identity
  • Organizational change    
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Personal leadership development, Master in Public Governance


Master thesis, PhD and Assistant Professors

Other teaching activities

Implementation of blended learning

Publications sorted by:
Annemette Kjærgaard; Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Does Gradeless Learning Affect Students’ Academic Performance? : A Study of Effects Over Time.
In: Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2.2024, p. 336-350
Journal article > peer review
Anoush Margaryan; Annemette Kjærgaard; Lena Hercberga / Research in Blended Learning Final Report
Frederiksberg : RiBL, Copenhagen Business School 2024, 52 p.
Report > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Rasmus Bergmann; Maribel Blasco; Tali Padan; Carole Elliott; Jamie Callahan; Sarah Robinson; Tony Wall; / Subtle Activism : Heterotopic Principles for Unsettling Contemporary Academia from Within.
In: Organization, Vol. 31, No. 2, 3.2024, p. 412-424
Journal article > peer review
Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Annemette Kjærgaard; Kasper Munk / A Scoping Review of Experimental Evidence on Face-to-Face Components of Blended Learning in Higher Education
In: Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1.2023, p. 151-173
Journal article > peer review
Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Lisbeth la Cour; Annemette Leonhardt Kjærgaard / Insights from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Flipped Classroom on Academic Achievement : The Challenge of Student Resistance.
In: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Vol. 20, No. 1, 12.2023
Journal article > peer review
Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Lisbeth la Cour; Mette Franck; Annemette Kjærgaard / Investigating Effects of Teachers in Flipped Classroom : A Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Classroom Level Heterogeneity.
In: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2023
Journal article > peer review
Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Lisbeth la Cour; Annemette Kjærgaard / The "How" and "When" Questions for the Effect of a Flipped Classroom Inspired RCT Intervention
In: Symposium i anvendt statistik 2023. ed. /Peter Linde. Frederiksberg : Økonomisk Institut. Copenhagen Business School 2023, p. 1-16
Article in proceedings > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen; Julie Buhl-Wiggers / The Gradeless Paradox : Emancipatory Promises but Ambivalent Effects of Gradeless Learning in Business and Management Education.
In: Management Learning, Vol. 54, No. 4, 9.2023, p. 556-575
Journal article > peer review
Maribel Blasco; Sarah Robinson; Jamie Callahan; Tony Wall; Carole Elliott; Tali Padan; Annemette Kjærgaard; / A Collective Autoethnographic Journey Toward Academic Repair : Unfolding Restorative Micro-Repair Practices.
In: The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Human Resource Development. ed. /Joshua C. Collins; Jamie L. Callahan. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2022, p. 417-429
Book chapter > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen / Gradeless Learning in Higher Education : Implications for Student Learning and Well-being.
Abstract from EARLI SIG 1 & 4 Joint Conference 2022, 2022
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
More results... (total 81 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

Name of contractual partner

Duration of activity

Type of activity

Sensus aps

1990 - current


Adhoc teaching assignments


Better Blended Learning

July 2019 - January 2020


Pedagogic advice