
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Head of Department

Room: DH.V.2.64
, Mobile:
+45 2494 2752
E-mail: dsi.msc@cbs.dk

Dorte Salskov-Iversen (PhD, 1992) is the Head of the Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC) at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. From 2007-2017, she served as Vice-President for International Affairs at Copenhagen Business School in addition to her Head of Department responsibilities (till 2016, of the then Department of Intercultural Communication and Management). From 2000-2017, she was a member of the Executive Board of CEMS the Global Alliance of Management Education, from 2008-2017 as a member of CEMS Management Team.

She represents CBS in the Forum of Arctic Research, a standing committee under the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and in the University of the Arctic.

She regularly serves as an expert in international higher education in the Nordic countries and internationally. From 2007-2013 she served as a Bologna Expert, appointed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

She currently serves as a member of the International Advisory Board of Turku School of Economics, Turku University, Finland; and as Chair of the Board of the Egmont H. Petersens College, Copenhagen.

Primary research areas
  • Public management & governance
  • Processes of globalisation
  • Discourse and organisation
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage

Due to my current portfolio of managerial responsibilities, I do not teach or coordinate any courses

Selected publications

Hansen, Hans Krause, and Salskov-Iversen, Dorte (2017), ’Government Organizations’. In: International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, edited by Craig R. Scott and Laurie K. Lewis, (General Editors), Jim Barker, Joann Keyton, Tim Kuhn, and Paige Turner (Associate Editors), John Wiley & Sons.

Salskov-Iversen, Dorte (2014), 'Environmental Sustainability Strategy and City Government'. In: Developments in Strategic and Public Management: Studies in the US and Europe, edited by Paul Joyce; John M. Bryson and Marc Holzer, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p.211-226.

Irwin, Alan; Morsing, Mette, and Salskov-Iversen, Dorte (2011), ‘Business schools in society. The distinctiveness of diversity’. In: Business schools and their contribution to society, edited by Mette Morsing and Alfons Sauquet Rovira, London: Sage Publications.

Salskov-Iversen, Dorte; Hansen, Hans Krause, and Bislev, Sven (2008), ‘Governmentality, globalization and local practice: Transformations of a hegemonic discourse’. In: Governance: A Reader, edited by Bidyut Chakrabarty and Mohit Bhattacharya, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Salskov-Iversen, Dorte (2008), 'Den transnationale dimension i dansk (kommunal) offentlig ledelse - om 'det udvidede ledelsesunivers', Politik, 11(1), pp. 42-53.

Hansen, Hans Krause, and Salskov-Iversen, Dorte (eds) (2008a), Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Salskov-Iversen, Dorte (2006), ‘Learning across borders: The case of Danish local government’. In: International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(6), pp. 673-686.

Publications sorted by:



In the media

Hans Krause Hansen; Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Government Organizations
In: The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. ed. /Craig R. Scott; Laurie Lewis; James R. Barker; Joann Keyton; Timothy Kuhn; Paaige K. Turner. Vol. 2, Hoboken, NJ : Wiley 2017, p. 1034-1044 (The Wiley Blackwell-ICA international Encyclopedias of Communication)
Encyclopedia chapter > peer review
Dorte Salskov-Iversen; Christian Kutschke; Tapio Melgin; Anneli Pirttilä; Michael Ward; Touko Apajalahti; Hannele Seppälä / Audit of Hanken School of Economics 2014
Helsinki : The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council 2014, 89 p. (Publications of The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council, No. 2014:1)
Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Environmental Sustainability Strategy and City Government
In: Developments in Strategic and public Management: Studies in the US and Europe. . ed. /Paul Joyce; John M. Bryson; Marc Holzer. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2014, p. 211-226
Book chapter > peer review
Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Environmental Sustainability as a City Management Strategy in Volatile Times? : A Post-crisis Investigation into Sustainability Strategies.
Paper presented at The 16th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management. IRSPM 2012, 2012
Paper > peer review
Mette Morsing; Alan Irwin; Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Business Schools in Society : The Distinctiveness of Diversity.
In: Business Schools and their Contribution to SocietyLondon : SAGE Publications 2011, p. 75-84
Book chapter > peer review
Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Sustainability as Strategy - Is it Sustainable? : A Post-Crisis Investigation into Sustainability Strategies in 'Green Cities'.
Abstract from 7th Transatlantic Dialogue on Strategic Management of Public Organizations. 2011, 2011
Conference abstract for conference
Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Sustainability : A New Space for Governance Innovation.
Paper presented at The 14th Annual Conference of International Research Society for Public Management. IRSPM 2010, 2010
Paper > peer review
Esben Karmark; Robyn V. Remke; Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Sustainability Governance as an Emergent Narrative for Cities and Local Governments : A Leadership Communication Perspective.
Paper presented at Fourth Global Communication Forum, 2010
Paper > peer review
Hans Krause Hansen; Dorte Salskov-Iversen / Conclusions : The Making of Authority in Global Politics - Towards the Engagement of Practice and Micropolitics.
In: Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics. ed. /Hans Krause Hansen; Dorte Salskov-Iversen. Houndsmills : Palgrave Macmillan 2008, p. 208-222
Book chapter > peer review
Hans Krause Hansen (Editor) ; Dorte Salskov-Iversen (Editor) / Critical Perspectives on Private Authority in Global Politics
Houndsmills : Palgrave Macmillan 2008, 233 p.
Anthology > peer review
More results... (total 49 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

Name of contractual partner

Duration of activity

Type of activity

The Egmont H. Petersen College

2020 -

Chair of the Board

EFMD-Humane Winter School 2016 - Invited as faculty at the annual EFMD-Humane Winter School  contributing to ‘setting the scene’: Trends in Internationalisation of Higher Education

Turku School of Economics/Turku University, Finland

2013 -

Member of TSE International Advisory Board

The Quality Board for Icelandic Higher Education, Iceland


Member of the Institutional Review of Iceland University

Aalto University, Finland


Member of the Peer Review Team appointed by Aalto University to review the quality and synergies of the education related activities of the University’s constituent schools

Swedish Higher Education Authority


Member of the Peer Review Team for the Quality Assurance Review of the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

Paris Dauphine University, France


Member of the International Advisory Board of the University