
Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability
Assistant professor

Room: DH.Ø.2.03
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E-mail: ifr.msc@cbs.dk
Isabel Froés

My international profile combines a background in psychology, interaction and service design, and user-research providing a fertile ground for bridging cultures, technology, and design through various projects. I believe in playful creative approaches, in the power of storytelling and prototyping, developing businesses and tools through blueprints focusing on circular business approaches.

Primary research areas
  • Service Design
  • Urban studies & sustainability
  • Play
  • Children & Technology
Administrative tasks

Project manager for the Urban Challenge Programme, May 2018 - May 2019

Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage
Selected publications


Froes I, Struthers D, Malacarne C et al. The Beating Heart of Untapped Business Opportunities for Additive Manufacturing [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Open Res Europe 2023, 3:143 https://doi.org/10.12688/openreseurope.16270.1

Fróes, I., & Bolbroe, C. (2022). Human-centred Research and Open Innovation (OI): How to Implement and Facilitate Crosscutting Collaborations in the Built Environment. In M. S. Mahnke, M. Nielsen, M. L. Petersen, & L. Tjørring (Eds.), Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-industry Collaboration (pp. 97-116). Routledge. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003195658-7

Schiavo, F.T.; Calili, R.F.; de Magalhães, C.F.; Fróes, I.C.G. The Meaning of Electric Cars in the Context of Sustainable Transition in Brazil. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11073. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131911073

Margarita A., Isabel F., Eleni K., Meia W. (2021) Co-creation Techniques and Tools for Sustainable and Inclusive Planning at Neighbourhood Level. Experience from Four European Research and Innovation Projects. In: Nathanail E.G., Adamos G., Karakikes I. (eds) Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems. CSUM 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1278. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61075-3_55

Fróes, I. Lasthein, M.K. (2020). Co-creating sustainable urban metabolism towards healthier cities. Urban Transform 2, 5, Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42854-020-00009-7

Fróes, Isabel. (2019) Young Children’s Play Practices with Digital Tablets: Playful Literacy. London, Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/9781787567054

Noring, L. Fróes, I. Tellgren, D. (2018) CONTEXTUALISING MOBILITY VARIABLES WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 217, WIT Press, 2018, ISSN 1743-3541.https://doi.org/10.2495/SDP180161

Earlier publications

Fróes, I., Tosca, S. (2017) Playful subversions: small children and tablet use. European Journal of communication Studies. London, Sage https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549417705601

Fróes, I., Tosca, S. (2016) Hands between the Worlds. In Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. Eds. Hjorth, L. Horst, H. Galloway, A. Bell, G. London, Routledge https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315673974

Fróes, I. (2015) Once Upon a Tablet: A school toy in the making. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Learning, Health and Well-Being Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 9177, 2015, pp 43-53 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20684-4

Fróes I.C.G. (2013) Dead-Until-Touched: How Digital Icons Can Transform the Way We Interact with Information. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M. (eds) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life. UAHCI 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8011. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39194-1_70

Project publications

Through the Cities-4-People project, Isabel Froes has been involved in co-writing with 3 other neighbourhood projects the publication, Big Messages - lessons for co-creative mobility initiatives in neighbourhoods, issued in 2021. The publication highlights lessons learned and both challenges and opportunities in co-creating mobility solutions in urban environments. Learn more and read the publication here.

Also though the Cities-4People project, Isabel Froes has been involved in the publication, CIVITAS Research Projects, Lessons Learned 2016-2020, issued in May 2021. The publication showcases the key lessons learned from six CIVITAS Research and Innovation Action (RIA) projects funded since 2016: Cities-4-People, METAMORPHOSIS, Mobility Urban Values, PROSPERITY, SUITS, and SUMPs-Up. These projects formed two broad clusters – neighbourhood mobility planning projects and projects working on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Learn more and read the publication here.

Publications sorted by:



In the media

Albina Dioba; Amalia Giannakopoulou; David Struthers; Angelos Stamos; Siegfried Dewitte; Isabel Fróes / Identifying Key Barriers to Joining an Energy Community Using AHP
In: Energy, Vol. 299, 15.7.2024
Journal article > peer review
Diogo Vallim; Amalia Giannakopoulou; Anna Josephina Coco Schmid; David M. Struthers; Efthymios Altsitsiadis; Isabel Fróes / Networks for Integrated Wildfire Management : A Social Network Analysis Approach.
In: Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference. ed. /Berthold Penkert; Bernd Hellingrath; Monika Rode; Adam Widera; Michael Middelhoff; Kees Boersma; Matthias Kalthöner. Brussels : ISCRAM Association 2024
Article in proceedings > peer review
Diogo Vallim; Amalia Giannakopoulou; Anna Josephina Coco Schmid; Efthymios Altsitsiadis; Isabel Fróes; Martin Drews; Marios Siganos; Zacharenia Lekka; Daniel Luceri; Giulio Zecca / TREEADS D3.3 Report on Organizational Structural and Sociotechnical factors – V2
: European Commission 2024, 163 p.
Amalia Giannakopoulou; Isabel Fróes / Awareness-raising Actions for Improving Bioenergy Perceptions and Image : Final.
: BEcoop Project 2023, 49 p.
Report > peer review
Raquel Cordeiro; Manuela Quaresma; Isabel Fróes / Issues Integrating Urban Data and Citizen Participation
In: SERVDES 2023: Entanglements and Flows: Service Encounters and Meanings . . ed. /Carla Cipolla; Claudia Mont’Alvão; Larissa Farias; Manuela Quaresma . : ServDes 28.11.2023 (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, No. 203)
Article in proceedings > peer review
Isabel Fróes; David M. Struthers; Ciro Malacarne; Matteo Perini; Maurizio Rossi; Paolo Gregori / The Beating Heart of Untapped Business Opportunities for Additive Manufacturing
In: Open Research Europe, Vol. 3, 2023
Journal article
Amalia Giannakopoulou; Isabel Fróes / D3.5 Awareness Raising Actions for Improving Bioenergy Perceptions and Image : First.
: BEcoop Project 2022, 64 p.
Report > peer review
Isabel Fróes; Cameline Bolbroe / Human-centred Research and Open Innovation (OI) : How to Implement and Facilitate Crosscutting Collaborations in the Built Environment.
In: Business Meets the Humanities: The Human Perspective in University-industry Collaboration. . ed. /Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke; Mikka Nielsen; Matilde Lykkebo Petersen; Lise Tjørring. New York : Routledge 2022, p. 97-116 (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)
Book chapter > peer review
Charlotte Andersen; Isabel Fróes; Efthymios Altsitsiadis / Analysis of Market Trends and Practices in Collaborative Production Engineering and Co-creation
: iProduce 2021, 52 p. (iProduce Project Deliverables, No. D7.1)
Report > peer review
Meia Wippoo; Max Kortlander; Ralf Brand; Hana Peters; Imre Keseru; Joe Ravetz; Isabel Froes; Karl Reiter; Anna Solderer; Alan Wong; Achille Fonzone; Damian Stantchev; Ruth Bell / Big Messages : Lessons for Co-creative Mobility Initiatives in Neighbourhoods.
: Polis Network 2021, 32 p.
Report > peer review
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