Department of Management, Society and Communication
- Centre for Sustainability
Kristjan Jespersen is an Associate Professor at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS). As a primary area of focus, he studies the growing development and management of Ecosystem Services in developing countries. Within the field, Kristjan focuses his attention on the institutional legitimacy of such initiatives and the overall compensation tools used to ensure compliance. He has a background in International Relations and Economics.
Since August 2018, Kristjan Jespersen has been the coordinator of the CBS Impact for Innovation Lab (CBS Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School). The unique focus of the Impact for Innovation Lab would be its emphasis on the behavioural and business dimensions in the sustainability discourse. While considerable work has gone into the technical dimensions of sustainability, much less attention has been paid to the behavioural components and to the development of revenue models, business plans and commercialization strategies needed to make such innovations successful.
CBS Impact for Innovation Lab could play an important role in this area. For example, CBS researchers could develop research on the design and effectiveness of impactful research focused on supporting the sustainable transition. Specific focus is paid on the market potential and possible commercialization strategies for such features as dictated by impactful research.
The external partners of the project are Ramboll, Green Building Council, Confederation of Danish Industries, The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
- Sustainability
- Multistakeholder Initiatives
- Transnational Networks
- Global Commodity Chains
- The Anthropocene
Danske investeringer medvirker til jordtyveri og afskovning
EURT2017 Interview: Kristjan Jespersen
EURT2018 Interview: Kristjan Jespersen
Sustainability Reporting for Palm Oil Companies in Indonesia
Kalundborg fem år frem - Kristjan Jespersen
Brandene i Amazonas giver rekordindsamlinger i miljøorganisationerne
Circle House Lab (2019). Green Paper 01 | 06, Bygnings- og Materialepas
Circle House Lab (2020). Green Paper 02 | 06, Selektiv Nedrivning
- KAN-CCMVV1738U (Coordinator and Lead Instructor) - Achieving the SDGs: Environmental Sustainability for Organizations (2018-)
- KAN-CCMVV1737U (Coordinator and Lead Instructor) - Achieving the SDGs: Feeding the Future of Agricultural Sustainability (2018-)
- KAN-CCMVV1739U (Coordinator and Lead Instructor) - Blockchain and Sustainable Digital Infrastructures for Business (2018-)
- MSc BLC – (Coordinator and Lead Instructor) - Consulting for Sustainability – Harnessing Business Models and Innovation, Fall & Spring (2017 - ongoing)
- CEMS – (Instructor) Responsible Leadership (Short Course) – (2015- ongoing).
- CEMS – (Instructor) Business Project Course – (2015- ongoing).
Minor in Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG):
Kristjan Jespersen is primary coordinator of the minor. Read more here.
International Short Courses
International MBA Courses – (Coordinator and Lead Instructor) – Regenerative Sustainability – Course designed for International MBA students who travel to Copenhagen for an intensive one-week course on innovative themes related to sustainability. Participating Business Schools include Fuqua Duke, Ross UofMichigan, McCombs UTAustin, Rotman UofT, & Stern NYU – (2016- ongoing).
Courses include:
- Sustainable Finance and Entrepreneurship
- Human Well-Being in the Built Environment
- BlockChain and Decentralizing Technologies
Read more about the international short courses: Short term programs 2020
J Lyons-White, K Jespersen, C Gallemore, AS Catalano, RM Ewers (2021) Tackling the “wicked” conservation problem of tropical deforestation in global commodity supply chains using mixes of mechanisms. SocArXiv. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/gan7w
Gallemore, C., & Jespersen, K. (2019). Offsetting, Insetting, or Both? Current Trends in Sustainable Palm Oil Certification. Sustainability, 11(19), 5393.
Gallemore, C., Nielsen, K. R., & Jespersen, K. (2019). The uneven geography of crowdfunding success: Spatial capital on Indiegogo. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X19843925
Jespersen, K., & Gallemore, C. (2018). The Institutional Work of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Why the Mundane Should Matter. Ecological Economics, 146, 507-519
Gallemore, C., Guisinger, A., Kruuse, M., Ruysschaert, D., & Jespersen, K. (2018) Escaping the “Teenage” Years: The Politics of Rigor and the Evolution of Private Environmental Standards. Ecological Economics, 152,76-87.
Chan, K. M., Anderson, E., Chapman, M., Jespersen, K., & Olmsted, P. (2017). Payments for Ecosystem Services: Rife With Problems and Potential—For Transformation Towards Sustainability. Ecological Economics, 140, 110-122.
Gallemore, C., & Jespersen, K. (2016). Transnational Markets for Sustainable Development Governance: The Case of REDD+. World Development, 86, 79-94.
Professional Reports/White Papers
Jespersen, K., & Olmsted, P. (2019). “Strategic Approaches to Sustainability Reporting”. NEPCon, Sustainability Reporting for Palm Oil Companies. https://www.nepcon.org/projects/sustainability-reporting-palm-oil-companies
Jespersen, K., & Olmsted, P. (2019). “What to Report and How - Considering Sustainability Metrics”. NEPCon, Sustainability Reporting for Palm Oil Companies. https://www.nepcon.org/projects/sustainability-reporting-palm-oil-companies
Kristjan Jespersen, (2022) SDG Materiality Report_Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)_Business Guidance
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 29.7.2024
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 24.6.2024
In: Environmental Challenges, Vol. 15, 4.2024
: Copenhagen Business School, CBS 24.6.2024
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2024, 22 p.
: Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2024, 16 p.
In: Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2024, p. 999-1022
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2.7.2024
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 5.8.2024
: Copenhagen Business School, CBS 4.10.2024
In: Environmental Challenges, Vol. 16, 8.2024
In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 223, 9.2024
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 30.10.2024
In: Nature Sustainability, Vol. 7, No. 5, 5.2024, p. 527-535
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 28.6.2024
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 17.7.2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2.8.2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 27.8.2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 12.8.2023
: CBS Bibliotek 6.9.2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 13.11.2023
In: Journal of Business, Ethics and Society, Vol. 3, No. 2, 10.2023, p. 80-91
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 24.7.2023
Frderiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023
: Nordic Press 15.9.2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 3.7.2023
Genève : GDFA 2023, 19 p.
Frederiksberg : PACSMAC 2023, 23 p. (PACSMAC Working Paper, No. 2.1)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 6.8.2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2.6.2023
Genève : GDFA 2023, 19 p.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 23.8.2023
: The Business of Society 2022
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 2022
: The Business of Society 2022
In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 193, 3.2022
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 2022
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 2022
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 2022
WWW : PACSMAC 2022, 15 p. (PACSMAC Working Paper, No. 1.2)
In: Land Use Policy, Vol. 120, 9.2022
København : Preferred by Nature 2022, 68 p.
København : Preferred by Nature 2022, 60 p.
In: Buildings and Cities, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2022, p. 974-999
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 2022
: Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2022, 60 p.
In: Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, Vol. 22, No. 4, 10.2022, p. 615-630
Frederiksberg : Centre for Business and Development Studies 2021
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2021
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2021
In: Sustainable Consumption and Production: Volume I. Challenges and Development. . ed. /Ranjula Bali Swain; Susanne Sweet. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2021, p. 209-226
WWW : SocArXiv 2021, 26 p.
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2021
In: Revista Palmas, Vol. 42, No. 4, 23.12.2021, p. 50-69
Frederiksberg : Centre for Business and Development Studies 2020
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2020
In: Design for adskillelse. ed. /Tine Lange; Trine Beckett; Casper Østergaard Christensen; Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard. København : Circle House Lab 2020, p. 62-67 (Green Paper, No. 03)
Frederiksberg : CBS PRME 2020, 12 p. (InFocus Report Series, No. 2)
Frederiksberg : CBS PRME 2020, 15 p. (InFocus Report Series, No. 3)
In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 171, 5.2020
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2020
In: Circle House Lab: Green paper 1: Bygnings- og materialepas. . ed. /Tine Lange; Trine Beckett; Casper Østergaard Christensen; Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard. København : GXN A/S 2019, p. 49-50
In: Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 23, 12.2019
In: Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 19, 2019
Åbyhøj : NEPCon 2019, 32 p. (Sustainability Reporting for Palm Oil Companies, No. M1)
In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 51, No. 6, 9.2019, p. 1389-1406
Åbyhøj : NEPCon 2019, 39 p. (Sustainability Reporting for Palm Oil Companies, No. M2)
In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 152, 10.2018, p. 76-87
In: Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Systems. ed. /Afton Halloran; Roberto Flore; Paul Vantomme; Nanna Roos. Cham : Springer 2018, p. 213-236
In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 146, 4.2018, p. 507–519
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2017, 284 p. (PhD series, No. 25.2017)
In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 140, 2017, p. 110-122
In: World Development, Vol. 86, 10.2016, p. 79-94
: ETIFOR Valuing Nature 2024
: ETIFOR Valuing Nature 2024
Frederiksberg : The Nordic Case House 2023, 15 p.
Frederiksberg : The Nordic Case House 2023, 12 p.
Boston : Harvard Business Publishing 2023, 15 p.
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 25.4.2022
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 2021
In: Selektiv nedrivning. ed. /Tine Lange; Trine Beckett; Casper Østergaard Christensen; Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard. København : Circle House Lab 2020, p. 56-57 (Green Paper, No. 02)
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 8.9.2017
Frederiksberg : CBS Sustainability 9.9.2016
Myten om det grønne Danmark (2024)
Can the production of palm oil ever be environmentally sustainable?
Eric Pedersen udnævnt til adjungeret professor på CBS
With an area almost the size of Switzerland lost last year, is there hope for our forests?
Tech-kompetencer er uundværlige i bestyrelser
Finanstilsynet stiller "bløde" krav til bestyrelsers it- og techviden
På papiret mangler der tech-kompetencer i landets bestyrelser: Bankerne har outsourcet it-hjernen
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Forskning: Danske eliteaktieselskaber foran de nordiske på vigtigt parameter
Manglende kompetencer kan koste os dyrt
Mangel på ESG-kompetencer sætter finansvirksomheder under pres
KLIMA: C25-selskaber mangler ESG-kompetencer
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Danske børsselskaber har få år til at leve op til lovkrav
Her er CBS' rangliste af C25-selskabernes bestyrelser
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How can we make oceans count in financial decision-making?
Bønnebæltet: Kaffetørst
Grøn omstilling: Klimaforandringerne er ude efter din kaffe
CBS jumps on the SDG bandwagon
Danish Ministry, embassies, CBS and more than 60 international students join forces to build business models in 8 African countries
MBA and master's students from Canada and CBS solve sustainability issues together in cyberspace
CBS researcher: Green transitions demand that CBS conducts more SDG-related research
New report: Master's students have more access to study sustainability than bachelor's students at CBS
Why is Palm Oil So Cheap
558 forskere og undervisere: Universitetets formålsparagraffer skal skrives med grønt
Brandene i Amazonas giver rekordindsamlinger i miljøorganisationerne
Brandene i Amazonas giver rekordindsamlinger i miljøorganisationerne
We're running out of coffee! Can students from CBS and DTU turn you into a responsible coffee drinker?
CBS' new sustainability action plan aims for 100% waste diversion and 100% reduction in CO2 emissions
Debat: Klimaopråbets medunderskrivere
EURT2017 Interview: Kristjan Jespersen
24.000 tilmeldte til CBS-kursus om Socialt Entreprenørskab
Collaborator and Academic Advisor in FutureTalks - FutureTalks: Engaging Citizens in Exploring Toronto's Future - As a Collaborator, during the term of the project (2018-2023).
Academic Advisory for the Liminus Foundation - Gros More National Park – Newfoundland – Canada - As an Academic Advisor, I develop experiments to be conducted within the national park on the topic of Payments for Ecosystem Services. The work supports the sustainable transition of small and medium sized firms.
Academic Collaborator - “TRANSFORM”: Accelerating Transformative Entrepreneurship Experiments in Local Spaces - (currently University of Waterloo, Arizona State University, Lund University, Leuphana University, Erasmus University, University of Graz, Copenhagen Business School) as well as small business, municipal, and civil society partners in each community. As an Academic Advisor I support the development of research and mentor companies within the network. (Funded).
Board Member – Management Committee – Nordic Rainforest Research Network - The organization is responsible for programming research and conservation efforts for the Maliau Basin, Malaysia (150,000 Hectares first growth forest).
International Expert - EU Funded - Institutional Capacity Development for University of Latvia – With special focus on assisting faculty to innovate on teaching and research practices.
- Knowledge Alliance for Urban Challenges
- Crowd-financing for Solar Infrastructure
- Europe aid: Innovative financing for Development and budget support
- The World 2030 – Development Contest
- Making Oceans count in the Nordic financial system
- The paradoxes of climate-smart coffee
- Professionalism as a foundation for engagement - CBS students meet CSR challenges through concrete cases
- Building sustainability competence in boards - ESG board methodology
- Circular Construction Platforms
- Unlocking the full potential of conservation finance
- ESG Board Readiness - A New ESG Governance Tool
- Double Materiality and Conservation Finance Liability – The Development of a Unified Methodology
Name of contractual partner |
Duration of activity |
Type of activity |
Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil |
May – June 2018 |
Research and Strategic Advice |
NEPCON (Nature, Environment, People Connected) |
January – May 2019 |
Research, Strategic Advice, report writing |
University of Texas Austin – McCombs Business School, Department of Business, Governance, and Society | 2019 - 2020 | Adjunct Professor, Global + Program Instructor. |
Circle House Lab - BLOXHUB | 2020 | Business analytics |
Gemic | 2021 | Keynote Speech |
Loh-Gronager Partners | 2021 - ongoing | ESG Advisory Services |