Department of Management, Society and Communication
- Centre for Sustainability

Sustainable entrepreneurs and small start-ups face a myriad of challenges in terms of pursuing their sustainably-oriented ventures not least the locked-in nature of the current regime which they inhabit and intend to change. These lock-ins consequently also translate into constrained funding opportunities for these "niche innovators", especially in the early "seed funding" stage as they often perceived as a less attractive investment compared to traditional entrepreneurial ventures.
The emergence of crowdfunding could, however, signal a shift in financing opportunities for these small sustainable innovators brought on by a shift in prospective financiers of innovation from professional investors to now ordinary citizens (i.e. crowdfunders). Especially since the early literature on crowdfunding has found that rather than focusing on economic gains and feasibilities, the crowdfunders put much more emphasis on the core values and legitimacy of a project (Lehner & Nicholls 2014). Leading some scholars to suggest that crowdfunders are more likely to invest in sustainable ventures (see Lehner 2013; Calic & Mosakowski 2016; Vassallo 2016) others, however, question this contention instead noting that there is no positive connection between for example environmental orientation and crowdfunding success (Hörisch 2015).
My research strives to examine what, if any, potential role the "crowd" could have in driving, financing and enabling sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Seeking to uncover what role the consumer could have in enabling and financing sustainable innovation.
I am a member of the Consumer and Behavioural Insights Group (CBIG) at the CBS Sustainability centre.
Introducing Kristian Roed Nielsen:
- Consumer behaviour
- Crowdfunding
- Sustainable consumption
- Sustainable innovation
- User innovation
- Consumer Behaviour and Culture
- Comprehending Consumers across Cultures
- Quantitative Methods
- Responsible Management
I can supervise Masters students interested in my area of research. Write me an email or drop by my office and we can discuss your ideas.
- Consumer Behaviour and Social Marketing
Caleb Gallemore; Kristian Roed Nielsen; Kristjan Jespersen / The Uneven Geography of Crowdfunding Success: Spatial Capital on Indiegogo. In: Environment and Planning A, 13.4.2019
Kristian Roed Nielsen / Crowdfunding Through a Partial Organization Lens : The Co-dependent Organization. In: European Management Journal, Vol. 36, No. 6, 12.2018, p. 695-707
In: Technology in Society, Vol. 76, 3.2024
In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2.2024
Abstract from ICEP 2023 International Conference on Environmental Psychology, 2023
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 383, 1.2023
In: Technovation, Vol. 111, 3.2022
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 179, 6.2022
In: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol. 45, No. 3, 5.2021, p. 531-561
In: Journal of Consumer Policy, Vol. 43, No. 2, 6.2020, p. 419-421
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 254, 5.2020
Paper presented at Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management 2020, 2020
Paper presented at Global Good Congress, 2019
In: Økonomi og Politik, Vol. 92, No. 4, 2019, p. 80-99
In: Proceedings of the Seventy-ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Guclu Atinc. Briar Cliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2019, 1 p. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Paper presented at 6th Annual World Open Innovation Conference, 2019
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 141, 4.2019, p. 66-73
In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 51, No. 6, 9.2019, p. 1389-1406
In: European Management Journal, Vol. 36, No. 6, 12.2018, p. 695-707
Paper presented at The 47th EMAC Annual Conference 2018, 2018
Paper presented at The 13th Nordic Conference on Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 2018
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 45 p.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2017, 247 p. (PhD series, No. 35.2017)
Paper presented at 4th Crowdinvesting Symposium, 2016
Paper presented at The International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability, 2016
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2016, 152 p.
Brussels : EU-InnovatE 2016, 33 p. (EU-InnovatE. Sustainable Lifestyles 2.0 Project Deliverables, No. D5.5)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2016, 45 p.
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 133, 10.2016, p. 65-77
Paper presented at The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2015, 2015
Abstract from 13th International Open and User Innovation Conference 2015, 2015
Paper presented at ABIS Annual Colloquium 2015, 2015
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2014, 78 p.
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 3.2.2020
Frederiksberg : CBS Wire 26.10.2020
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 26.6.2019
In: Kurage, No. 28, 2018, p. 32-34
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