
Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability
  • Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS)
Lisa Ann

Room: DH.Ø.2.36
Lisa Ann Richey

I am American with a US education, but I have worked for nearly two decades in Denmark. Trained as a political scientist from a top 10 American political science department, I have over 20 years of work on values and international politics of humanitarianism. My research draws on the disciplines of political science, anthropology, geography, social theory and media studies. I work unequally well in English, Danish, Italian and Swahili. From global population policy to Ben Affleck’s work in Congo, I have examined the relationships between global values and local practices of ‘humanitarianism’ in five research programs.  I have spent a total of 51 months doing fieldwork in Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, and Democratic Republic of Congo), and have also been involved in research capacity building partnerships.

I have been a Visiting Professor at the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in the US (2017-18) and at the Department of Sociology and International Relations at the University of Trento in Italy (2014).

Primary research areas
  • international aid and humanitarian politics
  • the aid business and commodification of causes
  • new transnational actors and alliances in the Global South
  • development theories and representations
  • global health, gender and intersectionality
Curriculum Vitae
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at CBS:  
Brand Aid: Cause-Related Marketing, Celebrity Humanitarianism and Ethical Consumption


I am interested in supervising academically ambitious students working on Brand Aid and other forms of cause-marketing, North-South relations, the aid business, SDGs, humanitarianism, Africa, commodification, and ethical consumption. My strengths are interdisciplinary rigor, linking empirical analysis with critical theory and non-traditional ethnography.

I have supervised 11 PhD students from 6 different nationalities, and over 60 Masters Theses.

Selected publications

Richey, L.A. and L. Chouliaraki, eds. (forthcoming 2018) Everyday Humanitarianism: Ethics, Affects and Practices. Special Issue of New Political Science.

Richey, L.A., ed. (2015) Celebrity Humanitarianism and North-South Relations: Politics, Place and Power, New York and Milton Park, UK: Routledge.

Richey, L.A. and S. Ponte (2011) Brand Aid: Shopping Well to Save the World Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Richey, L.A. and Christiansen, L.B. (2018) “Afropolitanism, Celebrity Politics and Iconic Imaginations of North-South Relations” African Affairs. 117(467): 238-260.

Richey, L.A. (2016) “Tinder Humanitarians’: the moral panic around representations of old relationships in new media” Javnost-the Public. 23(4): 398-414.

Publications List
Publications sorted by:
Lisa Ann Richey / Why Does Capitalism Feel So Right? : Ethical Imaginaries of Prison Labour and Sisterhood Solidarity.
In: Economy and Society, Vol. 53, No. 2, 5.2024, p. 250-274
Journal article > peer review
Lisa Ann Richey / Celebrity : A Key Concept for Understanding the Power of "Helping".
In: The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Philanthropy and Humanitarianism . ed. /Katharyne Mitchell; Polly Pallister-Wilkins. Abingdon : Routledge 2023, p. 209-222
Book chapter > peer review
Polly Pallister-Wilkins; Elisa Pascucci; Lisa Ann Richey; James Smith; Lewis Turner; Tammam Aloudat; William Plowright / Humanitarian Futures
In: The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Philanthropy and Humanitarianism. ed. /Katharyne Mitchell; Polly Pallister-Wilkins. Abingdon : Routledge 2023, p. 292-304
Book chapter > peer review
Consolata Raphael Sulley; Lisa Ann Richey / The Messy Practice of Decolonising a Concept : Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania.
In: Review of International Studies, Vol. 49, No. 3, 7.2023, p. 390-403
Journal article > peer review
Sofie Elbæk Henriksen; Lisa Ann Richey / Google's Tech Philanthropy : Capitalism and Humanitarianism in the Digital Age.
In: Public Anthropologist, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022, p. 21-50
Journal article > peer review
Lisa Ann Richey; Stefano Ponte / Humanitarianism and Corporate Branding : The Case of Brand Aid.
In: Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. ed. /Lilie Chouliaraki; Anne Vestergaard. Abingdon : Routledge 2022, p. 266-284
Book chapter > peer review
Lisa Ann Richey / Why Does Capitalism Feel so Right? : Ethical Imaginaries of Prison Labor and Sisterhood Solidarity.
Paper presented at Imaginaries, 2022
Alexandra Cosima Budabin; Lisa Ann Richey / Batman Saves the Congo : How Celebrities Disrupt the Politics of Development.
Minnesota : University of Minnesota Press 2021, 299 p.
Book > peer review
Lisa Ann Richey; Stefano Ponte / Brand Aid and Coffee Value Chain Development Interventions : Is Starbucks Working Aid Out of Business?.
In: World Development, Vol. 143, 7.2021
Journal article > peer review
Maha Rafi Atal; Lisa Ann Richey / Commodifying COVID-19 : Humanitarian Communication at the Onset of a Global Pandemic.
In: New Political Science, Vol. 43, No. 4, 12.2021, p. 421-450
Journal article > peer review
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