
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Associate professor

Room: DH.V.2.56
E-mail: mbl.msc@cbs.dk

My research focuses on management learning and higher education, notably at business schools; as well as cross-cultural inquiry. I am interested in learning not only as the transfer of know-how and technical skills but also more broadly as a process of identity formation, acculturation and development of tacit abilities such as intercultural competences, ethical awareness and creativity and innovation; and in exploring how students apprehend and negotiate the implicit messages received via the ‘hidden curriculum’ at business schools in different cultural contexts.

Recently I have been working with the impact of affective and aesthetic dimensions on responsible management learning, and alternative curricular designs that bear these elements in mind. Current projects explore i) the significance of curricular space (or its absence) for learning at business schools and in higher education more broadly; ii) the implications of emergent disciplinary identities for business students’ sense of personal responsibility iii)  The competences acquired by business students as a result of a collaborative field course in an African country. My research has fed into curricular change at CBS and beyond, as well as into teacher training courses and outreach initiatives for international students designed to make tacit aspects of local learning culture explicit both to local and international staff and students.

Primary research areas
  • Management learning and education
  • Hidden curriculum
  • Space in learning
  • Intercultural studies
  • Tacit skills
Administrative tasks
  • Member of Study Board for BSC in European Business
  • Member of MSC Departmental Forum
  • Coordinator of research cluster: Communication, Organisation and Governance (COG).
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage

Culture & Cultural Economy (mandatory course, BSC European Business); Cultural Analysis (mandatory course, BSC Business, Language, Culture).


1st year and bachelor projects, BSC Business, Language, Culture. Coordinator and supervisor of internship semester, BSC European Business. PhD supervisor (4 PhD students completed, currently 1 PhD student)

Other teaching activities

Supervisor and teacher on CBS Assistant Professor Programme (APP): NA

Selected publications

Blasco, M. (2021) “We’re Just Geeks”: Disciplinary Identifications Among Business Students and Their Implications for Personal Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-021-04759-7

Blasco, M. (2020) The hidden curriculum: can the concept support responsible management learning? In The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning & Education, Laasch, O., Parkes, C. & Brown, K.G.(eds). London: Sage. 

Semper, J. V. O., & Blasco, M. (2018). Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 1-18.

Blasco, M. (2016) Conceptualising Curricular Space in Busyness Education : An Aesthetic Approximation. Management Learning, Vol. 47, No. 2, p. 117-136 *AWARDED PRIZE FOR BEST PAPER 2016.

Blasco, M. (2015) Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenge of Poverty. Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2015, p. 301-303.

Blasco, M. (2012a) Aligning the Hidden Curriculum of Management Education With PRME: An Inquiry-Based Framework, Journal of Management Education, Volume 36 (3), 364 – 388.

Publications sorted by:



In the media

Maribel Blasco / Provocation : What a Load of Rubbish!.
In: Sustainability Teaching for Impact: How to Inspire and Engage Students Using Drama. . ed. /Tony Wall; Eva Österlind; Eva Hallgren. Abingdon : Routledge 2025, p. 151-158
Book chapter > peer review
Annemette Kjærgaard; Rasmus Bergmann; Maribel Blasco; Tali Padan; Carole Elliott; Jamie Callahan; Sarah Robinson; Tony Wall; / Subtle Activism : Heterotopic Principles for Unsettling Contemporary Academia from Within.
In: Organization, Vol. 31, No. 2, 3.2024, p. 412-424
Journal article > peer review
Tony Wall; Maribel Blasco; Stella M. Nkomo; Márton Rácz; Marcela Mandiola / In Praise of Shadows : Exploring the Hidden (responsibility) Curriculum.
In: Management Learning, Vol. 54, No. 3, 7.2023, p. 291-304
Journal article > peer review
Maribel Blasco / The Permaculture Academic
In: Doing Academic Careers Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. . ed. /Sarah Robinson; Alexandra Bristow; Olivier Ratle. Abingdon : Routledge 2023, p. 146-157
Book chapter > peer review
Maribel Blasco; Sarah Robinson; Jamie Callahan; Tony Wall; Carole Elliott; Tali Padan; Annemette Kjærgaard; / A Collective Autoethnographic Journey Toward Academic Repair : Unfolding Restorative Micro-Repair Practices.
In: The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Human Resource Development. ed. /Joshua C. Collins; Jamie L. Callahan. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2022, p. 417-429
Book chapter > peer review
Maribel Blasco; Thilde Langevang; Søren Jeppesen / Learning Through Disruptions : Equipping Students to Cope With Challenging Contexts Through a Field-based Course in Africa.
In: Journal of Management Education, Vol. 46, No. 5, 10.2022, p. 853-887
Journal article > peer review
Maribel Blasco / “We’re Just Geeks” : Disciplinary Identifications Among Business Students and Their Implications for Personal Responsibility.
In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 178, No. 1, 6.2022, p. 279–302
Journal article > peer review
Tony Wall; Sarah Robinson; Jamie Callahan; Carole Elliott; Tali Padan; Annemette Kjærgaard; Maribel Blasco; Rasmus Bergmann; / Micro-activism and Wellbeing : 1,000s of Snowflakes and the Potential Avalanche.
In: The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing. ed. /Tony Wall; Cary L. Cooper; Paula Brough. London : SAGE Publications 2021, p. 542-557
Book chapter > peer review
Maribel Blasco; Annemette Kjærgaard; Thyra Uth Thomsen / Situationally Orchestrated Pedagogy : Teacher Reflections on Positioning as Expert, Facilitator, and Caregiver.
In: Management Learning, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2.2021, p. 26-46
Journal article > peer review
Minna Paunova; Maribel Blasco / Social Exchange and Reciprocal Integration between Migrants and Locals at Work
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2021, 6 p. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
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Academic Interests

Board member for the Research in Management Learning and Education (RMLE) Unconference; reviewer for Management Learning, Journal of Management Education (‘Outstanding Reviewer award 2016), among others.

Research Projects
Outside activities

Name of contractual partner

Duration of activity

Type of activity

Academic institutions and individuals

1 Jan 2018 - ongoing

Academic language consultancy