
Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability
Associate professor
Academic Co-Director of the Centre for Sustainability at CBS

Room: DH.Ø.2.59
E-mail: mj.msc@cbs.dk
Meike Janssen

My research focuses on consumer behaviour in the field of sustainable consumption, in particular food consumption. I am interested in marketing instruments and policy interventions for fostering sustainable consumption, e.g. product labelling, third-party certification, and other elements of the choice architecture in retail environments. My expertise covers various food-related topics, especially organic food, plant-based food and reduced meat consumption, local food, healthy eating, animal welfare standards, and sustainable food packaging.

I am a member of the Consumer and Behavioural Insights Group (CBIG) at the Centre for Sustainability at CBS.

Before coming to CBS, I was working at the Department of Agricultural and Food Marketing at the University of Kassel, Germany. I have a background in consumer behaviour, marketing, business administration, and policy studies.



PlantPro – Accelerating an efficient green consumer transition

This large project funded by Innovationsfund Denmark aims at fostering the transition towards more plant-rich diets and the avoidance of food waste among consumers in Denmark. It is a collaboration between CBS, Aarhus University, Copenhagen University, and more than ten actors from the Danish food sector.

EU-project VISIONARY - Food Provision through Sustainable Farming Systems and Value Chains

This Horizon Europe project aims to make a difference in food system transitions, by identifying what factors underlie the path dependencies and ‘lock-ins’ in current unsustainable food systems, and showing how these can be overcome.

I lead the work package on ‘Value chain initiatives and business models’ and I am responsible for generating consumer insights on how to promote food from sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly farming systems.

The 4-year project is funded with 23 mio. DKK (CBS share 2.2 mio. DKK) and involves partners from 8 European countries.

I was also part of two corona-related research projects:

Primary research areas
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Sustainable consumption
  • Marketing for sustainable products
  • Consumer policy
  • Behavioural economics
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Consumer Insights and Behavioural Studies, obligatory Bachelor course in HA MAK
  • The Sustainability of Food Systems, Master, Elective
  • Marketing - The Essentials and the Trend Drivers, Bachelor, Elective (Course Coordinator)
  • Business in a changing  world: German perspectives, Master

Business in a changing  world: German perspectives, Master

Selected publications

Meike Janssen; Betty P. I. Chang; Hristo Hristov; Igor Pravst; Adriano Profeta; Jeremy Millard (2021). Changes in Food Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Consumer Survey Data From the First Lockdown Period in Denmark, Germany, and Slovenia. Frontiers in Nutrition, Vol. 8, 8.3.2021

Meike Ketelsen; Meike Janssen; Ulrich Hamm (2020). Consumers’ Response to Environmentally-friendly Food Packaging : A Systematic Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 254, 5.2020

Janssen, M. (2018). Determinants of organic food purchases: Evidence from household panel data. Food Quality and Preference 68:19-28.

Janssen, M., Busch, C., Rödiger, M. and Hamm, U. (2016). Motives of consumers following a vegan diet and their attitudes towards animal agriculture. Appetite 105:643-651.

Janssen, M. and Hamm, U. (2012). Product labelling in the market for organic food: Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for different organic certification logos. Food Quality and Preference 25(1):9-22.

Publications List
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In the media

Andreas Möstl; Meike Janssen; Katrin Zander / Consumer Preferences for Organic, Animal Welfare-friendly, and Locally Produced Meat in Workplace Canteens : Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment in Germany.
In: Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 127, 6.2025
Journal article > peer review
Maureen Schulze; Meike Janssen; Jessica Aschemann-Witzel / How to Move the Transition to Sustainable Food Consumption Towards a Societal Tipping Point
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 203, 6.2024
Journal article > peer review
Maureen Schulze; Meike Janssen / Self-determined or Non-Self-determined? : Exploring Consumer Motivation for Sustainable Food Choices.
In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 45, 3.2024, p. 57-66
Journal article > peer review
Maha Hoteit; Reem Hoteit; Ayoub Aljawaldeh; Kathleen Van Royen; Sara Pabian; Paulien Decorte; Isabelle Cuykx; Lauranna Teunissen; Charlotte De Backer; Ina Bergheim; Raphaela Staltner; Amanda Devine; Ros Sambell; Ruth Wallace; Sabika Salem Allehdan; Tariq Abdulkarim Alalwan; Mariam Ahamad Al-Mannai; Gaëlle Ouvrein; Karolien Poels; Heidi Vandebosch; Katrien Maldoy; Christophe Matthys; Tim Smits; Jules Vrinten; Ann DeSmet; Nelleke Teughels; Maggie Geuens; Iris Vermeir; Viktor Proesmans; Liselot Hudders; Marcia Dutra De Barcellos; Cristina Ostermann; Ana Luiza Brock; Cynthia Favieiro; Rafaela Trizotto; Isadora Stangherlin; Anthonieta Looman Mafra; Marco Antônio Correa Varella; Jaroslava Varella Valentova; Maryanne L. Fisher; Melanie MacEacheron; Katherine White; Rishad Habib; David S. Dobson; Berta Schnettler; Ligia Orellana; Edgardo Miranda-Zapata; Angela Wen-Yu Chang; Wen Jiao; Matthew Tingchi Liu; Klaus G. Grunert; Rikke Nyland Christensen; Lucia A. Reisch; Meike Janssen; Victoria Abril-Ulloa; Lorena Encalada; Iman Kamel; Annukka Vainio; Mari Niva; Laura Salmivaara; Johanna Mäkelä; Kaisa Torkkeli; Robert Mai; Pamela Kerschke Risch; Efthymios Altsitsiadis; Angelos Stamos; Andreas Antronikidis; Maeve Henchion; Sinead McCarthy; Mary McCarthy; Alessandra Micalizzi; Peter J. Schulz; Manuela Farinosi; Hidenori Komatsu; Nobuyuki Tanaka; Hiromi Kubota; Reema Tayyem; Narmeen J. Al-Awwad; Nahla Al-Bayyari; Mohammed O. Ibrahim; Fadwa Hammouh; Somaia Dashti; Basma Dashti; Dhuha Alkharaif; Amani Alshatti; Maryam Al Mazedi; Rania Mansour; Elissa Naim; Hussein Mortada; Yareni Yunuen Gutierrez Gomez; Kelly Geyskens; Caroline Goukens; Rajshri Roy; Victoria Egli; Lisa Te Morenga; Mostafa Waly; Radwan Qasrawi; Motasem Hamdan; Rania Abu Sier; Diala Abu Al Halawa; Hazem Agha; María Reyna Liria Domínguez; Lita Palomares; Grażyna Wąsowicz; Hiba Bawadi; Reema Tayyem; Manal Othman; Jaafar Pakari; Allam Abu Farha; Rasha Abu-El-Ruz; Dacinia Crina Petrescu; Ruxandra Malina Petrescu Mag; Felix Arion; Stefan Cristian Vesa; Majid M. Alkhalaf; Khlood Bookari; Jamila Arrish; Zackaria Rahim; Roy Kheng; Yandisa Ngqangashe; Zandile June-Rose Mchiza; Marcela Gonzalez-Gross; Lisset Pantoja-Arévalo; Eva Gesteiro; Yolanda Ríos; Peter Yiga; Patrick Ogwok; Denis Ocen; Michael Bamuwamye; Haleama Al Sabbah; Zainab Taha; Leila Cheikh Ismail; Ayesha Aldhaheri; Elisa Pineda; Marisa Miraldo; Dawn Liu Holford; Hilde Van den Bulck / Call for Emergency Action to Restore Dietary Diversity and Protect Global Food Systems in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond : Results From a Cross-sectional Study in 38 Countries.
In: Heliyon, Vol. 9, No. 11, 11.2023
Journal article > peer review
Isabel Schäufele-Elbers; Meike Janssen / Consumer Segmentation based on Three Dimensions of Sustainable Food Consumption : A Simultaneous Analysis of Meat, Organic Food, and Sweet Snack Purchases based on Household Panel Data in Germany.
In: Frontiers in Nutrition, Vol. 10, 27.6.2023
Journal article > peer review
Maureen Schulze; Meike Janssen / Consumers' (Lacking) Self-determined Motivation to Reduce Meat Consumption
In: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy: EMAC 2023 Annual Conference. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2023, 1 p. (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Jessica Aschemann-Witzel; Maartje D.G.H. Mulders; Meike Janssen; Federico J.A. Perez-Cueto / Tipping the Next Customer on the Shoulder? : A Segmentation Study and Discussion of Targeted Marketing to Further Plant-rich Dietary Transition.
In: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, Vol. 11, 12.2023
Journal article > peer review
Jeremy Millard; Alberto Sturla; Zdeňka Smutná; Meike Janssen; Jan Vávra / European Food Systems in a Regional Perspective : A Comparative Study of the Effect of COVID-19 on Households and City-Region Food Systems.
In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Vol. 6, 14.4.2022
Journal article > peer review
Hristo Hristov; Jeremy Millard; Igor Pravst; Meike Janssen / European Household Spending and Socio-economic Impacts on Food Behavior during the First Wave of COVID-19
In: Frontiers in Nutrition, Vol. 9, 2022
Journal article > peer review
Jessica Aschemann-Witzel; Meike Janssen / The Role of Policy Actions to Accelerate Food Consumer Behaviour Change
In: Agricultural and Food Economics, Vol. 10, 2022, 3 p.
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