
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Oana Brindusa
Associate professor

Room: DH.V.2.82
E-mail: oba.msc@cbs.dk
Oana Brindusa Albu

Research Expertise

Interdisciplinary Focus:
My research lies at the intersection of communication, science and technology studies (STS), and organization studies, exploring how these domains influence and shape each other.
Civil Society Engagement:
I have extensive experience collaborating with civil society organizations, citizen journalists, and environmental justice movements, focusing on their communication and organizational dynamics.
Editorial Experience:
I serve as an Associate Editor of Management Communication Quarterly, contributing to the advancement of scholarly research in organizational and management communication.
International Recognition:
I am a Research Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies (SCAS) (under the Nordic Fellowship Programme for 2025), underscoring my international academic impact.

International Networks
I am the Vice-Chair (2024–2026) of the Organizational Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA), playing a key role in fostering global collaboration and advancing research within the field.

Teaching Expertise
I coordinate graduate courses within the Master Programme of Organizational Communication (cand.kom), including: Public Affairs, Politics, and Communication and Digital Marketing and Consumer Cultures.
I am also a course coordinator in the undergraduate Bachelor Programme in Digital Management of the course Managing Marketing, Communications, and Relations.

Primary research areas
  • Science and technology studies
  • Social movements
  • Organization and Communication
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
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Public Relations and Issues Management

Selected publications

Etter, M., & Albu, O. (forthcoming). Activists in the dark: Social media algorithms and collective action in two social movement organizations. Organization.

Albu, O.B. (2018). “Making a Difference”: The performative role of values in the constitution of organization. M@n@gement, 21(2): 858-883.

Albu, O.B. & Flyverbom, M. (2016). Organizational Transparency: Conceptualizations, Conditions and Consequences. Business & Society. DOI 10.1177/0007650316659851

Albu, O. B., & Etter, M. (2016). Hypertextuality and Social Media: A Study of the Constitutive and Paradoxical Implications of Organizational Twitter Use. Management Communication Quarterly, 30 (1), 5-31. DOI: 10.1177/0893318915601161

Albu, O. B. (2019). Dis|Ordering: The Use of Information and Communication Technologies by Human Rights Civil Society Organizations. pp. 75-100. In “Dis/organization as communication: Studying Tensions, Ambiguities and Disordering” C., Vasquez & Kuhn, T. (eds), Routledge Studies in Communication, Organization, and Organizing, Routledge. London, UK

Publications List
Publications sorted by:
Oana Brindusa Albu / The Greenery in the Corporate Metallic Prism
In: Organization, 10.2.2025
Book review
Oana B. Albu; Jonathan Murphy / Measuring Corruption Perceptions in Tunisia : Transparency International, the Corruption Perception Index and the World Bank.
In: The Elgar Companion to the World Bank. ed. /Antje Vetterlein; Tobias Schmidtke. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 263–273 (Elgar Companions to International Organisations)
Book chapter > peer review
Oana Brindusa Albu; Boukje Cnossen; Chahrazad Abdallah / Positionings : Toward a Relational Understanding of Representation and Writing in Organizational Communication Research.
In: The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication. ed. /Boris H. J. M. Brummans; Bryan C. Taylor; Anu Sivunen. London : SAGE Publications 2024, p. 569-587
Book chapter > peer review
Oana Brindusa Albu; Lars Thøger Christensen / Shadows in the Spotlight : Navigating Organizational Transparency in Digital Contexts.
In: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 23.7.2024
Journal article > peer review
Oana Brindusa Albu / Managing Visibilities : The Shades and Shadows of NGO Work in Repressive Contexts.
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 3, 8.2023, p. 659-685
Journal article > peer review
Oana Brindusa Albu / Betwixt and Between : Trends in Transparency and Secrecy Research.
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 2, 5.2022, p. 377-387
Journal article > peer review
Oana Brindusa Albu; Neva Štumberger / CCO in Practice : Spacing and Humanitarian Organizing.
In: The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization . ed. /Joëlle Basque; Nicolas Bencherki; Timothy Kuhn. New York : Routledge 2022, p. 466-479 (Routledge Studies in Communication, Organization and Organizing)
Book chapter > peer review
Brittany L. Peterson; Oana B. Albu; Kirsten Foot; Darvelle Hutchins; Jack Qiu; Craig R. Scott; Michael Stohl; Sarah J. Tracy / Conducting Research in Difficult, Dangerous, and/or Vulnerable Contexts : Messy Narratives from the Field.
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2.2022, p. 174-204
Journal article > peer review
Ali Aslan Gümüsay; Mia Raynard; Oana Brindusa Albu; Michael Etter; Thomas Roulet / Digital Technology and Voice : How Platforms Shape Institutional Processes through Visibilization.
In: Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory. ed. /Thomas Gengenhuber; Danielle Logue; C. R. (Bob) Hinings; Michael Barrett. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2022, p. 57-85 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 83)
Book chapter > peer review
Oana Brindusa Albu / The Shades and Shadows of NGOs Work in Politically Sensitive Contexts
Paper presented at The 7th Global Conference on Transparency Research 2022. GCTR 2022, 2022
Paper > peer review
More results... (total 36 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

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