Department of Management, Society and Communication
External Lecturer

Presentation and academic fields
Peter Neergaard is professor emeritus and external lecture in CSR, Copenhagen Business School (CBS). He holds a M.S. in business from CBS and one from University of Wisconsin, US and a Ph. D. from CBS. He has been the Danish partner in more EU-funded projects on business processes and CSR. He has been a research fellow at Stanford University, State University of New York and Cambridge University, UK. He has published extensively in CSR.
Professional and/or academic experience
His primary research interests are communication of CSR, CSR in global supply chains and partnerships between companies and NGOs., circular econ. and strategy
Pedagogical experience/method skills/supervision
CM & Master Thesis and bachelor projects:
Supervision areas:
- Corporate social responsibility,
- Communication of CSR,
- Partnerships between companies and NGO's,
- CSR and strategy,
- CSR in global supply chains,
- CSR and financial performance,
- Strategy.
- Circular econ.
Other Teaching Activities
- Internal censor at cand.merc
External link