
Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS)
Associate professor emeritus


My research on labor organization in developing countries dates back to the mid-1980s. Having retired as an emeritus in 2016 I have scaled down my international fieldwork. Yet, most recently I contributed to a forthcoming anthology on trade unions and labor representation in Asia, edited by Russell Lansbury and Lee Byoung-Hoon, with a chapter on Malaysian trade unionism. During the last decade I participated in several international conferences, and in the aftermath papers have been published in the Journal of Industrial Relations (2012), Geoforum 44 (2013) and the Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies (2014). Together with Rene Ofreneo, University of the Philippines, I made a chapter on labor markets in Southeast Asia to the anthology, The New Political Economy of Southeast Asia (2010), edited by Rajah Rasiah, University of Malaya, and Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt, Aalborg University. Finally, a chapter on trade unions in the Asian automotive industries was published in the anthology, Cars, Automobility and Development in Asia: Wheels of Change (2015), edited by Arve Hansen and Kenneth Bo Nielsen.

Industrial policy in developing countries has been one of my main teaching areas, while research experience has been achieved mainly in the sector of automobile industrialization in Asia (see e.g. co-authored article with Rick Doner). A state of the art review of the field, Governance, business and development, is made for the anthology, Business and Development Studies, edited by Peter Lund-Thomsen, Michael W. Hansen and Adam Lindgreen and published in 2019/2020. While emeritus I have and do participate in a study group of emeritus/emerita, based at RUC and focusing on development studies with particular emphasis on Southeast Asian affairs.

My ongoing interest in research philosophy and methodology was translated into a book chapter on realist research theory and critical realism in a Danish anthology on these matters within political science, sociology and administration, lastly published in the 3rd edition 2015. As an emeritus I participate in another Danish book project on research styles in sociology and other social sciences. It is expected to be published no later than Spring 2025. This work has taken place while I have simultanously opdated and reviewed my knowledge of the state of the art of Danish and international  sociology, my profession by education.

Primary research areas
  • Labor and employment relations in developing countries
  • Political economy of development in general and in Malaysia in particular
  • Social science philosophy and methodology
Curriculum Vitae
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Selected publications

Wad P. (2015) Realistisk videnskabsteori og kritisk realisme. I: Videnskabsteori: I statskundskab, sociologi og forvaltning (3. udgave). Redaktion: Michael Hviid Jacobsen; Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen og Peter Nedergaard. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 365-391.

Doner, R.F. and Wad, P. (2014), “Financial Crises and Automotive Industry Development in Southeast Asia”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 44 No. 4, pp. 664–687

Wad, P. (2013) "Getting labour rights right at a foreign controlled company in Malaysia: A Global Labour Network perspective", Geoforum44, 2013, pp. 52-61.

Hansen, M. W., Petersen, B. & Wad, P. (2011) "Change of Subsidiary Mandates in Emerging Markets: The Case of Danish MNCs in India", Transnational Corporations Review, Vol. 3, Nr. 2, s. 104-116.

Wad, P. (2010) "Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis over the Automotive Industry in Developing Countries", Working Paper 16, 2009. Vienna: UNIDO.

Publications sorted by:
Peter Wad / Automotive Industrialisation. Industrial Policy and Development in Southeast Asia
In: Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 27, No. 3, 8.2022, p. 590-593
Book review
Peter Wad / Governance, Business, and Development
In: Business and Development Studies: Issues and Perspectives. . ed. /Peter Lund-Thomsen; Michael Wendelboe Hansen; Adam Lindgreen. Abingdon : Routledge 2020, p. 17-54 (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)
Book chapter > peer review
Peter Wad / Malaysian Trade Unions in the Twenty-first Century
In: Trade Unions and Labour Movements in the Asia-Pacific Region. ed. /Byoung-Hoon Lee; Ng Sek-Hong; Russell D. Lansbury. Abingdon : Routledge 2020, p. 166-184 (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, Vol. 143)
Book chapter > peer review
Peter Wad / Governance, Business and Development
In: Business and Development Studies: Issues and Perspectives. . ed. /Peter Lund-Thomsen; Michael Wendelboe Hansen; Adam Lindgreen. Abingdon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2019, p. 17-54
Book chapter > peer review
Peter Wad / The Asian Automotive Industry and Labour Organising
In: Cars, Automobility and Development in Asia: Wheels of Change. . ed. /Arve Hansen; Kenneth Bo Nielsen. Abingdon : Routledge 2017, p. 37-61
Book chapter > peer review
Peter Wad / Realistisk videnskabsteori og kritisk realisme
In: Videnskabsteori: I statskundskab, sociologi og forvaltning. . ed. /Michael Hviid Jacobsen; Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen; Peter Nedergaard. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2015, p. 365-391
Book chapter > peer review
Richard F. Doner; Peter Wad / Financial Crises and Automotive Industry Development in Southeast Asia
In: Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 44, No. 4, 10.2014, p. 664-687
Journal article > peer review
Peter Lund-Thomsen; Peter Wad / Global Value Chains, Local Economic Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility in the BRICS Countries
In: Competition and Change, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2014, p. 281-290
Journal article > peer review
Peter Wad / Solidarity Action in Global Labor Networks : Four Cases of Workplace Organizing at Foreign Affiliates in the Global South.
In: Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014, p. 11-33
Journal article > peer review
Peter Wad / From National Unions to Global Labor Networks? : Industrial Relations in Global Industries of the 21st Century.
Paper presented at Work and Vulnerability, 2013
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