
Department of Marketing

Associate professor

Room: SOL/C2.08
E-mail: jc.marktg@cbs.dk

Associate Professor Jesper Clement has been involved in several research projects on consumer behavior. In a cross disciplinary team he planned and led the FairSpeak project on misleading and misinterpretation of food products.

He is head of SenseLab at Decision Neuroscience Research Cluster (DNRC) at the Department of Marketing, which is the home base for projects in the borderland between brain research and behavioral research. The cluster is an initiative within a new discipline of research, emerging from an integration of the traditional research areas: Consumer behavior, economics, psychology and neuroscience. 

In addition, he is also deeply involved in research concerning circular economy.

“Circular economy, eco-labels and public procurement”

One of four videos (in Danish) shortly presenting brief insights on the circular economy, circular public procurement and how eco-labels, both in general and related to public spending, can support implementation of circular economy principles. See them all in the news.

Primary research areas
  • Consumer behavior – non-conscious and repeated decision making
  • Visual impact on interpretation and decision
  • Biometric research methods – eye-tracking, EEG, GSR
  • Experimental research design
Administrative tasks

Curriculum Vitae
Social media
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Minor in Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience and Economy (CM elective)
- Neuroeconomics
- Neuromarketing
- Neuro Research Design
CM (BCM): Neuroscience of Branding
BA elective: Neuromarketing
BA elective: Visuel identitet og profil


Jesper Clement supervises master and bachelor thesis related to topics of consumer behavior, branding, and neuroscience.
Jesper Clement supervises PhD

Selected publications
  • Clement; Smith; Zlatev; Gidlöf; Van de Weijer (2017) Assessing Information on Food Packages. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2017, p. 219-237
  • Clement, Aastrup & Forsberg; (2015). Decisive visual saliency and consumers' in-store decisions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  • Halloran, Clement, Kornum, Bucatariu & Magid; (2014). Addressing food waste reduction in Denmark. Food Policy
  • Clement, Kristensen & Grønhauge; (2013): The influence of packaging design features on visual atten-tion – Understanding consumers’ in-store visual perception, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol.20
  • Clement & Scriver; (2012). Visuel identitet som strategi – hvordan virksomheden får det fulde udbyt-te. Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi, vol.3
  • Clement, Skovgaard Andersen & O'Doherty Jensen (2012). Framework for Understanding Misleading Information in Daily Shopping, Qualitative Market Research, vol.15(2)
Publications sorted by:



In the media

Leticia Vedolin Sebastião; Jesper Clement / Mindfulness in Business Education : Benefits, Teaching Philosophy, and a Case of the Application of Mindfulness in a Company.
In: Business Education in the 21st Century: Developing Discipline Competences and Transformation Capabilities. . ed. /Adam Lindgreen; Eleri Rosier; Antonia Erz; Ben Marder; Sylvia von Wallpach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 215–229
Book chapter > peer review
Sönnich Sönnichsen; Ad de Jong; Jesper Clement; Roger Maull; Chris Voss / The Circular Economy : A Transformative Service Perspective.
In: Journal of Service Research, 24.1.2024
Journal article > peer review
Seidi Suurmets; Jesper Clement; Simone Piras; Carla Barlagne; Matilde Tura; Noureddine Mokhtari; Chokri Thabet / Utilizing Sensory and Visual Data in the Value Estimation of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
In: Foods, Vol. 13, No. 18, 9.2024
Journal article > peer review
Jesper Clement; Gitana Alenčikienė; Inkeri Riipi; Ugnė Starkutė; Kornelija Čepytė; Agnė Buraitytė; Aelita Zabulionė; Alvija Šalaševičienė / Exploring Causes and Potential Solutions for Food Waste among Young Consumers
In: Foods, Vol. 12, No. 13, 7.2023
Journal article > peer review
Simone Piras; Carla Barlagne; Jesper Clement; Nouredine Mokhtari; Chokri Thabet; Matilde Tura / How Does Health–related Information Impact Willingness to Pay for Olive Oil? : An Incentivised Lab Experiment Among Moroccan and Tunisian Consumers.
In: Book of Abstracts. SIDEA – Società Italiana di Economia Agraria LIX Convegno annuale: Agricoltura, alimentazione e mondo rurale di fronte ai cambiamenti dello scenario globale: politiche e strategie per la sostenibilità e la resilienza. Bologna : SIDEA 2023, 6 p.
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Carla Barlagne; Simone Piras; Jesper Clement; Chokri Thabet; Imen Souissi; Nourredine Mokhtari; Matilde Tura / Integrating Experimental Economics and Biometric Methods to Improve Understanding of Consumers' Decision Making : A Novel Protocol and its Application to the Case of Olive Oil in Tunisia and Morocco.
Poster session presented at XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists. EAAE 2023, 2023
Poster > peer review
Vincenzo Russo; Qingguo Ma; Jesper Clement; Jia Jin; Tao Liu; Margherita Zito / Editorial : Neuromanagement and Neuromarketing.
In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13, 2022, 5 p.
Editorial > peer review
Andreas Blicher; Rob Gleasure; Ioanna Constantiou; Jesper Clement / Getting to Grips with Online Altruism by Combining Quasi-experiments and Controlled Experiments
Paper presented at Workshop on Information Systems and Economics 2022, 2022
Paper > peer review
Andreas Blicher; Rob Gleasure; Ioanna Constantiou; Jesper Clement / How Does the Content of Crowdfunding Campaign Pictures Impact Donations for Cancer Treatment
In: Information Systems and Neuroscience - NeuroIS Retreat 2022: Conference Proceedings. . ed. /Fred D. Davis; René Riedl; Jan vom Brocke; Pierre-Majorique Léger; Adriane B. Randolph; Gernot R. Müller-Putz. Cham : Springer 2022, p. 61–71 (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Vol. 58)
Article in proceedings > peer review
Mia Münster; Sönnich Sönnichsen; Jesper Clement / Retail Design in the Transition to Circular Economy : A Study of Barriers and Drivers.
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 362, 8.2022
Journal article > peer review
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