Department of Marketing

Johannes Hattula is Associate Professor of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. He holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of St.Gallen (Switzerland) and a graduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim (Germany). Prior to joining Copenhagen Business School, Johannes has been an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Imperial College London (UK) and he has held visiting positions at the University of British Columbia (Canada), Yale University (USA), and the Max Planck Institute (Germany).
Johannes’ primary areas of research and teaching include managerial decision making, consumer behavior, and growth hacking strategies. His research has been accepted for publication at leading journals in the field, including the Journal of Marketing Research and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and has been featured by business publications such as Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, and the MSI Marketing Science Institute. His work has been recognized by several awards and has been supported by various grants (e.g., Swiss National Science Foundation) and companies.
Primary Research Fields
- Management and consumer behavior
- Decision biases and debiasing approaches
- Human-computer interaction
- Marketing & AI
- Growth hacking strategies
In: Marketing and AI: Shaping the Future Together: Proceedings of the 2024 AMS Annual Conference, Coral Gables, FL, USA, May 22–24. . ed. /Vincent Jeseo; Jasmine Parajuli. Cham : Springer 2024, p. 26–37 (Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science)
In: Marketing Letters, Vol. 34, No. 1, 3.2023, p. 35-53
In: Keller Center Research Report, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2022, p. 7-12
In: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 58, No. 3, 6.2021, p. 456-475
In: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 2, 6.2015, p. 179-186
In: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 52, No. 2, 4.2015, p. 235-252
In: Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40, 2012, p. 1013-1014
Kreative superkræfter, som kan overtage alt arbejde
Undersøgelse: Marketeers misforstår kunderne fordi de begår basal fejl
Putting Yourself in the Customer’s Shoes Doesn’t Work: An Interview with Johannes Hattula
- Matheus Lima De Castro Menezes, Imperial College Business School, External Examiner for Ph.D. thesis: “The Impact of Online Reviews on Consumer Evaluations and Decision Making: An Analysis of Review Volume and User-Generated Photos”; Date of defense: June 7, 2023