
Department of Marketing

  • Center for Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)
Associate professor

Room: SOL/C3.24
E-mail: mb.marktg@cbs.dk

Originally, I have worked as marketing manager and CMO in different companies, before pursuing a consulting career for more than 10 years.
I joined CBS as an industrial research fellow in 1995 and acquired my Ph.D. in 1999. I teach courses in Brand Management, International Marketing, Key Account Management, Retailing, Sales Management, and Strategy. My research interests have covered strategic use of branding, B2B relationships, SCM as a marketing tool and recently sales processes as games. I have written articles and books on franchising, brand management, trade marketing, key account management, organizational buying behavior, and strategic relationship marketing.
Furthermore, I have acted as consultant for leading firms in various industries. Finally, I have been the academic dean at CBS Executive since 2012.

Primary research areas

I have for many years been focused on the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry, looking at both roles and strategies of retailers and suppliers. This background has given me insights into brands and branding, sales management, etc. Currently I'm directing my focus towards how customer perceive multiple customer journeys, and a project on the “future of sales and sales management”, and finally a project on the transition of actor roles in the FMCG sector.

Administrative tasks

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Executive MBA - the "Marketing" course and the "Master Thesis process" - also referred to as the Integrated Strategy Project

FT MBA - the "Master Thesis process" - also referred to as the Integrated Strategy Project

HD Marketing Management modules on "Strategy, innovation and product development", and two electives on "Sales Management" and "Strategic Brand Management"

Cand. soc. Service Management - the course "Managing the customer journey in a marketing perspective".


Currently supervising one ph.d. student on customer experiences and how customer express themselves in terms of engagement with the brand.
Furthermore supervising master thesis' for a number of M. Sc., HD and EMBA students.

Other teaching activities

I have taken the academic responsibility for courses at HA in retailing and strategy, and teaches at CBS Executive.

Selected publications

Bjerre, Mogens (2001), Different forms of Key Account Management, in Svein Ole Borgen (ed.) The Food Sector in Transition – Nordic Research, NILF
Bjerre, Mogens, Refshøj, Jens & Ulrich, Torben (2008), Kundefokus skaber konkurrencekraft – Key Account Management (Customer Focus Gives Competitive Edge), Børsen Forlag
As one of the reviewers put it: “This is a must read book for sales amd marketing directors” as the book argues the providing competitive edge to your custoemrs is the basis for future sales. The book further introduces the concept of the Sales Centre as a counterpart to the Buying Centre
Heding, Tilde, Knudtzen, Charlotte & Bjerre, Mogens (2008), Approaches in Brand Management - Research, Theory, and Practice, Routledge. 2nd version published in 2016.
A double blind reviewed book using the paradigm funnel approach to examine brand management research 1985-2007. The result is two distinct brand management paradigms and seven distint brand management approaches – the “Strategy Safari” of brand management

Publications sorted by:
Mogens Bjerre; Jesper Aastrup / Detaillisters multiple roller i dagligvarekanalen
In: Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi, Vol. 210, No. 1, 6.2024, p. 27–42
Journal article > peer review
Mogens Bjerre; Jesper Aastrup / Konkurrencen mellem mærkevarer og detaillisters egne mærker : En empirisk undersøgelse af danske vareleverandørers perspektiver.
In: Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi, Vol. 210, No. 1, 7.2024, p. 9-26
Journal article > peer review
Torsten Ringberg; Per Østergaard Jacobsen; Mogens Bjerre / Loyalitet i turbulente tider : Analyse af og håndbog i arbejdet med loyalitet.
Rungsted : Efficiens 2023, 320 p.
Book > peer review
Henrik Johannsen Duus; Mogens Bjerre / Environmental Analysis in International Business Markets : Models and a Research Agenda.
Frederiksberg : Department of Marketing. CBS 2022, 28 p. (Working Paper. Department of Marketing. Copenhagen Business School)
Working paper
Rune Thorbjørn Clausen; Signe Mørk Madsen; Mogens Bjerre / The Map Is Not the Territory : A Notion on Customer Journeys and Touchpoints in a Digital Age.
Herning : Lifestyle & Design Cluster 2022, 14 p.
Mogens Bjerre; Torben Ulrich / Sales Governance : Fremtidens salgsledelse.
Gentofte : The Value Footprint 2021, 355 p.
Mogens Bjerre / Distribution
In: Markedsføring: Teori og praksis. . ed. /Jens Graff. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2020, p. 402-419
Book chapter > peer review
Mogens Bjerre; Per Østergaard Jacobsen / Købsadfærd på producentmarkedet
In: Markedsføring: Teori og praksis. . ed. /Jens Graff. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2020, p. 160-181
Book chapter > peer review
Mogens Bjerre / Produktion- og servicemarketing
In: Markedsføring: Teori og praksis. . ed. /Jens Graff. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2020, p. 346-363
Book chapter > peer review
Mogens Bjerre / Exploring Future Retail : Rapport fra rejsen.
København : Service Platform 2018, 47 p.
More results... (total 81 results)
Academic Interests

Outside activities
  • Bestyrelsesformand e-handelsfonden
  • Bestyrelsesmedlem DKT A/S
  • Jurymedlem for Advertising Effectiveness Award
  • Academic Dean på CBS Executive
  • Underviser på CBS Executive