Department of Marketing
- Center for Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)

Dr Richard Gyrd-Jones’ research focuses on challenges to managing brands in the context of multiple stakeholder eco-systems. He examines critically the discipline of branding as a constitutive force in society. He is co-founder of the Brand Meaning Network (link: http://www.cbs.dk/en/research/departments-and-centres/department-of-mark...), which brings together top international scholars in the area of brand meaning co-creation. His most recent research follows several paths. Firstly, he looks at brand identity co-creation and issues around the implementation of branding strategies at a managerial level. Secondly, he studies brands in a wider societal context and its role in and interaction with the performativety of personal brands.
He works closely with new ventures in both his research and through multiple workshop formats to help start-ups build their brand. He achieves consistently high evaluations in his teaching at undergraduate, graduate and executive levels. He has been the programme coordinator of the MSc programme in Branding & Communications Management at CBS (link: http://www.cbs.dk/uddannelse/kandidatuddannelser/candmerc/marketing/bran...) which is ranked Number 1 in Western Europe by best-masters.com (link: http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-corporate-communication-in-we...)
Richard Gyrd-Jones is a Docent in Brand Management at Oulu Business School, Finland (link: http://www.oulu.fi/oulubusinessschool/)
Richard Gyrd-Jones is a member of the Advances in Branding Research Cluster (link:
- Brand Mangement
- Corporate Branding
- Brand Value & Meaning
- Branding in Social Media
- Brand Eco-systems
- Branding in New Ventures
- B-to-B Branding
Departmental Service and Administrative Tasks
2016 – 2024: DVIP Coordinator, Department of Marketing
2016 - 2020: IT and Web Committee Chair
CBS Service and Administrative Tasks
2023: Member of CBS Strategic Program Portfolio Review (SPPR) working group
2019-present: Programme Coordinator, MSc Brand & Communications Management. (Budget responsible)
2020- present: Member of the BSc Market and Cultural Analysis (HA(MAK)) Study Board
2020 – present: Appeals Board BSc Market and Cultural Analysis (HA(MAK))
2019: Member of the BSc (HA) Market and Cultural Analysis (HA(MAK)) Interim Study Board
2018: Member of the BSc (HA) Market and Cultural Analysis Task Force
2014 – 2021: Member of BA International Marketing & Communications (IMK) Study Board
2005 – 2010: Programme Coordinator, MSc Marketing Communications Management. (Budget responsible)
2005 – 2008: Member of BSc Business Administration & Service Management (SEM) Study Board
Brand Strategy & Business Processes (cand.merc. & BCM) Open Innovation & Branding (cand.merc. elective)
Minor coordinator: Excellence in Brand Strategy & Analytics.
CBS 2013-Present
Masters Level: Perspectives in Strategic Brand Management (cand.merc. BCM), Corporate Branding & Communities (cand.merc. SMC), Brand Governance (cand.merc. BCM), Retail Branding & Innovation (cand.merc. elective), Advanced Perspectives in Brand Co-Creation: Innovation opportunities and ethical challenges (cand.merc. elective), Open Innovation Branding (cand.merc. elective) Bachelor Level: Multidisciplinary Case: Brand Management (IMK), Cross-cultural Studies for Marketing (IMK)
Griffith University 2010-2012
Masters Level: Branding, Retail Branding & Innovation, Integrated Marketing Communication.
Diploma Level: eCRM, Corporate Communications Bachelor Level: Strategic International Marketing School Outreach: Marketing & International Management
iESEG, Lille, France 2011
Masters Level: Retail Branding & Innovation
Masters Thesis Projects: 100+ Bachelor Projects
2020 - 2024: Marija Sarafinovska, CBS: “Brand Co-creation and Ethics: Stakeholder Perception of the Ethicality of Co-creation process” (Secondary Supervisor)
2014 - 2018: Anna-Bertha Heeris Christensen, CBS: “Understanding Brand Value Formations within Social Media Practices: An Investigation of How Value Emerges in Online Habitus between Brands, Consumers and Influencers” (Principal Supervisor)
2010 - 2014: Nicky Nedergaard, CBS: "Creating a Sustainable Operating Model for Design in Business: The role of brand in aligning company resources and custom value creation" (Principal Supervisor)
2010 - 2014: Natasha Cox, Griffith University: "Destination Brand Architecture: An exploratory study of nature-based destinations" (Principal Supervisor)
2010 - 2012: Husam Alnaimi, Griffith University: "Relationship Marketing in the Jordanian Internet Sector: The inclusion of switching behavior and relational bonds into the relationship marketing model" (Principal Supervisor)
PhD – Evaluation Committees
2021: Janina Schaumann, Lund University: “Stakeholder-Based Brand Equity: A qualitative study of its development through firm-stakeholder interactions in emerging markets” (Opponent)
2018: Anna Alapeteri, Oulu Business School: “The Effects of Using English as a Business Lingua Franca on Spoken Brand Co-Creation Communication – A discursive approach” (Opponent)
2015: Pernille Ryden, CBS: “Tool or Transformation: Strategic cognition of social media in business-customer interaction” (pre-defence)
2014: Christian Koch, Lund University: “Corporate Brand Positioning: Case studies across firm levels and over time.” (Committee)
2012: Jannie Adamsen, Griffith University: “An Australian Choice Study: Food for thought.” (Committee chair)
- Christensen, A-B.H., Gyrd-Jones, R. & Beverland. M. (2024). " Dialectical Emotional Labour in Digital Person-Branding: The Case of Social Media Influencers" Organization Studies. Vol 45, no 4: pp. 571-591.
- Markovic, S., Gyrd-Jones, R.I., von Wallpach, S. & Lindgreen, A. (2022). Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation: Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Koch, C. & Gyrd-Jones, R.I. (2019). Corporate brand positioning in complex industrial firms: Introducing a dynamic, process approach to positioning. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 81: pp. 40-53.
- Törmälä, M. & Gyrd-Jones, R.I. (2017). Development of New B2B Venture Corporate Brand Identity: A narrative performance approach. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 65: pp. 76-85.
- Kornum, N., Gyrd-Jones, R., Al Zagir, N., & Brandis, K. A. (2017). Interplay between intended brand identity and identities in a Nike related brand community: Co-existing synergies and tensions in a nested system. Journal of Business Research. Vol 70: pp. 432-440.
- Gyrd-Jones, R.I. & Kornum, N. (2013). Managing the co-created brand: Value and cultural complementarity in online and offline multi-stakeholder ecosystems. Journal of Business Research, vol 66, no 9, pp. 1484-1493.
- Nedergaard, N. & Gyrd-Jones, R.I. (2013). Sustainable Brand-Based Innovation: The role of corporate brands in driving sustainable innovation. Journal of Brand Management, Vol.20, no.9: pp. 762-778.
- Jones, R.I. (2005). “Finding Sources of Brand Value. Developing a stakeholder model of brand equity,” Journal of Brand Management, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 10-32.
In the media
In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2025, 3 p.
Paper presented at The 31th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2024, 2024
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 45, No. 4, 4.2024, p. 571-591
Paper presented at 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024, 2024
Paper presented at 17th Global Brand Conference, 2024
In: Business Education in the 21st Century: Developing Discipline Competences and Transformation Capabilities. . ed. /Adam Lindgreen; Eleri Rosier; Antonia Erz; Ben Marder; Sylvia von Wallpach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 337–356
In: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 13, 2023, p. 87-110
In: Research Handbook on Brand Co-creation: Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications. . ed. /Stefan Markovic; Richard Jones; Sylvia von Wallpach; Adam Lindgreen. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. xxiv–xxxiv
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, 448 p.
In: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference 2021: Marketing for Growth. . ed. /Abel Monfort. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2021, 1 p.
Paper presented at 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, 2020
In: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 81, 8.2019, p. 40-53
In: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference 2018: People Make Marketing. . ed. /Kathy Hamilton; Matthew Alexander; Spiros Gounaris; Maria Karampela; Ewelina Lacka. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2018, 1 p. (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
In: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference 2018: People Make Marketing. . ed. /Kathy Hamilton; Matthew Alexander; Spiros Gounaris; Maria Karampela; Ewelina Lacka. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2018, 1 p. (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
In: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 65, 8.2017, p. 76-85
In: Advances in Corporate Branding. ed. /John M. T. Balmer; Shaun M. Powell; Joachim Kernstock; Tim Oliver Brexendorf. London : Palgrave Macmillan 2017, p. 119-147 (Journal of Brand Management: Advanced Collections)
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 70, 1.2017, p. 432-440
Paper presented at The 12th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2017, 2017
Paper presented at The 11th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2016, 2016
In: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference: Marketing in the Age of Data. . ed. /Klemens Knöferle; Luk Warlop; Bendik Samuelsen. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2016 (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
In: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference: Marketing in the Age of Data. . ed. /Klemens Knöferle; Luk Warlop; Bendik Samuelsen. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2016 (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
In: Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2015, p. 414-443
Abstract from The 44th EMAC Annual Conference 2015, 2015
Paper presented at The 10th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2015, 2015
In: Qualitative Market Research, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2015, p. 320-345
Paper presented at The 44th EMAC Annual Conference 2015, 2015
Abstract from 19th International Colloquium on Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing, 2014
In: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, 6.2014, p. 85-95
Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 2014
Paper presented at The 9th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2014, 2014
In: Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 29, No. 9-10, 2013, p. 1056-1078
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 66, No. 9, 9.2013, p. 1484-1493
In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 20, No. 7, 2013, p. 571-589
In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 20, No. 9, 2013, p. 762–778
Paper presented at The 8th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2013, 2013
Paper presented at The Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. ANZMAC 2012, 2012
Abstract from The Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. ANZMAC 2012, 2012
Abstract from The Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. ANZMAC 2012, 2012
In: Book of Abstracts: 19th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference. . ed. /Harry Timmermans. : EIRASS 2012, 1 p.
In: Conference Proceedings, EMAC 2011: 40th EMAC Conference: The Day After - Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation. . ed. /Maja Makovec Brencic; Tanja Dmitrovic; Monika Lapanja; Ajda Senicar. Ljubljana : Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana 2011
In: Proceedings of ANZMAC 2011. ed. /Martin MacCarthy. Perth : ANZMAC 2011, 1 p.
In: Proceedings of ANZMAC 2011. ed. /Martin MacCarthy. Brisbane : ANZMAC 11.2011
Abstract from The Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. ANZMAC 2011, 2011
Paper presented at QUIS11 - Services Conference : Moving Foward with Service Quality, 2011
In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 17, No. 8, 2010, p. 545-547
Paper presented at The 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management 2009, 2010
In: Innovative Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2010, p. 44-57
In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 17, No. 8, 2010, p. 579-589
Paper presented at The 6th International Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2010, 2010
Paper presented at The 39th EMAC Annual Conference 2010, 2010
In: Proceedings of ANZMAC 2010. ed. /Paul Ballantine; Jörg Finsterwalder. Christchurch : ANZMAC 11.2010
Paper presented at The 39th EMAC Annual Conference 2010, 2010
In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Conference, Nantes, France. ed. /Jean-Pierre Helfer; Jean-Louis Nicolas. Brussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2009 (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy)
In: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43, No. 3-4, 2009, p. 523 - 550
Paper presented at The 38th EMAC Annual Conference 2009, 2009
In: Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 90, No. 4, 4.2009, p. 1593–1604
In: Strategic Market Creation. ed. / Karin Tollin; Antonella Carù. Chichester : Wiley 2008, p. 124-157
In: Strategic market creation: A new perspective on marketing and innovation management. . ed. /Karin Tollin; Antonella Carù. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley 2008, p. 124-157
In: Engaging the Multiple Contexts of Management Converence and Divergence of Management Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the 19th ANZAM Conference. . ed. /Doug Davies; Greg Fisher; Raechel Hughes. Canberra : ANZAM 2005
In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, 10.2005, p. 10-32
In: Engaging the Multiple Contexts of Management Converence and Divergence of Management Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the 19th ANZAM Conference. . ed. /Doug Davies; Greg Fisher; Raechel Hughes. Canberra : ANZAM 2005
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2005, 2005
Paper presented at The 33rd EMAC Annual Conference 2004, 2004
In: Public Relations Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2.2002, p. 47-62
In: Perspectives on Marketing Relations. ed. / Søren Askegaard; Niels Jørgensen; Thorbjørn Knudsen. København : Karnov Group 2002, p. 55-81
: Altinget.dk 23.5.2024
In: Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger: Krise- og risikostyring. . ed. /Martin Vilsøe. København : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 2012 (Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger)
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Visiting professorships:
2024: University of Paris Dauphine-PSL
2020-22: University of Turku
2020: IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School