Department of Organization
- WETO – Work, Expertise, Technology and Organization

I use ethnographic methods, interviews, and policy analysis to study work, governance and expertise in organizations and projects, and the organization of markets and architectural competitions aimed at solving societal problems.
Currently, I am employed as an Assistant Professor, partly funded by the project ‘Green transition through the dynamics of problematizations’, which is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. In collaboration with colleagues from Aalborg University, DTU, and CBS, the project investigates the role of the state in valuing energy resources in Denmark. (link). Within the project, I study current valuation practices, governance and resource making, with a specific focus on biogas and Power-to-X, by analyzing policy documents, interviews, and observations of meetings and seminars at the Danish Energy Agency.
During my postdoctoral project ‘Organizing Energy Consumption’ (2016-2020) funded by EUDP (link) and I-REMB ( link ), I represented CBS in two work packages of the smart grid project EcoGrid 2.0. This demonstration project developed a market solution to address the challenge of fluctuating electricity production in the Danish electricity grid. As a part of my involvement in the demonstration project, I conducted ethnographic studies on how engineers constructed the marked for flexible electricity consumption. Additionally, I conducted ethnographic studies on Bornholm, which included interviews with participants in the smart grid project, as well as several months of observations of repair work conducted by field technicians. The results of this research project have been disseminated to the public (link) and published in venues within science and technology studies (STS), market studies, energy research, and work and employment studies.
I am also currently collaborating with colleagues from the Department of Accounting at CBS in studying the Danish Hospital Programme. As a part of my PhD at Roskilde University, I conducted ethnographic studies of dialogue-based architectural competitions. The findings of this research have been disseminated to the public (link) and published in my PhD thesis, a book, book chapters, and journals within the fields of accounting, architectural research, organization, and management.
I serve as the editor of the podcast series ‘Organisationers Verden’ (link) with Marianne Benfeldt Kellmann and Emil Husted.
- Organization of electricity markets and architectural competitions
- Public governance in healthcare and energy transition
- Project governance in the Danish Hospital Programme
- Resource making in energy transition (biogas, Power-to-X)
- Valuation within architectural practices and energy transition
- Sociology of work, invisible work, articulation work, and repair work
- Qualitative methodology, qualitative interviews, policy analysis, and ethnography
- Organisationsanalyse (HA almen)
- Organisations teori (HA Europæisk Business)
- Organisering i teori og praksis (HD1
I have supervised projects at HA project management (first year projects and bachelor projects) since the bachelor program was established.
Master thesis (within my research areas)
- Jacobsen, P. H., Tryggestad, K., & Harty, C. (2021). Design as redesign in the case of architectural competitions: the role of design visualisations and juries. Culture and Organization, 27(1), 51-70.
- Pallesen, T., & Jacobsen, P. H. (2021). Demonstrating a flexible electricity consumer: keeping sight of sites in a real-world experiment. Science as Culture, 30(2), 172-191.
- Iuel-Stissing, J., Pallesen, T., Karnøe, P., & Jacobsen, P. H. (2020). Governing system transitions in the context of scattered agency: Flexibility, action, and ecologies of epistemic equipment. Energy Research & Social Science, 69, 101730.
- Pallesen, T., & Jacobsen, P. H. (2018). Articulation work from the middle—a study of how technicians mediate users and technology. New Technology, Work and Employment, 33(2), 171-186.
- Pallesen, T., & Jacobsen, P. H. (2018). Solving infrastructural concerns through a market reorganization: A case study of a Danish smart grid demonstration. Energy research & social science, 41, 80-88.
- Kreiner, K., & Jacobsen, P.H. (2012). Dialog og Konkurrence: Eksperimenter med nye arkitektkonkurrenceformer. Copenhagen. Samfundslitteratur.
- Kreiner, K., Jacobsen, P. H., & Jensen, D. T. (2011). Dialogues and the problems of knowing: Reinventing the architectural competition. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 27(1), 160-166.
In the media
In: Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 17.1.2025
In: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2025, p. 478-508
Abstract from The EASST-4S 2024 Conference, 2024
In: Book of Abstracts: Biannual DASTS Conference. DASTS24: Eligies of Waste, Surplus, and Excess. : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU 2024, 2 p.
Paper presented at 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, 2023
In: Science as Culture, Vol. 30, No. 2, 6.2021, p. 172-191
In: Culture and Organization, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1.2021, p. 51-70
In: Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 69, 11.2020
Paper presented at 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, 2020
In: Context in Action and How to Study It: Illustrations from Health Care. . ed. /Ninna Meier; Sue Dopson. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2019, p. 104-121
Frederiksberg : Ecogrid 2019, 26 p.
Frederiksberg : Ecogrid 2019, 24 p.
In: Outlines. Critical Practice Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2019, p. 26-46
In: New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol. 33, No. 2, 7.2018, p. 171-186
Frederiksberg : Ecogrid 2018, 26 p.
In: Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2018, p. 35-64
In: Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 41, 7.2018, p. 80-88
Frederiksberg : Ecogrid 2017, 38 p.
In: Architecture Competition: Project Design and the Building Process. . ed. /Ignaz Strebel; Jan Silberberger. Abingdon : Routledge 2017, p. 103-116 (Design and the Built Environment)
Paper presented at The 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, 2017
Paper presented at The 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 2017
Paper presented at European Electricity Market and National Energy Policies Workshop, 2017
In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ARCOM Conference. ed. /P. W. Chan; C. J. Neilson. Vol. 2, Cambridge : ARCOM, Association of Researchers in Construction Management 2016, p. 761-770
In: P – Psykologernes fagmagasin, 3.3.2016
In: Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 21, The 8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization, 2015, p. 578–585
Abstract from The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2015, 2015
In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2015. ed. /Ani Raiden; Emmanuel Aboagye-Nimo. Lincoln : ARCOM, Association of Researchers in Construction Management 2015, p. 875-884
Paper presented at The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2015, 2015
Paper presented at APROS/EGOS Conference, 2015
Roskilde : Roskilde Universitet 2014, 200 p.
Frederiksberg : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2013, 288 p.
In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2011, p. 160-166
Paper presented at Constructions Matter - Managing Complexities, Decision and Actions in the Building Process, 2010
København : 29.1.2025
Frederiksberg : Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School 2023
In: Ingeniøren, 14.3.2019
Frederiksberg : Ecogrid 2017, 12 p.
In: Kvalitet i udbudsprocesserne: Debat. Oplæg til seminar. . ed. /Lars Bertelsen; Hanne Ullum. København : Realdania 2016, p. 72-76
København : Realdania 2016, 10 p.
In: Ingeniøren, No. 46, 16.11.2012, p. 17
Forskere: Hverken regioner, entreprenører eller ministeriet skal have skylden for supersygehus-skandale. Det er budgetterne, den er gal med
Arkitekt og forsker: Mennesker med handikap mangler i idékonkurrencer til ny national arkitekturpolitik
558 forskere og undervisere: Universitetets formålsparagraffer skal skrives med grønt
Mellemmænd skaber fleksibelt elforbrug
Elektrikerne har nøglerolle i fremtidens elforbrug
Elektrikere har nøglerolle i udviklingsprojekt
To publikationer med råd og inspiration til konkurrenceforløb
Katalog giver inspiration til udbudsprocesserne
Ny publikation undersøger kvalitet i udbudsprocesserne
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