
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Assistant professor

Room: KIL/14.A-3.63
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Anders Dahl Krabbe is an Assistant professor at the Department for Strategy and Innovation. He came to CBS in Autumn 2024 after being an assistant professor at King’s College London and before that Scancor postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. He was awarded his PhD in Innovation Management at the University of Southern Denmark. Anders' research focuses on themes related to the social dynamics around technological change, often examined at the market or industry-level. In terms of methods, he opts for qualitative approaches, often drawing on archival material. Anders' work on aesthetic innovation in the hearing aid industry (with Stine Grodal) won the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Best Paper Award at the 2018 Academy of Management Conference. His work on entrepreneurship and socio-cultural consumption patterns (with Rasmus Koss Hartmann and Andre Spicer) was a finalist for the Organization and management Theory (OMT) Best Entrepreneurship Paper Award at the 2020 Academy of Management Conference and a finalist for the That’s Interesting Award at the 2019 European Group of Organization Studies Conference. His research has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Research Policy, Academy of Management Annals and Research in the Sociology of Organizations.

Primary research areas
  • Innovation

  • Technology management 

  • Organization theory 

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Qualitative methods

  • Archival methods

Curriculum Vitae
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Selected publications

Bodrozic, Z; Hartmann, R. K and Krabbe, A.D. (Forthcoming). The Ascendance and Decline of Entrepreneurialism: A Neo-Schumpeterian Perspective. Academy of Management Perspectives

Krabbe, A. D., & Grodal, S. (2023). The aesthetic evolution of product categories. Administrative Science Quarterly, 68(3), 734-780.

Grodal, S., Krabbe, A. D., & Chang-Zunino, M. (2023). The evolution of technology. Academy of management annals, 17(1), 141-180.

Hartmann, R. K., Spicer, A., & Krabbe, A. D. (2022). Toward an untrepreneurial economy? The entrepreneurship industry and the rise of the veblenian entrepreneur. In Entrepreneurialism and Society: Consequences and Meanings(Vol. 82, pp. 19-49). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Andersen, K. V., Frederiksen, M. H., Knudsen, M. P., & Krabbe, A. D. (2020). The strategic responses of start-ups to regulatory constraints in the nascent drone market. Research policy, 49(10), 104055.