
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Associate professor

Room: KIL/14.A-2.64

Mercedes Delgado is Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and a Research Affiliate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She teaches strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship courses at the Master's and executive levels, and is the lead co-director of the MBA Entrepreneurship Concentration at CBS. Delgado’s research focuses on the relationship between the regional business environment and the performance of inventors, firms, regions, and countries. She examines the role of regional clusters—geographic concentrations of related industries, firms, and supporting institutions —in job creation, innovation, entrepreneurship, inclusivity, and resilience. Delgado has developed new methods for defining and mapping industry clusters and the supply chain economy. This work provides frameworks and tools to help firms, practitioners, and policymakers create regional and national innovation strategies. She is also interested in how to connect businesses in inner cities—economically distressed areas within a city— to their surrounding cities in order to facilitate inclusive prosperity. At the firm level, she studies the interaction between the spatial organization of firms, their location choices through the value chain, and performance. Her recent work explores the organizational and locational drivers of the inventor gender gap. Delgado’s work has been published in top economic, policy, strategy, and science journals. She has received several prestigious fellowships and research grants, including a graduate fellowship from Fundación Rafael del Pino and a recent National Science Foundation grant on Mapping the Inventor Gender Gap. She served as a lead researcher on the US Cluster Mapping Project: Mapping a Nation of Regional Clusters. Delgado has engaged with multiple stakeholders in innovation ecosystems: government, hundreds of startups, corporations, and accelerators. She serves as a mentor at AcexHealth (health accelerator in Andalucía) and is working with Digital Catapult (accelerator in the UK) to foster 5G innovation.

Delgado earned a PhD in Business Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She completed postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard Business School and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Innovation Policy and the Economy Group.

Curriculum Vitae
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  • EMBA and MBA Entrepreneurship Concentration, Spring 2019–present. Lead co-director.
  • Bioentrepreneurship, Master in Biopharmaceutical (BIO) Business, 2020-present. Course Coordinator (CC).
  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Finance, Master in Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship, Spring 2019–present. CC.
  • Strategy and Market Development, Master in Innovation and Business, Spring 2019–present. CC.


Selected publications

Firms in Context: Internal and External Drivers of Success,” 2018, in G.L. Clark, M. Feldman, M. Gertler, and D. Wójcikfor  (eds.) The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography.
Spatial Organization of Firms and Location Choices through the Value Chain,” with Juan Alcacer, 2016, Management Science 62 (11), 3213–3234.
 “Defining Clusters of Related Industries,” with Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern, 2016, Journal of Economic Geography 16 (1), 1–38. Supplementary Data and Stata Codes for the Clustering Algorithm.
Clusters and Regional Performance: Implications for Inner Cities,” with Kim Zeuli, 2016, Economic Development Quarterly 30 (2), 117–136.
Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance,” with Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern, 2014, Research Policy 43 (10), 1785–1799.
Intellectual Property Protection and the Geography of Trade,” with Margaret Kyle and Anita M. McGahan, 2013, Journal of Industrial Economics 61 (3), 733–762.
Clusters and Entrepreneurship,” with Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern, 2010, Journal of Economic Geography 10 (4), 495–518.

Publications sorted by:



In the media

Mercedes Delgado; Fiona E. Murray / Faculty as Catalysts for Training New Inventors : Differential Outcomes for Male and Female PhD Students.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 120, No. 36, 2023
Journal article > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; Fiona E. Murray / Faculty as Catalysts for Training New Inventors : Differential Outcomes for Male and Female PhD Students.
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
Paper > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; Fiona E. Murray / Mapping the Regions, Organizations, and Individuals That Drive Inclusion in the Innovation Economy
In: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol. 1, 2022, p. 67–101
Journal article > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; J. Daniel Kim; Karen G. Mills / The Servicification of the U.S. Economy : The Role of Startups versus Incumbent Firms.
In: The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth. ed. /Michael J. Andrews; Aaron Chatterji; Josh Lerner; Scott Stern. Chicago : University of Chicago Press 2022, p. 371-396 (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
Book chapter > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; Margaret Kyle / Trade in Intellectual Property-Intensive Goods
In: Trade in Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Trade and Development in a Transformed Global Economy. . ed. /Antony Taubman; Jayashree Watal. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2022, p. 431-452
Book chapter > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; Fiona E. Murray / Mapping the Regions, Organizations and Individuals that Drive Inclusion in the Innovation Economy
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
Paper > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; Karen G. Mills / The Supply Chain Economy : New Policies to Drive Innovation and Jobs.
In: Economía Industrial, No. 421, 2021, p. 71-78
Journal article
John Harrison; Mercedes Delgado; Ben Derudder; Isabelle Anguelovski; Sergio Montero; David Bailey; Lisa De Propris / Pushing Regional Studies beyond Its Borders
In: Regional Studies, Vol. 54, No. 1, 1.2020, p. 129-139
Journal article > peer review
Mercedes Delgado / The Co-location of Innovation and Production in Clusters
In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 27, No. 8, 10.2020, p. 842-870
Journal article > peer review
Mercedes Delgado; J. Daniel Kim; Karen Mills / The Servicification of the U.S. Economy : The Role of Startups versus Incumbent Firm.
Paper presented at The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth, 2020
Paper > peer review
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Outside activities
Year Name of contractual partner type of activity
2019 - 2022 MIT Research Scientist 12% position
2023 - 2024 Digital Catapult Assessment of innovation and entrepreneurship in Digital Products
2023 - 2024 MIT D-Lab Consultant for UPSKILL Philippines
2019-2023 Fundación Rafael del Pino and MIT Sloan Co-director of the annual Frontiers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) Workshop
2023 2024 AcexHealth Accelerator Mentor
2021 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Expert