
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Associate professor

Room: KIL/14.A-2.85
E-mail: og.si@cbs.dk

I got my PhD in Business Economics from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a MSc and BSc from Bocconi University. My research is about decision-making and governance in organizations with a special focus on gender. As main methodology I use laboratory and field experiments.

Primary research areas
  • Decision-making
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gender 
  • Organizational Economics
  • Lab/Field Experiments
Administrative tasks

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Selected publications


Publications sorted by:
Mario Daniele Amore; Mircea Epure; Orsola Garofalo / Organizational Identity and Performance : An Inquiry into Nonconforming Company Names.
In: Long Range Planning, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2.2024
Journal article > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo; Cedric Gutierrez; Victor Martin-Sanchez; Valerio Pelucco / Time Tells : Unraveling the Temporal and Risk Dynamics of Venture Capitalists.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo; Alice Guerra / How Leaders Influence (un)Ethical Behaviors within Organizations : A Laboratory Experiment on Reporting Choices.
In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 183, No. 2, 3.2023, p. 495-510
Journal article > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo; Victor Martin-Sanchez / Dispositional Optimism and Business Recovery during a Pandemic
In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 17, No. 6, 6.2022
Journal article > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo; Victor Martin-Sanchez / Failing to Learn from Failure : How Optimism Impedes Entrepreneurial Innovation.
In: Organization Science, Vol. 32, No. 4, 7.2021, p. 940-964
Journal article > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo / Pay Inequality and Gender Dynamics in Top Executive Positions
In: Corporate Governance, Vol. 29, No. 6, 11.2021, p. 526-540
Journal article > peer review
Orsola Garofalo; Christina Rott / Shifting Blame? : Experimental Evidence of Delegating Communication.
In: Management Science, Vol. 64, No. 8, 8.2018, p. 3911-3925
Journal article > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo / Executive Gender, Competitive Pressures, and Corporate Performance
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 131, 11.2016, p. 308-327
Journal article > peer review
Mario Daniele Amore; Orsola Garofalo; Alessandro Minichilli / Gender Interactions Within the Family Firm
In: Management Science, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2014, p. 1083-1097
Journal article > peer review
Jordi Brandts; Orsola Garofalo / Gender Pairings and Accountability Effects
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 83, No. 1, 2012, p. 31–41
Journal article > peer review
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