
Department of Strategy and Innovation


Room: KIL/14.A-3.67

Toke Reichstein (b. 1973) is Professor of Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Department of Strategy and Innovation, CBS.
Reichstein received his PhD degree from Aalborg University in 2003 after which he joined Imperial College Business School for at a research associate and later a Research Fellow (2003-2007). He became an associated professor at the Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics (INO) at CBS in 2006 and promoted to Professor in 2014 at the same department. He was co-responsible for the CBS Entrepreneurship Platform from 2014 to 2017. He transferred his professorship to the Department of Strategic Management and Globalization (SMG) in 2017 and became the academic director at Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship from 2017 to 2020. Reichstein became a professor at the Department of Strategy and Innovation - a merger of INO and SMG. He was appointed council member at the social science section of the Independent Research Fund Denmark in 2019. He is also a founding member of the Danish Centre for Entrepreneurship Research. He has on multiple occasions served on assessment committees at Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in Sweden and at Academy of Finland.  
Reichstein’s research profile centers on entrepreneurship, technological change and innovation. He has published papers in respectable journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Business Venturing and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. His work is predominantly quantitative building on register data and data assembled from scratch. Reichstein’s papers addresses questions pertaining to selection into self-employment, conditions of self-employment, strategic decision making in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs rejoining the labor market, transfer of organizational practices form parent firm to startup, innovation speed, technology licensing, contractual specifications for technology partnering, and strategic alignment in technology partnering.

In terms of teaching, Reichstein is responsible for the Minor in Entrepreneurship at the Bachelor level. A program that includes courses in Entrepreneurial Strategy, Entrepreneurial Finance, and Entrepreneurial Business Planning and Development. He is also responsible for and teaches Managerial Economics and has for more than a decade been associated with Luiss Business School teaching their PhD students Applied Econometrics.

Primary research areas
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Technology Licensing
  • Economics and Management of Innovation
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Managerial Economics
  • Entrepreneurial Strategy
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Supervision of PhD students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Supervision of Master students in Innovation Management
  • Supervision of Bachelor Students in areas pertaining to managerial economics, entrepreneurial strategy, quantitative investigations and economics of innovation
Selected publications
  • Boudreau, K. J., Jeppesen, L. B., Reichstein, T., & Rullani, F. (2021). Crowdfunding as Donations to Entrepreneurial Firms. Research Policy, 50(7), 104264.
  • Feldman, M. P., Ozcan, S., & Reichstein, T. (2019). Falling not far from the tree: Entrepreneurs and organizational heritage. Organization Science, 30(2), 337-360.
  • Mahieu, J., Melillo, F., Reichstein, T., & Thompson, P. (2019). Shooting stars? Uncertainty in hiring entrepreneurs. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
  • Failla, V., Melillo, F., & Reichstein, T. (2017). Entrepreneurship and employment stability—Job matching, labour market value, and personal commitment. Journal of Business Venturing, 32(2), 162-177.
  • Laursen, K., Moreira, S., Reichstein, T., & Leone, M. I. (2017). Evading the boomerang effect: using the grant-back clause to further generative appropriability from technology licensing deals. Organization Science, 28(3), 514-530.
  • Leone, M. I. & Reichstein, T. (2012). Licensing-in Fosters Rapid Invention: The Effect of the Grant-back Clause and Technological Unfamiliarity. Strategic Management Journal, 33(8), 965-985.
  • Laursen, K., Reichstein, T. & Salter, A. J. (2011). Exploring the Effect of geographical Proximity and University Quality on Univeristy-Industry Collaboration in the United Kingdom. Regional Studies, 45(4), 507-523.
  • Ozcan, S. & Reichstein, T. (2009). Transition to Entrepreneurship form the Public Sector: Predispositional and Context Effects. Management Science. 55(4), 604-618.
  • Reichstein, T. & Salter, A. J. (2006). Investigating the Sources of Process Innovation Among UK Manufacturing Firms. Industrial and Corporate Change. 15(4). 653-682.
Publications sorted by:



In the media

Virgilio Failla; Nicolai J. Foss; Francesca Melillo; Toke Reichstein / When Inequality Means Equity : Horizontal Wage Dispersion and the Propensity to Leave Current Employment Across Different Organizational Settings.
In: Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1.2025, p. 118-143
Journal article > peer review
Maria Halbinger; Toke Reichstein; Francesca Melillo / The Entrepreneurial Edge : Evidence of Social Identity and Other-orientation in Communities of Interest.
In: Industrial and Corporate Change, 27.5.2024
Journal article > peer review
Szabolcs Szilárd Sebrek; Toke Reichstein; Betsabé Pérez Garrido / Open Innovation Strategy and Competitive Pressure : The Tension between the Need to Compete and Apprehension toward Information Leakage.
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Massimo G. Colombo; Karin Hoisl; Toke Reichstein; Salvatore Torrisi / Open Innovation, Value Creation and Value Capture : An Introduction.
In: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2023, 12 p., p. 731-742
Editorial > peer review
Giulio Zichella; Toke Reichstein / Students of Entrepreneurship : Sorting, Risk Behaviour and Implications for Entrepreneurship Programmes.
In: Management Learning, Vol. 54, No. 5, 11.2023, p. 727-752
Journal article > peer review
C. D. Isakson; Michael S. Dahl; Toke Reichstein / Residential Location Choices of an Isolated Workforce : Shifts in Social Attachment of Former Seafarers.
In: Maritime Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, 9.2022, p. 353-362
Journal article > peer review
Kevin J. Boudreau; Lars Bo Jeppesen; Toke Reichstein; Francesco Rullani / Crowdfunding as Donations to Entrepreneurial Firms
In: Research Policy, Vol. 50, No. 7, 9.2021
Journal article > peer review
Jeroen Mahieu; Francesca Melillo; Toke Reichstein; Peter Thompson / Shooting stars? : Uncertainty in Hiring Entrepreneurs.
In: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 12.2021, p. 526-567
Journal article > peer review
Maryann P. Feldman; Serden Ozcan; Toke Reichstein / Variation in Organizational Practices : Are Startups Really Different?.
In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1.2021, p. 1-31
Journal article > peer review
Maryann P. Feldman; Serden Ozcan; Toke Reichstein / Falling Not Far from the Tree : Entrepreneurs and Organizational Heritage.
In: Organization Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2019, p. 337–360
Journal article > peer review
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Research Projects
Outside activities
Year Name of the contract partner Type of Activity
2023 - 2024 Social Science Research Council - Independent Research Fund Denmark Chairman of the Economics and Business Section
2023 - 2024 Returning lecturer of Applied Econometrics for PhD students at Luiss Business School Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, Italy