
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Associate professor

Room: KIL/14.A-2.93
E-mail: vr.si@cbs.dk

Vera Rocha is Associate Professor in Economics and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School (Department of Strategy and Innovation). Before, Vera was an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the same Department and a postdoc in Economics of Entrepreneurship at the former Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics at Copenhagen Business School. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Porto (Portugal). Her PhD thesis was distinguished by Price Waterhouse Coopers as the best PhD thesis in Economics in Portugal in 2014. Vera’s research is at the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategic human capital, and labor market inequality. Most of her work has been focused on the antecedents, processes, and consequences of entrepreneurial activity. Among other questions, Vera has been studying the determinants of career transitions into entrepreneurship, the causes and implications of hiring strategies as firms emerge and mature, how entrepreneurial activity can affect both individual careers and society at large, and how organizations contribute to expand or reduce labor market inequalities, often using matched employer-employee data for Portugal and Denmark. Vera’s research has been distinguished by several awards and published in highly recognized journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, and Organizational Research Methods. Vera is currently the Principal Investigator of a large project funded by Carlsberg Foundation (Denmark) investigating multi-level pathways for integrating marginalized groups in the labor market and broader society. Vera is also co-Principal Investigator in another large project funded by the ROCKWOOL Foundation (Denmark) to study questions related to individual behavior and tax evasion in the digital economy. Vera is Co-Editor-in-Chief at Industry & Innovation and serves in the Editorial Review Board of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, and Small Business Economics.

Primary research areas
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Strategic Human Capital
  • Labor Market Inequality
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  • Entrepreneurship (MSc level)
  • Applied Econometrics (PhD level)


Selected publications


  • Kacperczyk, O., Younkin, P., Rocha. (2022) “Do employees work less for female leaders? A multi-method study of entrepreneurial firms.” Organization Science, doi: 10.1287/orsc.2022.1611.
  • Merida, A., Rocha, V. (2021) “It’s About Time: The Timing of Entrepreneurial Experience and the Career Dynamics of University Graduates”. Research Policy, 50(1): 104-135.
  • Rocha, V., van Praag, M. (2020) “Mind the gap: The role of gender in entrepreneurial career choice and social influence by founders”, Strategic Management Journal, 41(5): 841-866.
  • Rocha, V., Carneiro, A., Varum, C., (2018), “Leaving employment to entrepreneurship: The value of coworker mobility in pushed and pulled-driven startups”, Journal of Management Studies, 55(1): 60-85.
Publications sorted by:


In the media

Vera Rocha; Dario Pozzoli / Do Hiring Strategies Change in Successive Entrepreneurial Stints?
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 46, No. 4, 4.2025, p. 962-993
Journal article > peer review
Vera Rocha; Rhett Andrew Brymer / We Go Way Back : Affiliation-based Hiring and Young Firm Performance.
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, 3.2025, p. 723-749
Journal article > peer review
Rhett Andrew Brymer; Vera Rocha / Affiliation-based Hiring in Startups and the Origins of Organizational Diversity
In: Personnel Psychology, Vol. 77, No. 1, 3.2024, p. 23-52
Journal article > peer review
Vera Rocha; Luca Grilli / Early-stage Start-up Hiring : The Interplay Between Start-ups’ Initial Resources and Innovation Orientation.
In: Small Business Economics, Vol. 62, No. 4, 4.2024, p. 1641-1668
Journal article > peer review
Alessandra Perri; Vera Rocha / Grand Innovation Challenges : Celebrating 30 Years of Industry and Innovation with a Special Issue.
In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2024, 15 p., p. 1-15
Editorial > peer review
Francesco Castellaneta; Vera Rocha; Di Tong; Daniel Tzabbar / Hybrid Entrepreneurship and Wage Dynamics
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Grazia D. Santangelo; Vera Rocha; Wolfgang Sofka / Refugee Hiring and Organizational Performance
In: Organization Science, 23.2.2024
Journal article > peer review
Johannes Ross; Vera Rocha; Tom Grad; Jörg Claussen / The Hidden Costs of the Platform Economy : Tax Dishonesty by Airbnb Hosts.
København : Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed 2024, 80 p. (Study Paper. The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, No. 198)
Johannes Ross; Vera Rocha; Tom Grad; Jörg Claussen / The Hidden Costs of the Platform Economy : Tax Dishonesty by Airbnb Hosts.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Valhalla, NY : Academy of Management 2024, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Grace Gu; Samreen Malik; Dario Pozzoli; Vera Rocha / Worker Reallocation, Firm Innovation, and Chinese Import Competition
In: Journal of International Economics, Vol. 151, 9.2024
Journal article > peer review
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