5 PhD scholarships

Aimed at research within industrial dynamics and organizational economics.


The DRUID Academy at the Department of Industrial and Strategy invites applications for five PhD scholarships aimed at research within industrial dynamics and organizational economics.

1 scholarship in contractual economics

Applications are invited within the area of contractual economics. The research project must be within the research interests of the department (see link to the department’s research profile to the left).

1 scholarship in management of technology

Applications are invited within the area of management of technology. The research project must be within the research interests of the department, in particular the research area ”Innovation studies”.

3 co-financed scholarships

These three scholarships are jointly financed by CBS, the Danish Research Agency and a number of private organizations from the areas mentioned below. Applications are invited within the following areas:

  1. Biotechnology

  2. Music (recorded)

  3. Film

Projects within all areas should focus on the commercial exploitation of new knowledge or artistic creations as well as the organization of development, production and/or distribution of the products, focusing, as only examples, on internal incentive systems, on inter-organizational contractual relations, or on the use of patents, copyright and other intellectual property rights.

For all scholarships, the department will consider only applicants who can demonstrate solid academic qualifications, an awareness of research methodology and an interest in both joining the department’s research environment and functioning as a link to the relevant industry. An educational background at the level of an MSc/MA in the social sciences, preferably within (business) economics, is required.

Application deadline: 9 May 2005, at 12:00 noon.

General information:

To be awarded a scholarship, one must be enrolled as a PhD student. Enrolment is dependent on the acceptance of an application, including a short project description prepared in co-operation with the Department. The description of the research project should contain a presentation of the intended focus problems, including the theory and methodology expected to be used.

A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years and is only awarded to applicants with a Master’s degree. The scholarship stipulates that the holder carry out tasks equivalent to 840 work hours.

Salary and appointment as a PhD student or a research fellow will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.

In addition, all applicants must submit an application that includes a completed compulsory application form, a brief curriculum vita (CV), and a list of papers and publications.

A committee of experts in the field in question will consider all applications. Assessment of the applicants will be based on the quality and relevance of the project, including an evaluation of the applicant’s ability to accomplish it.

If it is not stated elsewhere the application must be submitted in triplicate.

Compulsory application forms, guideline, and further information on scholarships and the Doctoral Programme can be obtained at the

CBS Web:

The application must be submitted to:

Copenhagen Business School, Department of Industrial economics and Strategy, Solbjergvej 3, 3., DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

Marked ”33-1987”

The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/15/2012