Business and responsibility

How do European companies do it?


Associate Professor and Ph. D. Mette Morsing together with Professor Andrew Kakabadse from Cranfield School of Management is the editor of the book ”Corporate Social Responsibility – Reconciling Aspiration with Application”, which is the latest publication in a large international research project about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The book just came out on Palgrave MacMillan and is oriented towards managers and students with an interest in CSR. The book contains a number of theoretical and practical discussions about the way CSR affects the company’s business strategy.

“The book gives critical and constructive input into the European debate about Corporate Social Responsibility. Many European companies engage more and more in such activities and with this book it is our intention to illustrate some of the challenges that face the companies on this subject. The practical application of CSR is illustrated through three company cases including Shell, Novo Nordisk and Unilever", Mette Morsing says.

”Corporate Social Responsibility – Reconciling Aspiration with Application” is a result of CBS’ collaboration with the European business schools and companies. The collaboration is rooted in The European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) of which CSR is one of the seven "founding members”. 

In addition to Mette Morsing, Associate Professor and Ph D. Steen Vallentin, Professor Steen Thomsen and adjunct professor R. Edward Freeman have contributed to this publication.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/07/2006