CBS professor earns high international ranking in Information Systems Research

Information Systems-researcher only Dane in top-100. As the only researcher from a Danish university Professor Karlheinz Kautz from the CBS Department of Informatics has been ranked in the top 100 list of individual researchers, in the most recent international Information Systems research Rankings. His ranking is 69.


Information Systems-researcher only Dane in top-100

As the only researcher from a Danish university Professor Karlheinz Kautz from the CBS Department of Informatics has been ranked in the top 100 list of individual researchers, in the most recent international Information Systems research Rankings. His ranking is 69.

CBS´s research on Information Systems, and the Department of Informatics, is ranked in the top 5 among the non Anglo-American universities, and was ranked 24 in the overall ranking.

Professor Kautz has earned his ranking by documenting research in the field of Information Systems Development which combines academic vigour and theory building with relevance for the Danish and international IT industry.

-I am proud of the achievement, in particular on behalf of CBS/INF, which provides the environment to do such research. I see the ranking as motivation to continue my work and achieve better rankings, states Professor Kautz.

Information Systems Research: a new but essential academic field

- Information Systems is still a young, but neverless essential academic field at the crossroads of social, organisational, economical and technical scientific research areas, explains Jacob Nørbjerg, Head of Department of Informatics .

- As one of a few non Anglo-American researchers in the rankings, this particular ranking recognises both CBS, the Department of Informatics and Professor Kautz as significant contributors to and promoters of practice-oriented IS research. It also acknowledges the high academic standing of IS and IT research at CBS, says Jakob Nørbjerg

The qualified rankings create attention and provide transparency in the field, both academically, in industry and society and at funding bodies where it is still a challenge to position IS as an important research field.

The rankings are endorsed by the International Association of Information Systems (AIS), the prime professional organisation of IS researchers in the world. The rankings are based on publications in the top 8 international journals in the IS field during the last 5 years (2004-2008). Read more here.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/12/2010