Research talent at the Department of Finance

The Danish Council for Independent Research has appointed Ulf Nielsson, Assistant Professor from CBS, as one of this year's research talents


The greater the distance between a company listed on the stock exchange and an investor, the greater the risk of an investor giving an imprecise appraisal of a company. This research field is the reason for which Ulf Nielsson from the Department of Finance has received the prestigious grant Sapere Aude.

The grant is worth DKK 1 million and is awarded to young, talented Danish researchers every year by the Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant will allow the researchers to improve their skills and strengthen their network and career through a period of study abroad.

Ulf Nielsson became interested in the project, when he discovered that data points towards the fact that investors are better informed of companies in the neighbouring areas. For instance, households in eastern Jutland know more about Vestas Wind Systems than they do of Mærsk based in Copenhagen.

The expression "Sapere Aude" has been made known by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant and is closely associated with the Age of Enlightenment. It means "dare to be wise".

Read more about the career programme on the website of the Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Education

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/11/2013