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  1. Ukrainian applicants

    The content on this page is relevant for Ukrainian citizens looking to apply for a bachelor programme at CBS. We hope you, your family and your friends are safe, and we would like to express our support and solidarity in these difficult times.On this page, you will find information about the special conditions that apply if you are a Ukrainian citizen and fleeing the conflict in Ukraine...
  2. 2018

    Involves two full PhD scholarships.Jesper Clement• CBS seed money for developing a BiS platform in Circular EconomyAlexander Josiassen• UMAMI Funding from Innovationsfonden. DKK 6.3 million.Academic Citizenship & Administration and ManagementBo Christensen• Academic director of CBS StudiosAd de Jong• Presenting on frontline marketing and the challenges ahead at the DVIP workshop at Joe & The Juice.Henrik Johannsen Duus• Member of the board of CBS Wire...
