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  1. Danish Elite Research Initiative honours 2 researchers from Department of Business Humanities and Law, CBS

    Professor Poul Fritz Kjær, whose focus is on how legal and economic processes impact each other, is awarded the prize for being an outstanding researcher, while PhD student Charlotte Cator, who studies sustainable cities, receives a travel scholarship...
  2. Celebrating and Enhancing the Tourism Knowledge-based Platform: A Tribute to Jafar Jafari

    For decades, Jafar Jafari's entrepeneurial spirit, creative mindset and personal commitment have resulted in the renewal and development of tourism scholarship.  Examples of Professor Jafari's outstanding contribution are the founding of Annals of Tourism Research of which he was the Editor-in-Chief for 35 years and the International Academy for the Study of Tourism...
  3. Research Seminar with Professor Steve J. Armstrong

    Research suggests that neither possessing a management degree, nor the grades that students achieve seems to relate to career success.  Nor is there evidence that business school research is influential on management practice.  This calls into question the whole relevance of management scholarship in its present form. This seminar will consider the history and traditions of management education before exploring some of the current debates and perspectives...
