Mina - Chinese track

Meet Mina, a student from BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture - International Business in Asia

Why did I choose my programme?    
I knew that I wanted to study something with business or economics, as it was a subject I really enjoyed in high school, and I would learn skills that could be applied in many different contexts. In addition, I have a passion for learning languages and an interest in Asia. The combination of international business in an Asian context with learning Chinese that this programme offers was a perfect fit for me. Finally, I was attracted to studying in Copenhagen, as it is an amazing city in Scandinavia.

What do I like the best?    
As this is a rather niche programme, I love that I have been able to meet so many likeminded people. Hardworking people with a passion for business and Asia. The friends I have made here understand the demanding nature of this programme, and we are able to support one another. Besides the people, I really enjoy the fact that we have access to facilities and opportunities at the University of Copenhagen. This is due to our history and some of our language classes being held there. 

What do I think is difficult?    
As I had never learnt Chinese before this programme, it was a lot of work in the beginning to get familiar with a language that is very different from European ones. Different grammar, new sounds, tones, and memorising how to write Chinese characters. To keep up, you need to put in a lot of effort, which can be challenging, as you still have other courses that you have to work for.

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?    
I was highly aware of the fact that I would study business and a lot of Chinese. However, I was not prepared for how much work I would have to put in for Chinese history. It is a big component of the first year in this programme, and a rather challenging subject. Before starting this programme, you should be prepared to be challenged academically in many different ways. The skills needed to do well in Mandarin Chinese are very different from the ones in history or the business classes.

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?    
To keep developing as a person, I think it is important to continuously have new experiences. Therefore, after completing this programme, I would like to move somewhere different. Either to take a gap year and work, or to do a master’s right away. However, I still have a few years until then, and nothing is set in stone, so I might have changed my mind by the time I am there. 

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…    
I would tell myself to not worry about the fact that I do not know any Chinese. Before starting, I was worried about my lack of knowledge, and I wanted to start studying ahead of the course. Doing so would of course put me a little bit ahead and make it easier in the beginning. However, I am glad that I didn’t because the course is designed to be doable by people who have no prior knowledge of Chinese, and you progress very quickly in the first semester.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 07/05/2024