
Meet Ema, a student from BSc in International Business

Why did I choose my programme?
It has always been my dream to study abroad and I fell in love with Copenhagen and CBS in particular when I visited a couple of years ago. I chose the BSc IB since in high school I enjoyed and was quite good at Mathematics and I liked that there are several analytical subjects included in the curriculum. Furthermore, it was important to me that I kept my career options as open as possible and I feel like the BSc IB definitely enables you to do that and gives you a great peek into many various industries.

What do I like the best?
That definitely has to be the people. One of the best things about the BSc IB really is that you meet so many extremely intelligent, accomplished and diverse individuals that each come with their own unique set of inputs and experiences. Everybody is doing much more than just going to university, and that pushes you to do so as well.

What do I think is difficult?
As I have already mentioned, everyone at BSc IB is really smart and motivated, so it can sometimes be hard not to compare yourself with others too much. Looking at what your classmates are doing, you might start feeling the pressure to have perfect grades, a nice student job, be part of a student organisation, and have a striving social life. But nobody is really doing it all. However it may seem like that, and you have to keep reminding yourself that we are all on our own paths.

And also microeconomics. :)

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?
I would love to tell myself that even though the beginning can feel very overwhelming with adjusting your study strategies to the university style of teaching, meeting so many new people, looking for an apartment, student job, etc. it will all work out fine in the end. You will find your people, get used to the new environment, and hopefully find some kind of balance (however, I am also still looking for that one).

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?
I am not completely sure yet, however, I think I would like to continue my studies at CBS and pursue a Master’s in Applied Economics and Finance, since I have so far really enjoyed the analytical subjects we have had. Otherwise, I might take a gap year before that and take an internship.

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…
Be prepared to experiment with different study techniques. Studying at university is something completely different from studying at high school, and you will probably need to look for new ways to best prepare for your exams. Give your study group a chance, don’t push yourself to do things that don’t work for you, and don’t listen too much to what others are or are not doing. Every course you encounter will also be completely different, so you will probably need to switch things up from time to time along the way as well.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 09/13/2024