MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

You are qualified for (but not guaranteed) admission to the programme if you:

1. Fulfil the language requirement by the application deadline
2. Fulfil the academic requirements below
3. Have a bachelor degree or will have by study start

Please note: Fulfilment of the entry requirements does not guarantee admission.The programme has a limited number of places. If there are more qualified applicants than places available at a programme, there will be a selection process, according to the selection criteria which you can find below.

1. English language requirement

The programme requires English at Danish level A.

The English requirements are very strict, which means that only the qualifications listed on the English level A page are accepted as alternative fulfilment.

The English language requirement must be fulfilled by the application deadline.


The MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy (cand.merc.(fil.)) is the natural progression for HA(fil.) from CBS. Applicants with this bachelor degree fulfil the entry requirements (including the language requirement) for the MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy.

Applicants who do not have one of the above-mentioned bachelor degrees can also be qualified for the programme, if they have an equivalent academic background, which covers the academic areas listed below in full and as prescribed. Your educational background will be subject to an overall individual assessment in order to establish whether your bachelor's degree qualifies you for the programme and the following academic requirements are met: 

30 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology *
5 ECTS-points in Economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, economic theory)
25 ECTS-points in Business Administration (examples include: organisation, management, strategy, accounting, finance, marketing, innovation/entrepreneurship, economics (se economics definition above)

* It is extremely important that you provide course descriptions (including literature used in the course) for all courses that you think may cover the area 'Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology'. Depending on the exact course content, courses in qualitative methods, political science, non-clinical psychology, CSR, business ethics, and the like may also cover the requirement.

If you do not have enough ECTS-points to fulfil the entry requirement in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology through formal courses, you may write a “Background Assessment” where you explain how you believe you fulfil the entry requirement in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology through your educational background at bachelor level. The “Background Assessment” should be a maximum of two pages and must be supported by relevant documentation. Please note that the “Background Assessment” can be used as a 'top up' if you are missing a small amount of ECTS-points in relevant courses.

Please note that the “Background Assessment” is only used in connection to fulfilment of the entry requirement and not taken into consideration in the selection process (see below for information on the selection process).

How to find out if you fulfil the academic requirements

CBS Admissions cannot pre-assess your qualifications ahead of the application round.

We have already assessed a number of bachelor degrees, you will find them all in the list of advance assessments.

To find out if you qualify, you can do the following:

  1. Check the advance assessments: see below if we have already published an advance assessment for your bachelor degree.
  2. Self-assessment: if your bachelor degree is not listed in the advance assessments below, you can make your own self-assessment using the self-assessment form further down.

Advance Assessments

The following advance assessments are only valid for:

  • the 2024 admission round
  • applicants whose bachelor degree exactly matches the university, degree title and enrolment year listed

What is included in the advance assessment?
The advance assessments are based on the obligatory courses as listed in the programme regulations.

If you have obligatory courses that have been credit transferred from elsewhere, we will not use the advance assessment and will instead assess your courses using the available documentation.

If you have electives, we will assess these in addition to the obligatory courses.

The advance assessments are grouped into 3 different categories:

  • Qualifying bachelor degrees: Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements.
  • Potentially qualifying bachelor degrees: Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.
    Read more about how to qualify on Are you qualified?
  • Non-qualifying bachelor degrees: Your obligatory courses do not fulfil the academic entry requirements and it is unlikely that elective courses and/or taking supplementary qualifying courses will help you to fulfil the requirements in full.

Your bachelor degree may be listed in different categories for different enrolment years.

Please note: Fulfilment of the entry requirements does not guarantee admission.


CBS bachelor degree

Qualifying Bachelor Degrees

Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements

Bachelor degree Language requirement ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled
BSc in Business Administration & Sociology Is fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.
BSc in Business, Language & Culture Is fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.
BSc in International Business in Asia (IBA) Is fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.
HA (kom.) To be fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.
HA (psyk.) To be fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.

Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)

Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.

You can use the self-assessment form (further down the page) to give an overview of any courses you believe fulfil the missing academic entry requirements from the advance assessment.

Bachelor degree Language requirement ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled
HA Almen To be fulfilled   Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • 22.5 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

HA i projektledelse To be fulfilled  Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • 22.5 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

HD 2.del
You do not have a bachelor degree, so you will be assessed as a dispensee
To be fulfilled Applicants enrolled in a HD 2. del must fulfil the following for admission in 2024:
  • min. grade 7 in "HD 2. del" thesis
  • min. 4.5 GPA at "HD 2. del"
  • 30 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology

NB: courses done at "HD 2. del" will be taken into consideration in relation to the above requirement.


Other Danish bachelor degrees

Qualifying Bachelor Degrees

Your obligatory courses fulfil the academic requirements

Bachelor degree Language requirement ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled
RUC bachelor with both "Filosofi og videnskabsteori" and "Virksomhedsstudier" To be fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.
"Erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg i filosofi" (AU) To be fulfilled All academic requirements are fulfilled for admission in 2024.

Potentially Qualifying Bachelor Degrees (Can Supplement to Qualify)

Your obligatory courses do not fully cover the academic requirements. You will therefore need to either choose relevant electives or take supplementary qualifying courses to fulfil the requirements.

You can use the self-assessment form (further down the page) to give an overview of any courses you believe fulfil the missing academic entry requirements from the advance assessment.

Bachelor degree Language requirement ACADEMIC requirements to be fulfilled
Bachelor of Arts (BA) with "hovedfag" or "sidefag" or "tilvalg" in philosophy (regardless of institution) To be fulfilled Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • min. 5 ECTS-points in Economics (e.g. economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and the like)
  • min. 22.5 ECTS-points in Business Administration

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

RUC Humanistisk bacheloruddannelse with "Filosofi og videnskabsteori" To be fulfilled Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • 5 ECTS-points in Economics (e.g. economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and the like)
  • 22.5 ECTS-points in Business Administration

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

RUC Samfundsvidenskabelig bacheloruddannelse with "Filosofi og videnskabsteori" To be fulfilled Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • 22.5 ECTS-points in Business Administration

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

RUC Humanistisk bachelor with "Virksomhedsstudier" To be fulfilled Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • 25 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

RUC Samfundsvidenskabelig bachelor with "Virksomhedsstudier" To be fulfilled Applicants enrolled in this programme do not fulfil the academic requirements listed below for admission in 2024:
  • 25 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology

All obligatory courses have been taken into consideration. The academic requirements must be covered with academic and research-based courses done at bachelor level.

HD 2. del (regardless of institution)
You do not have a bachelor degree, so you will be assessed as a dispensee
To be fulfilled Applicants with a HD 2.del must fulfil the following for admission in 2024:
  • min. grade 7 in "HD 2. del" thesis
  • min. 4.5 GPA at "HD 2. del"
  • 30 ECTS-points in Philosophy and/or Social Theory and/or Sociology

NB: courses done at "HD 2. del" will be taken into consideration in relation to the above requirement.



If your bachelor degree is not listed above, you can make your own self-assessment using the self-assessment form.

The form can give you an overview of your undergraduate courses from both your bachelor degree and any supplementary courses you may have finished outside of your bachelor degree. It is a tool for you to match your courses with the academic requirements for the programme.

You can include courses you have already passed, courses you are currently taking, and courses you plan to take in the summer.

You can also use the self-assessment form to show how you fulfil the missing entry requirements, if your bachelor degree has an advance assessment showing that it does not fulfil all the academic entry requirements. If this is the case, you only need to fill out the form showing which courses outside of your mandatory courses make up the shortfall (for example, electives, exchange or supplementary courses).

Make sure to download the form and save it on your computer.

File Self-assessment form


The programme has a limited number of places. If there are more qualified applicants than places, an overall assessment of the applicant’s educational background will take place, with focus on relevant courses and grades.

Connection to the Danish labour market

Your connection to the Danish labour market will be taken into consideration as part of the selection process. In your application, you will be asked to write a paragraph of no more than 500 characters (including spaces), describing your current circumstances and reflecting on your future career opportunities in Denmark.



In our statistics on admission you can find information about the number of applicants for the programme in previous admission rounds as well as the number of places.

See our statistics on admission