Application and deadlines

Before you apply, please make sure that you know which student category you belong to since the admission requirements for each category vary considerably. See the student categories and the details of the application process below

Student categories

There are different ways to apply and different admission requirements depending on which student category you belong to.

Find out which category you belong to and what applies to you here:

Find your student category

CBS elective student - see
You are a student at CBS and want to take electives at CBS Summer University as a part of your bachelor or master's programme.

CBS mandatory students - see

You are a student at CBS and want to take mandatory at CBS Summer University as a part of your bachelor or master's programme.

Exchange student:
You are a nominated exchange student from one of CBS' partner universities and want to take courses as a part of your bachelor or master's programme.
AURORA student:
You are a nominated Aurora student from one of CBS' Aurora-partner universities and want to take courses as a part of your bachelor or master's programme.

Credit transfer student
You are a full-time student at another Danish educational institution and want to take courses as a so-called guest student or credit transfer student at CBS Summer University,

Non-European student / Freemover

You are a citizen in a non-European contry, and want to take courses out of interest to acquire new skills; to improve your competences within a specific area. Or you are a full-time student at another educational institution outside EU/EØS and Swiss and want to take courses as a part of your bachelor or master's programme.

Single course student
You want to take courses out of interest to acquire new skills; to improve your competences within a specific area as a so-called open university student. Or you need ECTS in order to fulfill entry requirements for master programmes.


Application period 2025

28 January 2025 at 12:00 CET - 3 April 2025 at 23:59 CEST. Link to the MoveOn application portal will be available under each student category.

Please note: other deadlines apply for CBS Students taking electives. Please go to

The course registration is not on a first come, first served basis. However, if you want to make sure that your selected courses are not cancelled due to a low number of applicants, we recommend that you apply early in the application round.

Student at CBS?

If you are a student in a bachelor or graduate programme at CBS and want to take electives or a mandatory course at Summer University as a part of your study programme, please note that the information about application here does not apply to you.

You can find the information that applies to you on Registration for Summer University on

How to apply

You apply for CBS Summer University via the application flow - MoveOn

  1. Find out which student category you belong to - see above
  2. Make sure that you have read all the requirements for your student category before you apply
  3. Find one or more courses you want to take on Course offer
  4. Prepare your application and documentation
  5. Apply via MoveOn

Guide to the application flow  - MoveOn

Here you can find a guide to the application flow MoveOn that takes you through the process step-by-step:

Guide to the application flow MoveOn

How do we assign courses?

If there are more applicants than places, courses are assigned in random order according to the applicants course priorities.

There is no waiting list for full courses. Even if someone withdraws from the course, it will not necessarily open a place, as we overbook all courses a little to make sure, we do not have empty places once the classes start.

Switching courses

After the application round is over, there will be very limited possibilities to change courses. We will overbook all courses in relation to the number of places in each course. So even if someone else withdraws, this will not necessarily leave a place to be filled.

Course changes and cancellations

The summer course offer is subject to student interest and enrolment. Due to unforeseen circumstances there might be changes to the course offer which can happen up until the beginning of the programme. Changes will be communicated without delay.

Course withdrawal

If you want to withdraw from a course, you need to do so before the withdrawal deadline. When and how you withdraw, depends on your student category:  

Student category Deadline How to withdraw
CBS Students Please see Withdrawal from Summer University on
Exchange student 12 June 2025 Contact your coordinator at your own university who will then contact CBS.
AURORA students 12 June 2025 Contact your coordinator at your own university who will then contact CBS.
Credit transfer student 12 June 2025

Send an email to


Non-European Freemovers 15 May 2025

Send an email to

Your tuition fee will be refunded

Single course students 12 June 2025

Send an email to


Please note: Your payment is non-refundable.

List of important dates 2025

In the academic calendar, you can find all important dates and deadlines for CBS Summer University.

Academic calendar 2025


Mid December 2024 Summer courses available under Course offer
20 February 2025 Deadline for partner nominations for CBS Summer University 2024
28 January - 3 April 2025

Application round for all student categories, except CBS Elective Students. Find information and link to the online application system under Application and deadlines

End April/start May 2025 Information about which course(s) you have been enrolled in is sent by email.
End May 2025 Deadline for students to receive an email with their CBS usernames and passwords and to have access to CBS Canvas (e-learning platform).
1 June 2025 Preliminary assignment is available to students on CBS Canvas.
6 weeks before the ordinary exam

Deadline for applying for exemption for extended time at the exam and other exam issues

23 June 2025 Introduction sessions for international students. Read more on For international students
23/24 June 2025 Classes begin.

24 June - 14 July 2025

Home assignment written in parallel with the course for 3-week courses (ordinary exam).
11 July 2025 4-hour sit-in exams for 3-week courses (ordinary exam).
23/24 June - 1 August 2025 Home assignment written in parallel with the course for 6-week courses (ordinary exam).
28 July - 1 August 2025 4-hour sit-in exams for 6-week courses (ordinary exam).
4 weeks after the ordinary exam Students can log-on to Online Student Service to see grades.
4 weeks before the first retake examination Deadline for sending application for dispensation for extended time at the exam and other exam issues to Exams
3 weeks before the first retake Last chance for students to withdraw from the re-take.
29 September - 3 October 2025 Re-take 4-hour sit-in on campus - can be changed to online oral exam, see information on the course descriptions.
6 - 9 October 2025 Re-take 72-hour home assignments (if the ordinary exam was a home assignment) - can be changed to online oral exam, see information on the course descriptions.
End September/start October 2025 Transcripts for ordinary exams are issued and sent from CBS.
4 weeks after the retake exam Students can log-on to Online Student Service to see grades.
End November/start December 2025 Transcripts for retake will be issued and sent from CBS.


The page was last edited by: CBS Summer University // 10/03/2024