
President Zelenskyy as strategic communicator and leader

Anne-Marie Søderberg is Professor emerita of Intercultural Communication and Cross-cultural Management at Copenhagen Business School. Her research focus is on cultures, identity constructions, communication and learning processes. She shares her insights and observations about the leadership qualities of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The War in Ukraine: Leadership and social responsibility in times of crisis

Associate Professor Julie Uldam from Department of Management, Society and Communication shares her insights on the dilemmas facing global corporate leaders. With two immediate crises, the climate crisis, and the humanitarian crisis in the wake of the war in Ukraine, what are the potential consequences for companies having to make tough decisions to balance stakeholder interests with citizens’ expectations.

The War in Ukraine: Western Sanctions and Global Finance

Typically, South Africa is put forward as the one success story of how sanctions were crucial to the defeat of apartheid. Yet according to Professor with Special Responsibilities Eleni Tsingou from the Department of Organization we should be pragmatic when we discuss sanctions and what they can achieve.

The war in Ukraine: Hidden wealth and tax havens

Offshore wealth is a prevalent, global phenomenon, estimated to be in the magnitude of 10% of global GDP. Russian elites are not alone in hiding wealth, though their offshore wealth does have particular features – in scale and nature. For one, Russian elites hide significantly larger proportions of their wealth offshore than other large Western states.

The War in Ukraine: Find an expert

Russia has invaded Ukraine. With this list, you can find experts from CBS who can inform and contribute to the debate on aspects such as SWIFT, the effect on global trade, exchange rates and investments, travel patterns, the risk of recession, and much more.

Diversity in companies: Involvement in Pride pays off

Increasingly, employees expect their employers to focus on diversity and inclusion. And even though it may no longer be enough for companies to raise a rainbow-flag, it can be a good place to start, according to Jannick Friis Christensen, who conducts research on companies’ engagement in the LGBTQIA+ movement.

New research: Hitting net-zero without stopping flying

One of the largest producers of carbon emissions is air travel, yet many view flying as a necessary enabler of tourism and international business. One promising way for consumers to take responsibility for their carbon emissions are voluntary carbon offsets (VCOs), which offer air travellers the opportunity to make a small donation to neutralise their carbon footprint. Yet there are conflicting recommendations as to how to encourage consumers to opt into these green initiatives.
