Graduation Ceremony of Business Administration and Information Systems at CBS

The Department of IT Management is proud to announce that the first graduate ceremony for the Business Administration and Information Systems study program, Cand.Merc.IT, will be held at Copenhagen Business School, Friday 26 June.

Friday, June 26, 2015 - 14:00 to 16:00

The ceremony is a celebration of the graduates. Students who graduated Fall 2014 and first half of 2015, are invited to celebrate their completed master´s degree. Thus, we also hope to see all students that plan to finish their thesis is June. This includes the e-business students.

- 2 PM Welcome by Study Program Director, Professor Kim Normann Andersen
- 2.15 PM Speech by Kasper Rønne Adelhøj, Alumni-foreningen
- 2.30 PM Emilie Balslev Jørgensen, Member of the Quality Board for Cand.Merc IT
- 2.50 PM Karsten Fogh Ho-Lanng, Corporate Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, NNIT
- 3.15 PM Distribution of congratulations letter and photo option
- 3.45 PM Distribution of Award for Best Master Thesis, by Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen
- 4 PM Reception

- Nicolaj Mosegaard Bohn and Nicolai Danefred Frisch Frederiksen: Information Foraging - In a Decision Making Environment of Uncertainty
- Alexander Strøm: Improving Carlsberg´s IT Integration Capability to Increase Realization of Business Benefits from Future Scale Acquisitions
- Jakob Dahl Højsgaard and Mark Harfmann Raun: Work Smarter - A Case Study of an Enterprise 2.0 Implementation in Glunz & Jensen A/S

Each graduate is welcome to bring family and friends to the graduation ceremony. Each person can bring no more than four people to the ceremony.

If you plan to attend, please notify Christina Broman at no later than June 15.

We look forward to see you at the graduation ceremony!

The page was last edited by: Communications // 12/17/2017