Guest lecture: Measure the effect of communication, not the volume

Copenhagen Business School invites you to attend a Measurement Month guest lecture with two experts in communication measurement who will illustrate how to measure the actual effect of your communication.

Thursday, September 22, 2016 - 15:30 to 17:00

Communication can change how large audiences perceive issues, what their position may be on certain topics and even their behaviour. Nevertheless, measurement of communication is often reduced to simplistic exercises such as collecting press clippings or calculating a social media engagement score.

These ‘vanity metrics’ rarely provide any clear indication of whether and how the communications department actually contributed to reaching the business goals of the organisation. Any communications team measuring these output metrics rather than focusing on audience outtake and outcome runs the risk of becoming irrelevant and marginalised in the organisation – when the team could be contributing to important strategic decisions.

Each year in September, members of the international Association of the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication – AMEC – launch a global education initiative known as Measurement Month, which is a series of free webinars, seminars, breakfast meetings and training sessions for the purpose of spreading awareness of communication measurement best practices.

Copenhagen Business School invites you to attend a Measurement Month guest lecture with two experts in communication measurement: senior advisor Lasse Skjoldan from Infomedia and strategy advisor Jesper Andersen from Quantum Public Relations.

Together, they will illustrate how to measure the actual effect of your communication rather than just quantifying your productivity as stacks of press clippings and diagrams of likes, shares and retweets.

Read more about Measurement Month

Time: Thursday, 22 September 15:30-17:00
Place: Graduate House, lecture room 212, H.V. Nyholms Vej 22

This is a public event, open to CBS students, employees and everyone else with an interest in the topic. It is organized by Cand.Merc. Brand and Communications Management in collaboration with AMEC.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 06/13/2018